Saturday, August 31, 2019
Augustine’s Confession Today Essay
In my opinion I feel as if Augustine’s Confessions is still very much relevant and timeless in today’s world in the aspect of religion and spirituality, morality, and love. In Confessions Augustine undergoes a transition from his original view on religion to a different view. He begins to be cautious of sin in his life and in the lives of those around him. Most of all, Confessions helps in understanding the Journey of man in his search for a more spiritual connection, the struggles they may be faced with, and he right path to be chosen, which is a struggle that many can relate to today. When looking at this in Confessions you see in Book VIII, Augustine tells us of his transition to Christianity. He describes how he was able to overcome his struggle with his internal battles and become a follower of Christ. Augustine describes his struggle as having â€Å"two wills, one carnal, one spiritual, were in conflict with one and other†. Augustine’s is having an internal battle between his pleasure seeking side and his spiritual side. The quote â€Å"This was the controversy raging in my heart, a controversy about myself, against myself†is where Augustine recognizes this internal conflict between his good and bad side. This is when he embraces Christianity. This statement is relevant today in many ways. The statement does not Just apply to religion. In life in general, there will always be internal battles that you will have to face. Whatever it may be, you will have to decide what the right path to take it is and this will be what defines you as a person. During Augustine’s Journey you notice in ook VI of Confessions that Augustine is struggling with his feelings on sex, women, and love. He begins his spiritual Journey and has to change his perspective from being a young man that has an overwhelming desire for sex and women to a lifestyle that is in compliance with the church. This means that he can only have sexual relations within the confines of marriage. Augustine comments on his struggle with this as he describes himself as a â€Å"slave for lust†. After he sends his mistress away he says: â€Å"And so, since I was not a lover of wedlock so much as a slave of lust, I procured nother mistress–not a wife, of course. Thus in bondage to a lasting habit, the disease of my soul might be nursed up and kept in its vigor or even increased until it reached the realm of matrimony. Nor indeed was the wound healed that had been caused by cutting away my former mistress; only it ceased to burn and throb, and began to fester, and was more dangerous because it was less painful. †Augustine uses words such as â€Å"wound†, â€Å"bondage†, and â€Å"disease of my soul†suggesting that Augustine sees this as a bad habit that needs to be fixed. In book VI you can see that is thoughts on women and love are pushing towards the church’s thoughts on it. Yet, his body is still struggling with this his lustful desires. After reading Confessions you can see what the Augustine goes through in order to achieve his goals of spirituality. As well as through his first-person narratives you gain an understanding as to what may lead to conversion and the path towards spirituality. Through reason and the strength to overcome the struggles with internal battles, such as morality and lust, the Journey can be completed. Augustine’s Confession Today By savannahr87
Friday, August 30, 2019
Global warming and immigration Essay
Climate change is the long term alteration of global weather patterns particularly temperature and storm activity which occur as a result of the greenhouse effect. With scholars predicting deterioration in global environmental conditions in the 21st century, we must focus our attention on the implications this situation will have particularly to human population and settlement. The resulting displacement has led to a rise in â€Å"environmental refugees†as more communities leave their homes in search of alternative sources of livelihood. (Ketel, 2004, p. 2) Immigration due to Global warming A study by the United Nations reveals that human migration caused by global warming is expected to surpass all previous displacements. The effects of flooding, desertification and environmental pollution are partly or wholly credited to global warming (Ketel, 2004, p. 15). In countries such as Zimbabwe and Bangladesh which experience perennial flooding, community based and non-governmental organizations are collaborating with the local communities to raise awareness on disaster preparedness and disaster management practices. The Zimbabwe Case study Most of north and eastern Zimbabwe has been demarcated as flood prone areas, particularly the districts of Mzarabani and Guruve located within the low lying Zambezi basin. Initially, these areas were sparsely populated due to adverse environmental conditions that rendered them uninhabitable. However after realizing that the area had a high economic potential, the government opened it up for agricultural exploitation and settlement a condition that has exposed its inhabitants to floods and mudslides. Successful undertakings Since 2008, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has participated in relief efforts to provide assistance to families in these areas such as providing blankets, tarpaulins, mosquito nets and water purifying tablets as well as coordinating information on the number of displaced people and where they have been resettled. Community based projects have been initiated aimed at empowering the local community with the skills to withstand flooding thereby mitigating its effects. Structural measures were aimed at constructing dams and channels to control run-off during the rainy season while non-structural measures focused on resettlement, forecasting and setting aside areas to settle the displaced. (Madamombe, 2005, p. 18) In early 2007, such efforts bore fruit as hundreds of families were safely evacuated into Arda Estates of Mzarabani District following devastating floods that swept away over 600 homesteads in Chadereka Village. The displaced families were then allocated small plots within the Estates for subsistence farming while the remainder had to rely on handouts from NGOs such as Catholic Development Commission (CADEC) and IOM. Assistance required in undertaking program These projects required some level of assistance in the form of multi-sectoral meetings on flood management, funding, campaigns and governmental legislation on disaster management. The Zimbabwe government introduced the Civil Protection Act, the Water Act (1998) and the Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management Act each aimed at addressing an action plan of action for disaster management/mitigation. Zimbabwe is also a member of the Zambezi Action Program (ZACPRO), an initiative which aims to integrate all countries lying within the Zambezi basin to utilize it as a shared resource. However, each country follows its own policy on managing its portion of the Zambezi basin. (Madamombe, 2004, p. 3) Shortcomings The Zimbabwe government faced a variety of hurdles in its resettlement efforts; inadequate funding, disease, resistance from local families and logistical barriers. The government’s expenditure on disaster management is quite minimal and hence in a major catastrophe, private sector and international community would have to be approached for assistance. (Madamombe, 2005, p. 20) Since resettlement is a recurrent process, most displaced families returned to their homes preferring to risk another flood than surrender their dignity and independence by living in resettlement camps. Conflicts due to poor vetting of displaced persons led to undeserving cases receiving handouts while the genuine cases remained in despair and uncertainty. Greater effort is therefore required in undertaking civic education to curtail the humanitarian situation from spiraling out of control. References Ketel, H. (2004). Global Warming and Human Migration: Climate Change, Human Systems and Policy. Oxford, UK: Eolss Publishers. Madamombe, E. (2004) Zimbabwe: Flood Management Practices – Selected Flood prone areas Zambezi Basin. Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization/Global Water Partnership. Madamombe, E. (2005). Associated Programme on Flood Management: Overview Situation Paper on Flood Management Practices. Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization/Global Water Partnership.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Iron Man: The Real Hero
In today’s society, the concern of people and laws are not about doing good but rather having the appearance of good. People no longer care about what they need to stand for, only that they look like they aren’t sitting down. In fact, men today are treated as outcasts when sticking up for a good thing when it doesn’t have a pleasant appearance. Men such as Thomas Jefferson, Leonidas, Joshua and Jesus, men that represent something greater than what meets the eye, are scarce among us and used to be held in the upmost respect in history. Today, one man personifies the idea of doing good without needing the appearance of good. This icon is Iron Man, as a hero, and as an image of the greater good. Some would accuse Iron Man of wrong-doing in the area of justice and morality, but there is more than what meets the eye under that metal mask. Iron Man was created in 1963, as an icon of American technology and business against Communism in the Cold War. After the Cold War the focus shifted to more contemporary concerns such as terrorism and corporate crime, as seen in the modern movies. In 2008, when the first movie was released, Iron Man was portrayed as a rich young playboy who had no care for anybody except himself. Yet in the movie he undergoes a character change and when he becomes Iron Man, he changes his focus off of himself and onto others. He portrays this by disbanding his company’s weapons program when he finds they are double dealing to other countries other than America. From his birth Iron Man was meant as a symbol of idealism, something of a noble cause. So what is the big deal about some superhero being overlooked as an example of virtue? The big problem is that men are not expected to be what they should be, and their real morality is undermined by the need for an appearance. Because of this false ideology, men like Iron Man are falsely accused for wronging civilization. In reality, Iron Man ought to be held in the upmost respect as a person, and should not be criticized for his outward appearance, but judged based on the goodness of his acts as Iron Man toward humanity. Throughout his history, Iron Man has displayed countless acts of heroism. He has saved countless lives by means of risking his life for others, receiving nothing in return but gratitude. This is best shown by when he first builds the suit, not knowing what the outcome of it will be, but risking his life anyway to save his friend and himself from captivity. After that he flies into countries that are not even his own to save a people who are being oppressed by terrorists and who he has no affiliation with. Therefore, when people attack Iron Man for doing wrong by breaking laws, it is invalid because of the equity Iron Man displays through his acts of vigilanteism. Take into account when he flew over restricted airspace to go save the lives of innocent people who were in mortal danger. Was he supposed to let them die because he could break the law of flying over a restricted zone? Of course not, as the Bible does say that we ought to love our neighbor as ourself, and that we ought also to love our enemy, as Iron Man does in saving a people that are not even his own. Therefore, even when Iron Man is putting himself in these type of situations, he cannot be said to have done wrong, for doing nothing for the people would have been more wrong than him leaving them to die. Yet even with this outstanding display of selflessness, some would still insist that Iron Man still committed acts of wrong-doing, no matter the number of good and noble actions he did. They would assert that Iron Man consistently breaks the law by removing himself from the justice system and taking matters into his own hands. Even though their concern is valid and understandable, it is not relevant according to the definition of wrong-doing. According to Aristotle wrong-doing is â€Å"injury voluntarily inflicted contrary to law. Iron Man’s actions are contrary to some written law, but they uphold unwritten law. His actions do not cause cause voluntary injury, and uphold principles that no written law can overrule, that of defending fellow man, and standing up for what is right. Also, some would accuse Iron Man’s character, as he is a playboy who loves to drink and party. However, this is not relevant to the argument of wrongdoing, and therefore does not effect this topic of discussion. Therefore, because Iron Man has not done any wrong in his actions of extreme patriotism and display of what is really good, the accusations that are placed on his head as a wrong-doer are invalid. The fact that his minor actions contrary to law are outdone by the equity he displays also proves his innocence against such heinous accusations. Iron Man will continue throughout the ages as an icon of justice and virtue, and will fulfill his role as a real hero; one who displays a selfless yet unwavering strive for something better.
The Secret Powers of Food Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Secret Powers of Food - Assignment Example If we delve into the root of the issue, we will find out that food plays a huge role in people’s lives and its impacts on their outlooks and beliefs are impressing. To justify this, I have conveyed an interview. My interviewee is Mr. Wilson, the father of my neighbor, he is 47 years old. The man was glad to share his life experience and food story with me. I have come up with some interesting ideas, based on the information given by my interviewee and the book Toast: The Story of a Boy’s Hunger by Nigel Slater. As a result, I strongly believe that food helps people to socialize, to show one’s affection, it evokes memories, shapes one’s lifestyle and attitude to culture. To begin with, food has become an integral part of social life. It may sound like nonsense, but food plays an enormous role in socialization between people. If we think about any occasion which implies gathering of people, we probably will not come up with any example that would not include food. Every celebration, holiday, date and even some official meetings always include some sort of ingestion – lunch, dinner or a pair of cocktails. Possible reasons for it may be that by means of food people interact nonverbally. It brings interlocutors together and helps them to relax and communicate freely. With the help of food a positive atmosphere is created which provides a beneficial outcome of any meeting. Furthermore, we may claim that food is a way of showing one’s love and care. It is through food that every mother shows her children how much she cares about them. I’ve interviewed my neighbor’s father, Mr. Wilson, and he told me what food meant to him and to his family. When he was a child, Mr. Wilson used to live in a city, but his weekends and summer holidays he spent at his granny’s, in the suburbs. There was a little farm there with plenty of fruit and vegetables and some domestic animals, such as chickens, geese and a few pigs. His grandmother always tried to show her affection to her beloved grandchild by means of food.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Starbucks Coffee Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Starbucks Coffee Company - Essay Example Starbucks Coffee Company A business plan is important for people wanting to start a business, improve, or expand an existing business. A good business plan should be realistic and enable achievement of the set goals. A business plan should depict the short term and long-term goals and how they can be achieved. Starbucks Coffee Company is a leading coffee retailer that deals with roasting and retailing of coffee beans, selling brewed coffee, coffee related equipment’s, Italian-style espresso beverages, other cold beverages and some food items. The company was opened in 1971 as a small coffee shop at Seattle. The company was opened in 1971 as a small coffee shop at Seattle. The company has over 14, 000 outlets across the globe. The main goal of Starbucks is to provide the finest coffee globally in addition to a pleasant environment where the customers can enjoy the coffee. This essay will explore Starbucks coffee retailer company to come up with a plan on how Starbucks can improve on its operations. Sta rted in 1971, Starbucks was initially owned by Gordon Bowker, Ziev Siegel, and Gerald Baldwin. As aforementioned, the first coffee shop was located in Seattle. In the 1980, Starbucks opened up other coffee shops in various regions but within the United States. In 1996, Starbucks started its expansion outside United States when it opened a coffee shop in Japan. This was followed by opening up of numerous coffee shops within and outside United States.... Like will be demonstrated in this paper, the quality of services is crucial and affects the sale of products in retail business. Although Starbucks remains one of the leading coffee retailers, it still has opportunities to improve on its products and services to maximize its sales, which will be discussed in this essay. There are certain issues and challenges facing Starbucks and will be addressed. Industry Analysis The coffee retailing industry is highly competitive. Starbucks competitors include McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts. Competition is mainly driven by the ease of opening retail business, which has led to flocking of retailers into the business. In the past, Starbucks has mainly focused on expansion of its outlets across the globe. However, the vast number of retails shops has resulted in management difficulties. Therefore, Starbucks plans should include improving the management of existing retail shops with reduced expansion. To understand the nature of coffee retail industry a nd the performance of Starbucks, the threats and opportunities of Starbucks were assessed (Khattab, Aziz and Naguib 1-5). Opportunities The coffee retail industry is expected to continue experiencing competition. Therefore, there if need for Starbucks management to identify the different opportunities. This will enable the company remain a successful competitor ( Web). Since Starbucks has gained wide popularity across the globe, it should focus on further expansion to regions such as Asia where coffee beverages gaining wider acceptance. However, improved management should accompany the expansion. Therefore, Starbucks should consider increasing the management team. This could be through categorizing its stores into
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Services Marketing Management - Comparison of two service Essay
Services Marketing Management - Comparison of two service sectors(broad explanation in the assignment criteria section) - Essay Example Traditionally, many service industries both business and non business sectors would not be market oriented, in fact, there are several reasons behind it. Marketing business and non business services include some basic elements as marketing goods. And they should focus on good services by defining their segments and target markets. The four main characteristics can differentiate services marketing from goods i.e. intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity and perishability. These factors should be followed in an effective manner to make service marketing strategy more good and successful. Wolver Hampton Bus Station is owned and operated by the West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive. Under the authority of West Midlands Passenger Transport, they promote and develop public transport across West Midlands. (Transport and travel Research, 2005).This public transport service came into force on 1st October 2002. They work for the benefit and ease for the public in Wolver Hampton and all across West Midlands. They take responsibility to provide effective public transports to its customers. They also promise to provide good and effective service especially for blind and disabled people to make their travel easy and free of hurdles. Because wheelchairs and mobility scooters are increasing in UK, so, they also want to minimize that by providing the people with best and useful way of traveling. Service marketing is basically a concept of providing best services to its users and its customers. This company lacks in this area. They started the bus services but they didn’t provide any satisfactory services to its passengers. Customers are the king because they make the company successful. There were several other issues and problems in Wolver Hampton bus service which really dissatisfied its passengers. In short, this bus service failed to provide good services to their
Monday, August 26, 2019
Case Discussion Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Case Discussion Question - Essay Example Providing state of the art technology at a competitive price and with a high value support system, Altera was able to steadily increase its revenues to staggering $1.4 billion by the first quarter of year 2000. Thereafter, the world scenario, regarding the technology boom, took a downward plunge that threw the whole technology industry into a spin. The year 2000 onwards, saw an unexpected decline in the demand for the hi-tech goods that completely wiped out the small players and left the big manufacturing companies with huge inventory that had far too few customers. ‘Chipmakers and PC companies suddenly found themselves with a glut of inventory and capacity. Networking and telecom equipment makers were particularly hard hit; Cisco, more irrationally exuberant than most, was forced to write off a staggering $2.25 billion worth of gear’ (Teach, 2001). Others also followed suit with huge quantity of unsalable inventory. Altera Corporation too faced the repercussion of the time and had to declare goods worth $115 million as unsalable. One can gauge the extent of loss when Nathan Sarkisian, senior vice president of the company said ‘I’ve been in the chip industry for 20 years and I have never seen anything like this’ (article). The reason for this trend may be attributed to a wide variety of causes but the main being that with the large number of electronics manufacturers and suppliers, it became difficult for the customers and distributors to identify ‘who owns which surplus parts’. While at the same time, the grey markets in the networking equipments in the new emerging economies took a new dimension that threatened the whole industries. At this very time, the PC companies became broiled in an unhealthy cut throat competition of waging price wars. The deteriorating market conditions demanded some hard hitting formulae to restrict the decline while at the same time, create effective strategy to counter the menace of such
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Killing of Jordanian Pilot Moaz Kasasbeh Essay
The Killing of Jordanian Pilot Moaz Kasasbeh - Essay Example In his article in the Los Angeles Times, Miller provides an objective headline that stamps his views over the issue. â€Å"Will Islamic State pay for killing a Jordanian pilot?†is an objective headline that illustrates the writers opinion for revenge or stern action in response to the inhumane act (Miller). On the other hand, Woodward depicts an outright thought and approach to solving the challenge. The headline â€Å"Patience is better than revenge†describes the writer’s view that there exists a peaceful approach to dealing with the situation (Woodward 1). Woodward draws his sentiments from the report by Mitchell Prothero about the killing. He then explains the chronological events as they happened after the assassination. In addition, he gives his perspectives about Jordan’s rejoinder of prisoner’s execution and concludes that it is not an appropriate move. To justify his facts that revenge is not right, Woodward compares the prevailing situation to the Quran teachings of peace and love. Conversely, Miller relates the potential outcomes of the ISIS acts to past events. Notably, he points out the Arab Spring and events triggered World War I. Both insights show that the writers are well equipped with historical facts and data about conflicts. Nonetheless, they provide alternative approaches to handling the situation. Woodward message to the readers comprises of importance of peace and collaboration to solving world problems. He also stamps his peaceful approach to solving conflicts by teaching his readers the spiritual aspect of conflict resolution. On the other hand, Miller to an extent wants the readers to pressurize the state to seek revenge. He gives an analysis of the on-going operations and points out areas of faults. In doing this, he is informing the readers about the seriousness or lack of focus on the side of the federal government and other concerned states. For example, he explains
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Development and Globalization in Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Development and Globalization in Africa - Essay Example Dams and water reservoirs have the ability to divert the natural course of rivers, a process that affects the economic and social position of other countries served by the same water body. The development of dams also changes the original riparian users of such natural resources to new beneficiaries, a situation that can create national animosity and understanding. Based on this argument, the construction of dams is affected by the need to bring together the conflicting interests of different nations affected by the same decision. Nations must find the best ways to share the available resources equitably and in a sustainable manner with the aim of meeting the needs of the environment and the economy as a whole2. The development of most African countries has been centered on the need to empower the agricultural sector and reduce the cost of energy generation and electricity use. This goal has been achieved fully or in part in most African countries such as Egypt and Ghana through the construction of dams and water reservoirs. The commission reports on dams highlight the significant position that dams play in the progressive development of an economy. First, dams remain significant and influential in the development and economic empowerment of human beings. Countries such as Egypt have derived massive benefits from dams constructed on controversial water bodies such as river Nile3. Secondly, most countries and people have been forced to pay significant amount of money to safeguard the benefits accrued from the construction of such dams in different parts of the continent. In most instances, the cost that has been incurred to secure the construction of such sites goes beyond the financial value it has on the economy and the people. Some communities living downstream and using the water bodies for various purposes have been forced into
Friday, August 23, 2019
Ecological Footprint Reflection (Environmental Sustainability) Term Paper
Ecological Footprint Reflection (Environmental Sustainability) - Term Paper Example In practical approach one’s own personal life style (related to food, mobility or waste) is selected and its ecological footprint is analyzed for four weeks and then reduction strategies (intervention) were employed for that particular life style for the next four weeks. Then a comparison was brought in to see how the reduction strategies affected one’s Ecological foot print. The aim of this project was to analyze baseline food consumption based on calories and the reduction strategy was employed to reduce the calorie intake and to have a healthy diet. The 9th week, which was the first week of intervention failed miserably as that week alone had a large consumption; 1450 ml of alcoholic beverages, 1000ml of ice cream, 1.10 kg of fried chicken, 5 eggs and 4.48 kg of rice put together sums up a large intake of calorie, this high intake was associated to socializing with friends. The following weeks of intervention was more successful as both alcohol and ice cream consumption fell to 500ml each in the 2nd week to nil in the next two weeks for both. Alcohol has a high calorie content of 7 calories per gram and so reduction in alcoholic beverages can have good effect on the ecological footprint. This intervention any way had an effect on the overall alcohol consumption; 2250 ml in baseline tracking (4 weeks) compared to only 1825 ml on application of reduction strategy (4 weeks). At the same time ice-cream consumption was same for both the base line and intervention period. In the meat section the four week reduction strategy helped to reduce consumption of beef from 2.75 kg of initial four weeks (baseline) to 0.80kg and at the same time consumption of pork was reduced from 0.20 to 0.10 kg .Beef provides an enormous amount of calories on an average 250Kcal per 100gram. Pork contains high amount of non healthy fat. The intervention was not successful in reducing consumption of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Malachi Stacks in the Matchmaker Essay Example for Free
Malachi Stacks in the Matchmaker Essay In the world of business there are always those men and women who are not recognized for the contributions they make to certain products, projects, or works even though without them the result would never exist. Nonetheless, these people go on with their daily lives working hard, knowing that all their dedication is going to benefit others and not them. Yet, they can’t blame the big companies for not being recognized, because these men and women do this willingly. They are fully aware that their actions serve a purpose to the greater rather than a personal one, and for them that is enough. Such people do not need the recognition of others because they themselves know the importance of their actions. One example of such a human being is portrayed in Thornton Wilder’s The Matchmaker. His name is Malachi Stacks, and though he only shows up on stage two or three times, he is the one who gives the entire production meaning. Malachi is the person who sets into motion a series of events that completely change not only the characters, but also their lives. With this character, Thornton Wilder takes what used to be just a regular farce comedy and gives it meaning which makes all the difference, Malachi Stacks makes all the difference. Thornton carefully crafted the role of Stacks in such a way that made him distinct from the rest of the characters. Even with being in his fifties, sadness and depression are entirely absent from his life. Every line spoken by him has a joyful feeling to, and almost puts a smile on the reader’s face. Even at times when he is being put down by Mr. Vandergelder, joy is felt in his words. Wilder makes Malachi seem like a little adolescent, who has not yet been exposed to reality, and still thinks the world is perfect. However, all this is just an image that Malachi establishes for his own purposes. He makes people believe he can be trusted by pretending to be respectful and following orders. Malachi creates a relationship between himself and the others, especially Mr. Vandergelder, which makes him seem gullible and easy to control when in fact it is he who controls them. This sort of maneuver is portrayed very well in his first scene with Mr. Vandergelder, in which he says â€Å"You’ll never regret it, Mr. Vandergelder. You’ll never regret it.†It is such a simple line, and yet there is so much there. Malachi makes it seem like he is just another man who is happy about getting a job, when in reality he is masking his true intentions behind these innocent words. The real reason Malachi is happy to have gotten the job, is because he now has the ability to fix the inequality which exists between Vandergelder and the others. Truth be told, Malachi is actually the only individual who see this flaw amongst the characters, and he knows it should not be there. Therefore, by formulating this sort of innocent personality, Malachi Stacks gives himself the perfect opportunity to finally bring equality into the lives of the characters. It all happens in Act III when Mr. Vandelgelder is having his coat taken off as his purse filled with money falls to the ground. Malachi, knowing that the primary reason for such inequality amongst the characters is their financial situations, takes his chance to balance the scale. However, he does not make a big deal out of it. Malachi simply takes the purse, asks Vandelgelder if it’s his, and since the response is no he gives it to Cornelius. It’s very quick, subtle, and seems like the right thing to do. Yet, even though what he did was so simple, it was enough to bring equality into their lives and he knew that. By asking Vandergelder whether or not the purse was his, Malachi tested him to check if he deserves the money. For in his short little monologue that he has right after picking up the purse, Mr. Stacks says â€Å"The law is there to protect property, but- sure the law doesn’t care whether a property owner deserves his property or not, and the law has to be corrected†. Therefore when he asked Vandelgelder â€Å"Did you drop something†the real question was â€Å"Are you worthy of all this money that you have†. Vandelgelder responding quickly said no, and that was enough for Malachi to know that the money deserved to be in the hands of someone else, Cornelius. It is also at this point that inequality begins to slowly disappear between the characters. First, Cornelius and Barnaby are able to pay for their expensive dinner and truly impress Mrs. Malloy along with Minnie. Then Mrs. Levi finally tells Mr. Vandergelder what she thinks of him when he cannot pay the bill, and that is when he finally realizes what kind of man he is. Slowly through scenes like these, the balance between the characters begins to even out and by the end, everyone is happy, joyful, and most of all the inequality amongst them completely vanishes all thanks to Malachi Stacks. Though Thornton chose Malachi to be the tool for equilibrium amongst the characters by having him â€Å"redistribute the superfluities†, the part also is important when it comes to the moral of the story. Of course, after reading The Matchmaker it safe to say that there are multiple lessons to be learned from this play, but one of the main ones shows up in Malachi’s monologue. Right after discussing the entire matter of redistributing property, Thornton has the character talk about how one man should not have more than one vice. In fact, he ends his line with the words â€Å"One vice at a time†. Now this entire concept might seem abstract, because after all even in today’s world vices are looked down upon. However, Thornton shows what two vices can do to a man by having Malachi use Vandergelder’s wrongs against him. His first true frailty is that in his own world Mr. Vandergelder sees himself a king, where no one can stop him because he has so much money. The second is his passion for money. In fact, his first vice comes from this one, because to him a person who has more money has more authority. So instead of merely having Vandergelder destroy himself through his vices, Thornton uses Malachi to show how having more than one vice is recipe for destruction. First, he uses Vandergelder’s attitude towards himself to gain his trust, by pretending to be loyal to him. Next, once Vandergelder thinks he has him under his control, Malachi uses the second frailty against him taking that which is most precious, his money, and giving it away. By using both of these flaws in his master’s character, Mr. Stacks brings Vandergelder into a state of despair where he has lost everything that made him, a King in his own mind. One man. Three Scenes. Yet without him, The Matchmaker would never be the same. Thornton Wilder made a smart decision in imgaging such a character, because he is developed in such a way that his importance to the whole play is not realized until the conclusion. For with just a simple action of handing off a purse to Cornelius, Malachi made a ripple effect which changed the course of the entire production and made all the difference. Malachi Stacks made all the difference.
Economics and monopoly introduction Essay Example for Free
Economics and monopoly introduction Essay Characteristics: Single seller: One firm produces all the output of a particular product No close substitutes: Product is unique and if consumers want to buy it they must buy from the monopolist. Price maker: Since the monopolist is the sole supplier of the product, it can change the price by changing output. The firm faces a downward sloping demand curve, so increasing output lowers the price, decreasing output increases the price. The firm will set a price that maximizes its profits. Blocked entry: Entry to the market is totally blocked, meaning the firm has no immediate competitors. Barriers to entry may be economies of scale, legal, technological or another type. Nonprice competition: Since it has no competitors a monopolist cannot compete on price. Therefore, to attract new consumers the firm must engage in non-price competition such as advertising and public relations campaigns to promote its products attributes. Examples of Monopolies? www. welkerswikinomics. com 3 Unit 2. 3. 3 Pure Monopoly Monopoly Demand as seen by a Monopolist. Three assumptions: 1) Entry is totally blocked 2) The monopolist is unregulated by any government so can charge whatever price it wants. 3) The firm is a single price seller. It sells all units of output at the same price. †¢ A monopolist faces a downward sloping Demand curve. The firm D curve is the market D curve! †¢ A monopolist can sell additional output only by lowering its price (due to the law of demand). †¢ A monopolist must lower the price of all of its output, not just the marginal units, since it is a single-price seller. †¢ As a result, as output increases, the firms marginal revenue falls faster than the price. www. welkerswikinomics. com 4 Unit 2. 3. 3 Pure Monopoly Monopoly Demand as seen by a Monopolist Demand and Marginal Revenue Q 0 1 P1 2 3 4 5 P2 6 7 8 9 P3 10 P 172 162 152 142 132 122 112 102 92 82 72 TR=PxQ) 0 162 304 426 528 610 672 714 736 738 720 Demand and MR for a Monopolist P MR=? TR/? Q P1 P2 P3 D=AR=P Q1 Q2 Q3 Q MR Based on the above graph, over which range of output would a monopolist NEVER produce? Why? What information is needed to determine the profit maximizing level of output for this monopolist? www. welkerswikinomics. com 5 Unit 2. 3. 3 Pure Monopoly Monopoly Demand as seen by a Monopolist Elasticity and the monopoly Demand curve: †¢ Identify the elastic range of the demand curve. †¢ Identify the inelastic range of the demand curve. P Demand and MR PED1 P1 PED=1 Question: Why wont a monopolist ever produce at a level of output where it is in the inelastic range of its demand curve?
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The White Cube Is Designed To Neutralize Philosophy Essay
The White Cube Is Designed To Neutralize Philosophy Essay Heres the question: In your own words, how would you describe the connections between the idea of white(ness) and the themes in Buckinghams work? *If you want to include references to our reading and conversation on Kirk Varnedoes lecture last week-where we covered topics ranging from how history is recorded, how knowledge is formed, and how we come to believe in or trust the art we live with-please do. One paragraph. Buckingham forces the viewer to investigate further into his work; he wants us to actually become involved by making us think and see beyond want being presented to us rather than to simply look at an image. As with other work we have discussed in class, Buckingham uses color (colorfulness and white/black) to compare and contrast the past with the present in the film production of Mary Wollstonecraft. It is his way of cluing us on that there are two different worlds, just as he did to present the ghost of Mary Wollstonecraft. He also uses the glow of whiteness to lightened Wollstonecraft to convince us whether or not she is in the past or present. He is able to use white(ness) to guide us through his time-based production. As I read through Chapter 3 regarding minimalism, I was having a constant pull and push of Minimalism versus modernism. How is that one genre of artist can take a square and assign a meaning to it, then later another genre takes the same square and assigns a different meaning to it, then claim to owe nothing to its predecessors? To me, this calls on the same conversations we have had several times in previous classes. Is it really a new art because you are able to have support of art critics and come up with your own vocabulary to bring a different meaning to a work of art? Donald Judd claims to reject rationality as part of the European philosophical tradition. This is how he explains the difference between his work and traditional abstraction. But Frank Stella says to balance piece? Is that not rational? The correlations between the two types of art beg the question; isnt minimalism very much rooted in abstract modernism? It seems to me that Minimalist were just a self-proclaimed development of modernism. Judd and other Minimalists artist claim they wanted to get rid of the hands-on ethic of abstract; they wanted to get rid of the idea that the character of the art resides in the touch of the artist compared to abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock who stomped on a canvas and rubbed cigarettes in to it who affirmed that the painting was an object in the world, not a window onto anything else. This is when I began to better understand the difference in the two genres. The Minimalist opposed the cult of the gallery and attempted to remove the appearance of composition from their work. To that end, they tried to expunge all signs of the artists guiding hand or thought processes all aesthetic decisions from the fabrication of the object. For Donald Judd, this was part of Minimalisms attack on the tradition of relational composition in European art rather than the parts of an artwork being carefully, hierarchically ordered and balanced, he said they should be just one thing after another. Comparing Marcel Duchamps ready-mades provided important inspiration for the Minimalists. His example suggested an approach to sculpture that emphasized fabrication and industrial materials over the craft techniques of most modern sculpture. Much of Minimalist aesthetics was shaped by a reaction against Abstract Expressionism. Minimalists wanted to remove suggestions of self-expressionism from the artwork, as well as any illusions. The Minimalists also sought to erase distinctions between paintings and sculptures, and to make instead, as Donald Judd said: specific objects. The Minimalist opposed the cult of the gallery and Summary of Inside the White Cube The gallery space is the first interaction between the spectator and the artist. Clean white walls were ideal for presenting a painting. Because of its simplicity, a white wall is seen as neutral and supposedly indispensable for placing each painting. However, what a white wall does to a Baroque or easel painting, is it actually transforms it into a modernistic one, just as framing a Baroque or modernist painting and placing it in Le Salon converts it into a tableau. The white cube is designed to neutralize Another value of the white cube was a social one. Readymade as invented by Duchamp totally depend on the special social status of a gallery space. Reliance on the social power of a gallery space can lead to anything goes. Yet if a gallery space is considered a sacred place intended only for art, than anything that is placed there cannot be anything but art. When you put something into a gallery, it transforms the thing into a picture of itself. The intention of To fully understand the nature of how the viewer interacts with a piece of art it is essential to understand the dynamics of how the work is presented to the viewer. He talks about the eye and how the white cube gallery determines how the eye behaves. The eye urges the body around to provide it with information; the body becomes a data gatherer. The eye was capable of experiencing art in a disinterested and detached way. The spectator, on the other hand is unable to distinguish the difference between real space and art space in the white cube gallery because they have become blurred into one another and the walls of the gallery itself. Such a spectator is prone, he believes, to sensation and impression and as such experiences not only art but their own sense of self as something fractured. The eye appears as the disembodiment faculty that relates exclusively to formal visual means, while the spectator constitutes the attenuated and bleached-out life of the self from which the eye goes forth and which, in the meantime, does nothing else. The bodies of the visitors become unnecessary. You can only gaze at the framed spaces in the gallery space. Consequently, it is only the eye that interacts directly with the artwork. One has to teach the eye how to palpate those spaces. Frames also facilitate this separation into two realities the distant relation of a fixed viewer to a framed view. The framed easel on the wall assists the spectator to align herself in space; it indicates the place where one should stand, look at, or refrain from touching. One is not allowed to touch the sacred objects, the artworks. Touch is directed and mediated only through the eye. ODohertys main concern is the relationship between the white cube is where the object sits, the surrounding space and the effect or the influence that the combination of these elements impose onto the viewer. By bringing attention to the arrangement in which works are exhibited and the influence on the spectator, context becomes content. Another factor that ODoherty suggests bought about a new way of looking art is Courbets one-man Salon des Refusees outside the Exposition of 1855. ODoherty states that this was the first time an artist had to construct the context of his work. It is to say the artist had to set about displaying his work in such a way that the placing and hang of the pictures influenced the meaning of what the artist was attempting to say with his art. This was highly significant as it highlighted the importance of how a work is displayed affects the way in which its viewed. For example displaying the Mona Lisa on the floor would give the painting a different meaning than placing it, in its own special room. ODoherty defines the artistic gesture as a singular artistic action, an individualist, daring act. The successful gesture created a narrative became a story by changing history. He believes that these gestures always had two audiences, one present and another one not present, which, as he writes, is usually us. We, as this second audience, are looking back at the eventof a performance as a historical fact, an occurrence. ODoherty furthermore says that the original audience is usually not appreciative, often nervous, not at all pleased. It is only in retrospect that we learn to appreciate the gesture. All these gestures are transformations of the given situation in one way or another. What makes them potent, I believe, is that they are stop signs; or rather they are the stops themselves in the train of events, interruptions in the business as usual. The gallery gestures start with Duchamps, continue on with Yves Klein, Armand, Daniel Spoerri, Andy Warhol and Kaprow and many others. Many of these gestures can be described as parody, mocking the art business, but many of them really challenged the spectator, the gallery space and what is meant by art and showing art. There are several categories of gestures; those that question the gallery space altogether are of course in the minority. ODoherty points out that at least the American avant-garde never really questioned the gallery space as an idea, except for one brief moment when artists did their performances and events in the landscape and only brought photos back to the gallery. Summary of Pictures of Nothing- Chapter 4 Late 1960s is when the urge to escape catergories by artist becomes all the more difficult itself because but minimalism itself had become a category. This installation of minimalist traditions happened very fast. Anti institution makes want to go away from any type of object. Artist wanted to get away from any types of collectible object. Which makes sculpture dominant. It turned out to be the only non of the above catergory. Painting was only paintying, sculpture could include video installation, earth works, performance, etc.. it was constantly transforming itself and was flexible in the way painting could not be. The idea of a generation of artist who absorb the formal term of minimalism but challenge the basic princibles. Tweaking image reconigtion became important. Shiparo installed from the 70;s compared to morris is obvious mostly by scale. The gallery space isnt about blank kinestectic anymore it becomes a place for imagination and stimulation of metaphorization Imageless abstraction became much more representational. Basic propertyies extracted from pollaock drip paintings. Judd argued the paintings had a greater sense of simplicity or wholeness Directness of which becomes a part of the are, simplicity wholeness order process materials become the watch workds for the new generation of artists Present and future was linked to the deep past. Heiser stated we were living at the end of time. Complex 1 had been made in the dessert and the angle was designed to deflect necluear bomb. He wanted to collapse the idea of time Minimalist idea of reducing internal relationship the work became redirected of the relationship of the person to the object. The sense of space became extrapolated beyond the gallery. Heiser was key in moving out into much broader canvses. Like making huge circles in the deserts. Double negative made a huge mark a vast space. All about bedded layers of structure, represents stratified time. Vs. the overview which shows it as a unified with a unified simplicity man made absolute against the geolocial forces of the canyon. Had different experience through close up and far away views. Clarity of the overview vs the caois of the close up view Staged collision between order and disorder. The idea of order. Cannot simply be. Evident declaration of process. The new left compared to old left. Blue collar ethic. Materials (1:03) Smithson piles dirt on shed until it collaps. Concerns with weight. Not just meaning attaches itself but simple certainties become charges with ambiguities. Abstraction cant stay pure and out of catergories but it can revitalis new ideas of ourselves and our time.. Summary Chapter 5 Although abstraction tries to be pictures of nothing, it constantly could be a picture of something. Rauschenbergs Factum 1 and Factum II were important to the uniqueness of the moment in abstract expressionist painting. Lichtenstein continued more aggressively in works such as Big Painting No. 6. Abstract expressionism becomes reduced by Lichtenstein. His satires and comments run throughout his career, with two different meanings. One, he is engaged by the notion that you cannot get away from the history of style. Second is that all representation is at base abstract. He is engaged in both sides and does not want to let go of either representation or abstraction. Olderburg wants to bring modernism out of its closet and into the public. He believed it was ill served to by idealism. Both Olderburg and Lichenstein hold the irony that bad faith is a necessary ingredient for a good society. Pop art jokes are less serious and more serious than they seem: admiration of abstraction and at the same time deeply suspicious of it. Andy Warhol has found the nerve of the good/bad faith problem. He uses and understands to some extent the language of abstraction. His most direct insult to abstract painting is represented by his Oxidation Painting of 1978 which he pisses on Pollock. With canvases on the floor he urinates on them in an exaggerated replay of Pollocks drip paintings. Where Lichtenstein tends to be interested in economy and reduction, Warhol is an artist of spit, splash, blot, excess. He is very interested in the graininess of photography. Halley isnt interested in the ambiguity of abstraction. He believes that all abstraction is coded representation of power. Taafe is also is against abstraction but in a different way. He puts to work the idea of revisiting high decoration with intent to make it low decoration. Richter has gambits between abstractions and representation. He literally waters down Stella; Both Warhol and Richter, it is blur and smear that obscures rather than makes things clear. Comparing to Johns, the whole idea that destroying order is the same thing as producing it. Twombly expands the repetitive gesture to the scale that Pollock had with his blackboard work. Everything that Twombly achieves, he achieves by the negation, by distancing of himself from Pollock, by the exact inversions of what Pollock is. Johns too take a swipe at Pollock. He made his living debunking abstraction. Just as Twomblys repetition speaks of expressionism, so is Johns gesturalism. He has to establish a system in order to cancel or bury it. The order itself is hardly as important as the demonstration of its vulnerability or fragility. He obsessively worked the surface with personal marks. These aforementioned artists are speaking about art through art by their knowing relationship to that tradition. It is a relationship of negation. It is a relationship to tradition that involves the acceptance of traditions constraints at the same time that is subverts and reacts against them. With these artists you have an abstraction saturated with skepticism, saturated with knowing, an abstraction that proves that abstraction can be knowing and still have meaning. Chapter 6 De Kooning abstraction gives rise to a new kind of life in his works by compacting them. His work misrepresented the dichotomy between abstraction and representation. Within his work such as the Women and early figurations, he shows the border between abstraction and representation wasnt something untouchable but rather something transgressive. Agnes Martin is the opposite of de Kooning. His works are at the other end of abstraction. His work is about delicacy of touch and tint. Martins art is all about the experience on the part of both the artist and the observer. In contrast, Robert Ryman is all painting; he is an abstractionist who is interested in imagery and in the nature of painting. His art is about constant restlessness and is never about perfection. Unlike Clement Greenberg, who believed there was an essence of painting. Ryman is sure that there is no essence at the bottom that painting constantly needs to be changed. Brice Mardens work is a good demonstration of pulling together the contemporary abstractions of Johns and Pollock. He tried to live with the legacies of Pollock as a great abstract artist and Johns as representative painter by mixing and blending what they both stand for. Gombrich believed that representation is a matter of solving dilemmas and is neatly summarized in his drawing. Gombrichs interest seems to be primarily in rendering. He believed strongly in the nature of visual representation and realism. Pollock finds one translation in Klein through the acts of performance yet a completely different translation in Richard Serra. Instead of painting on a canvas, he throws hot lead into a corner. What was refined in Kleins interpretation becomes industrial with Serra. Many artists unpack many meanings from Pollock, however, the intention of what brings an artist to the canvas does not control meaning nearly as much as does the material existence of the picture itself. The experimental dimensions of abstract art- its scale, materials, method of fabrication, social context, and tradition are crucially important to our understanding of it. Abstract art is a symbolic game and it is akin to all human games: you have to get into it, risk and all and this take certain act of faithà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ a faith in possibility, a faith in not knowing. Practically Nothing: Light, Space, and the Pragmatics of Phenomenology In the exhibitions catalog Schuld writes, does not deal with light space as media as much as it deals with the participating subjects personal adjustmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In this essay, Schuld grounds the work of Irwin, Turrell, Orr and Nordman in the phenomenological philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This essay explores the Light and Space movements giving its roots in Minimalism. Merleau-Ponty sought to establish a primacy of perception with particular interest to Light and Space art. Irwin and Turrell experimented with psychologist Ed Wortz as a part of Maurice Tuchmans Art and Technology Program. In these experiments, scientists and engineers were paired with artists in tests that involved sensory deprivation, particularly within an anechoic chamber, a soundproof structure used for astronautic and psychological research. Irwin, Turrell, Wheeler, Nordman and Orr all spent time in the chamber, occasionally enhancing it further by light proofing the space. The experience of dep rivation training attributed an increased sensory awareness. Light and Space art does not deal with light and space as media as much as it deals with the participating subjects personal perceptual adjustment by extending ones own experience in the extremes of sensory deprivation experiments. Irwin, Turrell, Wheeler, Nordman, and Orr bring phenomenology into practice by creating situations that act as experiential snares, capturing attention through disorientation. Work and Word Adrian Kohn raises practical questions about writing about California Light and Space art, much of which frequently deals with language. He questions the inadequacy of verbal language to approach abstraction. According to Kohn, language falls short of communicating the obscure with much clarity. He calls attention to the vagueness of artists statements that make the emotional qualities of the artwork take precedence. This same problem plagues Light and Space art as well as other works that will also pose a challenge to photography. Words inevitably catch up to art and take hold. Belles thinking of his canvas support as a geometric illusionary volume and his notion that panes of glass can feel soft prompt you to stop and assess the validity of those formulations. While words may obscure arts strangeness at first, their failings, when noticed, restore it.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Free YGB Essays: Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB
Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story about revealing true evil and the loss of one man's faith. Nathaniel Hawthorne left "Young Goodman Brown" up for many interpretations. After reading the story a couple of times, one thing became clear to me. What I absorbed from this story was that evil exists in everyone, does not matter how good we may think we are. Things aren't always what they seem. I say this because the people who attended the devil's meetings, were the ones who attended church with him. The people whom he though were holy and Christian. These people were not holy at all. They were worshipping, praying, and obeying the devil. As Goodman Brown started his journey into the forest, he met an older man. The old man, "was about fifty years old, apparently in the same rank of life as Goodman Brown, and bearing a considerable resemblance to him, though perhaps more in expression than features" (DiYanni, 273). In Brown's ignorance, he does not realize that the one he is with is in fact the devil. This is shown when Brown asks a question in fear before meeting the old man, "There may be a devilish Indian behind every tree," said Goodman Brown to himself; and he glanced fearfully behind him, as he added, "What if the devil himself should be at my very elbow!" (DiYanni, 273). This to me is ironic because then, "His head being turned back, he passed a crook of the road, and looking forward again, beheld the figure of a man, in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree. He arose at Goodman Brown's approach, and walked onward, side by side with him"(DiYassi, 273). Here Goodman Brown does not realize that the devil is, in fact, walking "side by side with him"(DiYassi,273). "Goodman Brown recognized a very pious and exemplary dame, who had taught him his catechism in youth, and was still his moral and spiritual advisor" (DiYassi, 275). This dames name was Goody Cloyse. When Brown sees that Goody Cloyse recognizes the old man and cri es out, "the devil" (DiYassi, 275), he can't believe it. He now sees her as a "wretched old woman" (DiYassi, 276). Brown is feeling his loss of faith and tries to overcome this by saying, "What if a wretched old woman does choose to go to the devil, when I though she was going to heaven! Is that any reason to leave my dear Faith behind, and go after her?
Monday, August 19, 2019
Ethics for the 21st Century Essay -- Essays on Ethics
Ethics for the 21st Century Rushworth M. Kidder has done a remarkable thing; he has assembled from all over the globe the answers of people to this question: "If you could help create a global code of ethics, what would be on it?" This act is so remarkable because he has taken the time to gather the opinions of twenty-four individuals from sixteen nations to create a global forum. What strikes me the most about his study is that the interviewees were not heads of state. They were average people viewed by their communities as ethical leaders. Kidder compiled their thoughts into a list of moral standards for the twenty-first century in his essay " Universal Human Values: Finding an Ethical Common Ground." I agree with his list of standards: love, truthfulness, fairness, freedom, unity, tolerance, responsibility and above all respect for life. The first three of these needs, "love, truthfulness and fairness," are basic human values many of us are brought up with. So important are these lessons in childhood that the drive to carry them out is a natural instinct for most adults. L...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Educational Goals and Philosophy :: School Teaching Learning Essays
Educational Goals and Philosophy I feel that education is the most important thing in a child’s life. From Kindergarten through high school, nothing has the impact like schooling. Whether it be their friends or enemies or teachers and principals, everything about it, both good and bad, will determine who that person will be. That is why I want to be a teacher. Many students, particularly high school students, lack a positive role model. Most teachers are either completely out of touch with students or live a lifestyle that the students should not emulate. I am close enough in age to be â€Å"in touch†with the students I am teaching, and I would be a positive role model. Over time, my ability to connect with the students will likely diminish, but maintaining it as much as possible will be my goal. Another reason I decided to enter the profession is due to the subject I will be teaching, social studies. The core subjects in social studies, history, psychology, and civics, are often taught improperly or not taught at all, by which I mean the teacher serves as more of a baby-sitter than a teacher. Teachers in the subjects who do bother to teach it often do it in a strictly lecture style with little if any classroom participation. In history this is understandable, although there can be some participation. In my opinion, the reason for the lack of knowledge in civics and psychology can be explained by the fact that students are only supposed to digest the information rather than participate in a mock government in civics or open discussions in psychology. I think it is important that a teacher incorporate as many teaching styles as possible. One thing that my classroom will have that most classrooms do not is visuals and technology. It is more difficult for students to forget something if they have a concrete memory of it rather than just what the teacher said. I will take advantage of many promotional offers from networks such as C-SPAN that offer educational items for discounted prices or even free to educators.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Importance of balance of trade
Importance of balance of trade Balance of trade data is a very important piece of understanding the global puzzle of international trade, and thus, forex. Much like an income statement, balance of trade data clearly defines whether a trade deficit or trade surplus is in play. Why Balance of Trade Matters Balance of trade data shows the imports and exports of goods and how a country competes in a global marketplace. Balance of trade numbers can run a trade deficit, showing that a country imported more than it exported, or they can reflect a trade surplus, exporting more than was imported in a specific time period.Imports and exports can include physical goods and intangible services. Luxembourg, which is a popular banking destination, has one of the highest per capita service exports because its banking system is used internationally. Likewise, Middle Eastern nations have stronger physical exports due to the international oil trade. Just as a negative balance of trade is a bad sign fo r a country's long run economic health, high export figures can be equally poor for domestic trade. China, which has for a long time been a net exporter, has fought several bouts of domestic inflation as money flows into the country from all over the world.When the supply of money rises internally at pace faster than the relative increase in wages, internal consumption and demand can be temporarily stymied, causing recessions. However, all things considered, a country would much prefer to attract too much foreign export purchases than too few, as a negative balance of trade cannot be sustained forever. In addition, negative trade increases the possibility of high national debts or inflation from the central bank to maintain domestic currency levels. Making Use of the DataBalance of trade data is released once per month and may be revised as time passes and the numbers become clearer. Since tallying all the exports flowing out of a country and all the imports flowing in requires a su bstantial amount of record keeping and manpower, these reports on trade surplus or trade deficit may be revised for years following their first release. From a forex trading point of view, balance of trade statistics are best used in conjunction with balance of payments. While a net importer cannot show a positive balance of trade, it can, and in many times does, show a positive balance of payments.This is because net importers have to borrow from other countries to sustain their current consumption, and they routinely borrow more funds than are needed in a single time period or calendar year Factors that can affect the balance of trade include: Measuring the balance of trade can be problematic because of problems with recording and collecting data. As an illustration of this problem, when official data for all the world's countries are added up, exports exceed imports by almost 1%; it appears the world is running a positive balance of trade with itself.This cannot be true, because all transactions involve an equal credit or debit in the account of each nation. The discrepancy is widely believed to be explained by transactions intended to launder money or evade taxes, smuggling and other visibility problems. However, especially for developed countries, accuracy is likely. * The cost of production (land, labor, capital, taxes, incentives, etc. ) in the exporting economy vis-a-vis those in the importing economy; * The cost and availability of raw materials, intermediate goods and other inputs; * Exchange rate movements; Multilateral, bilateral and unilateral taxes or restrictions on trade; * Non-tariff barriers such as environmental, health or safety standards; * The availability of adequate foreign exchange with which to pay for imports; and * Prices of goods manufactured at home (influenced by the responsiveness of supply How to calculate BOT Trade balance shows how countries interact with each other in the international market place. Trade balance is also kno wn as net exports. The trade balance shows if a country exports more than it imports.A positive trade balance means the country exports more than it imports. A negative trade balance shows a country imports more than it exports. Having a positive or negative trade balance is neither good nor bad. Trade balance is also part of the calculation for gross domestic product. 1. Use the U. S. Census Bureau to find net imports for the period for which you seek the U. S. trade balance. The Census Bureau releases these statistics periodically on its website. On the Census Bureau website, click â€Å"Balance by Partner Country†on the left-side of the screen. Then select a country.For example, select Ivory Coast. Then select the year to analyze. In the example, select 2010. In the example, for January 2010, the United States had net imports of $221. 9 million from the Ivory Coast. 2. Use the U. S. Census Bureau to find net exports for the period. In our example, U. S. net exports to the Ivory Coast were $24. 3 million 3. Subtract net imports from net exports to determine the trade balance. In our example, $24. 3 million minus $221. 9 million yields a trade balance of negative $197. 6 million, which the Census Bureau rounds to $197. 5 million.The balance is negative because net imports is greater than net exports. Goods and Services Deficit Decreases in February 2013 The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $43. 0 billion in February from $44. 5 billion (revised) in January, as exports increased more than imports. | Goods and Services * Exports increased to $186. 0 billion in February from $184. 4 billion in January (revised). Goods were $132. 2 billion in February, up from $130. 8 billion in January. Services were $53. 8 billion in February, up from $53. 6 billion in January. February imports were $0. 1 billion more than January imports of $228. 9 billion (revised). Goods were $192. 4 billion in February, down from $192. 5 billion in January. Services were $36. 5 billion in February, up from $36. 3 billion in January. * For goods, the deficit was $60. 2 billion in February, down from $61. 7 billion in January (revised). For services, the surplus was $17. 3 billion in February, up from $17. 2 billion in January. Goods by Category (Census basis) * The January to February increase in exports of goods reflected increases in industrial supplies and materials ($1. billion); other goods ($0. 5 billion); and automotive vehicles, parts, and engines ($0. 2 billion). Decreases occurred in capital goods ($0. 8 billion); consumer goods ($0. 3 billion); and foods, feeds, and beverages ($0. 1 billion). * The January to February decrease in imports of goods reflected decreases in industrial supplies and materials ($2. 6 billion) and other goods ($0. 3 billion). Increases occurred in automotive vehicles, parts, and engines ($1. 1 billion); consumer goods ($0. 7 billion); capital goods ($0. 3 billion); and foods, feed s, and beverages ($0. billion). Services by Category * Exports of services increased $0. 2 billion from January to February. The increase was mostly accounted for by increases in other transportation ($0. 1 billion), which includes freight and port services, and travel ($0. 1 billion). Changes in the other categories of services exports were relatively small. * Imports of services increased $0. 2 billion from January to February. The increase was more than accounted for by increases in other transportation ($0. 1 billion), travel ($0. 1 billion), and passenger fares ($0. 1 billion).Changes in the other categories of services imports were relatively small. Goods by Geographic Area (Not Seasonally Adjusted) * The goods deficit with Canada decreased from $4. 8 billion in January to $2. 6 billion in February. Exports were virtually unchanged at $23. 1 billion, while imports decreased $2. 2 billion (primarily crude oil) to $25. 7 billion. * The goods deficit with China decreased from $27 . 8 billion in January to $23. 4 billion in February. Exports decreased $0. 1 billion (primarily soybeans and nonmonetary gold) to $9. 3 billion, while imports decreased $4. billion (primarily cell phones and other household goods) to $32. 7 billion. * The goods deficit with Mexico increased from $3. 6 billion in January to $4. 3 billion in February. Exports decreased $0. 3 billion (primarily computer accessories, electric components, and semiconductors) to $17. 7 billion, while imports increased $0. 4 billion (primarily automobiles, automotive parts, and accessories) to $21. 9 billion India Balance of Trade India recorded a trade deficit of 561. 19 INR Billion in March of 2013. Balance of Trade in India is reported by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.Historically, from 1978 until 2013, India Balance of Trade averaged -113. 01 INR Billion reaching an all time high of 13. 91 INR Billion in April of 1991 and a record low of -1111. 46 INR Billion in October of 2012. India had been recording sustained trade deficits due to low exports base and high imports of coal and oil for its energy needs. India is leading exporter of petroleum products, gems and jewelry, textiles, engineering goods, chemicals and services. Main trading partners are European Union countries, United States, China and UAE. This page includes a chart with historical data for India Balance of Trade
Friday, August 16, 2019
Kirby the Elf Kid Story
Once upon a time there was an elf named Kirby. He was one of Santas elfs. But, he was there only to help with the reindeer, when what he really wanted to do was to work on a toy line. It wasn’t like he didn’t love the reindeer, he just really wanted to make children smile and happy. All of the other elfs that worked with the reindeers laughed at him because if u were to work on the toy live you had to work with Santa for a very long time, that certain job was meant for elfs that he absolutly trusted.Sadly, Kirby had just started working with Santa and he has never even talked to Santa, which was part of the problem. One day Santa had gotten a phone call and he had a distraught look on his face. He hung up the phone and said â€Å"Oh no, Tanner, Joey, and Jocy had gotten into a snowboarding accident, that was the hospital. They wont be back to work for 2 weeks and christmas in 5 days! †Now see these elfs weren’t just any elves, they the fastest , strongest , and Santa’s favorite elves. And, even though Santa would say he didn’t like to pick favorites everyone knew he did.The other evles would have to wear red and green, where as Joey, Tanner, and Jocy had gold and white outfits. Santa really needed Jocy, Joey and Tanner because about two hundred children that had been on the naughty list had good and deserved to get toys instead of just coal. So the other elves had to work very hard to make more toys but it wasn’t enough. Santa went to the stables and said â€Å"Hello Kirby, Andy, Nik, Kira, Devon, and Chelsey I am in some trouble and need to pull you guys from reindeer duty to help make some toys. †Chelsey said â€Å"But Santa, we have never made toys before what if we let you down? Santa said â€Å"Oh you guys could never let me down, all that matters is that you try as best as you can. †Kirby was so excited. It was his time to shine. Thankfully when you start the job the head elves teach other elves how to work all of the machines just in case this sort of thing happens. So all the elves knew how to work the machinary but they never really knew how toys were supposed to work because they’re nevere around them. They basically had to wing it. The other elves didn’t really like the idea of having Kirby and his friends working in the toy line, especially one elf named Ryan.Ryan was a really bitter mean elf. He only got along with Jocy, Joey, and Tanner, and he didn’t like the fact that they were being replaced. In his mind he thought â€Å"I have to do something to get rid of these other elves†¦they don’t belong here! †He devised a plan in his head of a way to get rid of Kirby and his little friends. While Kirby and his friends were waiting to start there first doy on the toy line Ryan had locked them in the lunch room. â€Å"This will keep them out of my toyline. †He said with a snicker. But, Ryan had forgotten that there was a an exit to outside of the toy factory.When Kirby and his friends had noticed that the door was locked they had to hurry and run around to the other side of the building and went through the back doors. Kirby was determined not to let Santa down. He really wants to prove himself to him to show that he doesn’t belong in the stables with the reindeer. They finally made it to the toy line and they were on time. Ryan looked at them with irritation as Kirby and his friends had walked over to their stations. The bells rang and the machines started running. Kirby was so excited all he could do was smile.Kirby was at the station where they wrapped all the gifts and delivered the presents to Santa’s sleigh. Andy had they toy station full of cars, Nik had the station with the coloring books and books, Kira had the station with the board games,Devon was at the station with the stuffed animals and Chelsey was at the station where they had to make the toys that were trains and an y other toys that had batteries. Ryan was in the same station with Kirby and was going way to fast trying to get kirby to screw up or make a mistake.But Kirby kept and eventually go the hang of it. Ryan was getting even more frustraited with the fact that he couldn’t get rid of Kirby, he didn’t even want to admit the fact that Kirby actually belonged there. Ryan kept plotting and plotting till finally he got an opening to sabotage. Kirby was carrying a lot of presents and didn’t know which way it was to Santa’s sleigh. Ryan ran to him and said â€Å"OH OH I know where to go let me show you†as he had an evil smirk on his face he lead Kirby into a room that was used for the christmas parties.He said keep walking forward and started walking backwards and slammed the door shut and locked him in there and laughed. Kirby said â€Å"why are you doing this? What about the children? †Ryan said â€Å"Because you don’t belong here, I don†™t like change! Now you will never work in the toyline EVER!! †Ryan left and Kirby started to panic and worry. Kirby still had an hour to get the toys to Santa in time to make the delivery. Lucky for him his friends had noticed he had been gone for 30 minutes and Ryan had returned and Kirby wasn’t with him. So they all split up and went searching for him.Finally, Nik was yelling Kirby’s name and Kirby started banging on the door â€Å"Nik, I’m in here, get me out please! †Kirby said. Nik let him out and Kirby said â€Å"which way is Santa’s sleigh? †Nik said â€Å"I know where it is follow me! †They both ran like mad men to Santa’s sleigh with only 5 minutes to spare. Santa said â€Å" oh thank you so much I could’ve never gotten this done without you, but what took you so long my elves? †Kirby pointed at Ryan as he ran up to see if he had succeeded or failed, â€Å"Santa he locked me in a dark room and wouldn’t let me out!Ryan tried to defend himself â€Å"Santa, its true I just don’t want him to replace Tanner, Joey, and Jocy. †Santa said â€Å"Oh Ryan. Kirby would never replace them I love all of my elves equally. As for you Kirby you did a fantastic job and should be rewarded, and Ryan should be punished, therefore you both will trade places, sorry Ryan you will now work in the stables with the reindeer. †Kirby was so happy! His dream finally came true. He now is working on the toy line woth three of the greatest elves that work there. He has never been so thankful.
Role of Cognition in Counseling
ROLE OF COGNITION IN COUNSELING TABLE OF CONTENT. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3 Cognitive therapy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy†¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 Characteristics of cognitive-behavioral therapy†¦. 5 Virtual Reality Therapy†¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 Rational Emotive Therapy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 Transactional ANALYSIS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 conlusionâ⠂¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 9 reference†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 Role of cognition in counseling Introduction Cognitive therapy centers on the belief that our thoughts are influenced by how we feel.There are a number of different cognitive therapies, including Cognitive-Behavioral, Reality, Rational Emotive and Transactional Analysis. Each of these cognitive approaches to counseling can help a client through the counseling process, by providing further understanding of the way our thoughts are sometimes distorted. Cognitive therapy focuses on the present. This means that issues from the past that are influencing current thinking, are acknowledged but not concentrated on. Instead a counselor will work wi th the client on identifying what is causing distress in present thinking.What links these different forms of cognitive therapy is the way in which the counseling relationship, between a counselor and client, develops. Assertiveness exercises, role-playing and homework are also part of the supportive one-to-one sessions a client will have with a counselor. In this paper will review and analyze the role cognition in counseling. Cognitive therapy Studies have shown that cognitive therapy is an effective treatment for depression. It is comparable in effectiveness to antidepressants and interpersonal therapy or psychodynamic therapy.The combination of cognitive therapy and antidepressants has been shown to be effective in managing severe or chronic depression. Cognitive therapy has also proven beneficial to patients who have only a partial response to antidepressants. There is good evidence that cognitive therapy reduces relapse rates. In addition, some evidence has shown that cognitive therapy is effective in treating adolescent depression. Here are a number of the different cognitive therapies, including Cognitive-Behavioral, virtual Reality, Rational Emotive and Transactional Analysis. Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyThis cognitive approach to counseling is based on the belief that learning comes from personal experience. Counseling will focus on a client’s ability to accept behavior, clarify problems and difficulties and understand the reasoning behind the importance of setting goals. With the help of self management training, assertive exercises and role-playing the counselor can help a client work towards goals. Characteristics of cognitive-behavioral therapy Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things, like people, situations, and vents. The benefit of this fact is that we can change the way we think to feel / act better even if the situation does not change. Cognitive-behavior al therapy is considered among the most rapid in terms of results obtained. The average number of sessions clients receive (across all types of problems and approaches to CBT) is only 16. Other forms of therapy, like psychoanalysis, can take years. What enables CBT to be briefer are its highly instructive nature and the fact that it makes use of homework assignments.CBT is time-limited in that we help clients understand at the very beginning of the therapy process that there will be a point when the formal therapy will end. The ending of the formal therapy is a decision made by the therapist and client. Therefore, CBT is not an open-ended, never-ending process. A sound therapeutic relationship is necessary for effective therapy, but not the focus. Some forms of therapy assume that the main reason people get better in therapy is because of the positive relationship between the therapist and client.Cognitive-behavioral therapists believe it is important to have a good, trusting relati onship, but that is not enough. CBT therapists believe that the clients change because they learn how to think differently and they act on that learning. Therefore, CBT therapists focus on teaching rational self-counseling skills. Cognitive-behavioral therapists seek to learn what their clients want out of life (their goals) and then help their clients achieve those goals. The therapist's role is to listen, teach, and encourage, while the client's roles is to express concerns, learn, and implement that learning.Not all approaches to CBT emphasize stoicism. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Rational Behavior Therapy, and Rational Living Therapy emphasize aspects of stoicism. Beck's Cognitive Therapy is not based on stoicism. Cognitive-behavioral therapy does not tell people how they should feel. However, most people seeking therapy do not want to feel they way they have been feeling. The approaches that emphasize stoicism teach the benefits of feeling, at worst, calm when confronted with undesirable situations. They also emphasize the fact that we have our undesirable situations whether we are upset about them or not.If we are upset about our problems, we have two problems  the problem, and our upset about it. Most people want to have the fewest number of problems possible. So when we learn how to more calmly accept a personal problem, not only do we feel better, but we usually put ourselves in a better position to make use of our intelligence, knowledge, energy, and resources to resolve the problem. Cognitive-behavioral therapists want to gain a very good understanding of their clients' concerns. That's why they often ask questions.They also encourage their clients to ask questions of themselves, like, â€Å"How do I really know that those people are laughing at me? †â€Å"Could they be laughing about something else? †Cognitive-behavioral therapists have a specific agenda for each session. Specific techniques / concepts are taught duri ng each session. CBT focuses on the client's goals. We do not tell our clients what their goals â€Å"should†be, or what they â€Å"should†tolerate. We are directive in the sense that we show our clients how to think and behave in ways to obtain what they want.Therefore, CBT therapists do not tell their clients what to do  rather, they teach their clients how to do. CBT is based on the scientifically supported assumption that most emotional and behavioral reactions are learned. Therefore, the goal of therapy is to help clients unlearn their unwanted reactions and to learn a new way of reacting. Therefore, CBT has nothing to do with â€Å"just talking†. People can â€Å"just talk†with anyone. The educational emphasis of CBT has an additional benefit  it leads to long term results. When people understand how and why they are doing well, they know what to do to continue doing well.A central aspect of rational thinking is that it is based o n fact. Often, we upset ourselves about things when, in fact, the situation isn't like we think it is. If we knew that, we would not waste our time upsetting ourselves. Therefore, the inductive method encourages us to look at our thoughts as being hypotheses or guesses that can be questioned and tested. If we find that our hypotheses are incorrect (because we have new information), then we can change our thinking to be in line with how the situation really is.If when you attempted to learn your multiplication tables you spent only one hour per week studying them, you might still be wondering what 5 X 5 equals. You very likely spent a great deal of time at home studying your multiplication tables, maybe with flashcards. The same is the case with psychotherapy. Goal achievement (if obtained) could take a very long time if all a person were only to think about the techniques and topics taught was for one hour per week. That's why CBT therapists assign reading assignments and encourage their clients to practice the techniques learned.Virtual Reality Therapy This form of therapeutic approach works well in treating fears and phobias. This is because virtual reality therapy (VRT) concentrates on accurately duplicating the distressing situations. Counselors, who use this form of cognitive approach, during counseling sessions, will recreate situations in order to expose the client to what triggers their fear. VRT also works well in treating anxiety disorders. Rational Emotive Therapy Rational Emotive Behavior therapy (REBT) centers on the belief that human beings have a tendency to develop irrational behavior and beliefs.These are the ‘musts’ and ‘shoulds’ that many people fill their lives with, and which influence thought and deed. REBT acknowledges that past and present conditions affect a person’s thinking and utilizes a framework so that the counselor can apply activating events that allow the client to identify beliefs and conseque nces. Transactional Analysis TA, as Transactional Analysis is also known, is based on the notion that our personality consists of three states of ego – parent, adult and child. During interaction with others one of our ego states will predominate, depending on the situation we find ourselves in.Certain types of behavior are associated with each of the ego roles, and using this form of cognitive approach to counseling allows the client to understand the different ego stages and how they interact with each other. conlusion In conclusion, Cognitive therapy (or cognitive behavioral therapy) helps the client to uncover and alter distortions of thought or perceptions which may be causing or prolonging psychological distress. However, there are key principles that aim counselors with the best tools to provide the kind of supportive guidance that is conducive to creating a positive counseling outcome for their clients.References David, Daniel. , Szentagotal, A. , Eva, K. , & Macavei, B. (2005). A synopsis of rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT): Fundamental and applied research. Journal of Rational &Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Josefowitz, N. , & Myran, D. (2005). Towards a person-centered cognitive behavior therapy. Counseling Psychology Quarterly Retrieved January 20, 2006, fromAcademic Search Premier. Kirschenbaum, H. (2004). Carl Rogers’s life and work: An assessment on the 100
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Banning Smoking in Public Places
Banning smoking in public places I’d like to talk about the banning smoking in public places. Generally, is known about smoking that can cause different types of cancer, yellow teeth and unpleasant smell. I think that smoking in public places represent a real problem, because smoking can lead to serious health problems for both the person who smoke and the sitting next to him. Nowadays, smoking is a leading cause of mortality in the world, but also a very profitable business for some companies.In general, when it comes to smoking, opinions are divided. While some people urge us not to smoke, others try to convince us that is not necessary to make so many problems and that smoking is not dangerous. First of all, issue of smoking in public places has become today a real reason for concern. So, governments all over the world have implemented bans of smoking in public places, to the joy of non-smokers and the dismay of those for whom a cigarette is a permanent extension of the lip s.Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, a gas, which, if is inhaled, can produce different types of pulmonary diseases, cancer. This action of carbon monoxide displays one great advantage of the ban on smoking in public places. People standing next to the smoker will, against their wishes, be inhaling the tobacco smoke emanating from the tip of the cigar or cigarette as well as that exhaled by the smoker. Thus, large quantities of carbon monoxide will be entering the â€Å"victim’s†blood stream, wreaking havoc with his red blood cells.Tobacco smoke has also been shown to contain certain carcinogenic compounds which have the ability to mutate the DNA of anyone who inhales them, leading to probable cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and also secondary cancers at other sites in the body. These effects present another case in favour of the ban on smoking in public. Unenlightened people standing next to the smoker will be increasing their risk of getting cancer tenf old. Tobacco smoke also contains nicotine, a chemical which produces the same effects as adrenaline in the body.Nicotine increases the breathing rate, heart beat and blood pressure of the person who consumes it. Increased blood pressure may lead to hardening of the arteries, a condition called atherosclerosis. Thus another advantage of the ban comes to light. Non-smokers who unwittingly inhale â€Å"second-hand†smoke are exposed to nicotine and its harmful effects. Apart from the evident medical and health advantages of the ban on smoking in the public, certain social advantages can be mentioned.It is a well-known fact that children, having impressionable minds, emulate almost everything they see their elders doing. The negative impact of seeing an adult smoking could ultimately lead these children to becoming smokers themselves. And the chances of such sighting increase manifold in public places where smoking is allowed. Countries which provide free medical aid for their ci tizens have an added advantage, a monetary one. Respiratory illnesses caused by inhaling tobacco smoke are on the rise, resulting in an increase in the amount of money spent on medical care by these countries.Most of the people suffering from these illnesses are non-smokers exposed to ‘second-hand’ smoke. By banning the smoking of any form of tobacco in public, the incidence of these illnesses is greatly decreased, thus saving millions which may be directed towards other projects. The only disadvantage of the ban that comes to mind is that the smoker finds himself unable to exercise his right to choose, his freedom as a democratic citizen, fully. It is certainly an infringement on the rights of the smoker, rights which are guaranteed to any and all citizens of a democratic country.But one feels it is unjustified. The smoker cannot and should not force his smoking upon anyone, he should care for the rights of others as well. The rights of so few cannot be given preferenc e over the rights of so many. All in all, the ban on smoking in public is a step in the right direction, towards a better future for us and the generations to come. All steps possible should be taken to discourage tobacco smoking, a potentially hazardous habit which may lead to death. We owe it to ourselves to do so. Banning Smoking in Public Places Banning smoking in public places I’d like to talk about the banning smoking in public places. Generally, is known about smoking that can cause different types of cancer, yellow teeth and unpleasant smell. I think that smoking in public places represent a real problem, because smoking can lead to serious health problems for both the person who smoke and the sitting next to him. Nowadays, smoking is a leading cause of mortality in the world, but also a very profitable business for some companies.In general, when it comes to smoking, opinions are divided. While some people urge us not to smoke, others try to convince us that is not necessary to make so many problems and that smoking is not dangerous. First of all, issue of smoking in public places has become today a real reason for concern. So, governments all over the world have implemented bans of smoking in public places, to the joy of non-smokers and the dismay of those for whom a cigarette is a permanent extension of the lip s.Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, a gas, which, if is inhaled, can produce different types of pulmonary diseases, cancer. This action of carbon monoxide displays one great advantage of the ban on smoking in public places. People standing next to the smoker will, against their wishes, be inhaling the tobacco smoke emanating from the tip of the cigar or cigarette as well as that exhaled by the smoker. Thus, large quantities of carbon monoxide will be entering the â€Å"victim’s†blood stream, wreaking havoc with his red blood cells.Tobacco smoke has also been shown to contain certain carcinogenic compounds which have the ability to mutate the DNA of anyone who inhales them, leading to probable cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and also secondary cancers at other sites in the body. These effects present another case in favour of the ban on smoking in public. Unenlightened people standing next to the smoker will be increasing their risk of getting cancer tenf old. Tobacco smoke also contains nicotine, a chemical which produces the same effects as adrenaline in the body.Nicotine increases the breathing rate, heart beat and blood pressure of the person who consumes it. Increased blood pressure may lead to hardening of the arteries, a condition called atherosclerosis. Thus another advantage of the ban comes to light. Non-smokers who unwittingly inhale â€Å"second-hand†smoke are exposed to nicotine and its harmful effects. Apart from the evident medical and health advantages of the ban on smoking in the public, certain social advantages can be mentioned.It is a well-known fact that children, having impressionable minds, emulate almost everything they see their elders doing. The negative impact of seeing an adult smoking could ultimately lead these children to becoming smokers themselves. And the chances of such sighting increase manifold in public places where smoking is allowed. Countries which provide free medical aid for their ci tizens have an added advantage, a monetary one. Respiratory illnesses caused by inhaling tobacco smoke are on the rise, resulting in an increase in the amount of money spent on medical care by these countries.Most of the people suffering from these illnesses are non-smokers exposed to ‘second-hand’ smoke. By banning the smoking of any form of tobacco in public, the incidence of these illnesses is greatly decreased, thus saving millions which may be directed towards other projects. The only disadvantage of the ban that comes to mind is that the smoker finds himself unable to exercise his right to choose, his freedom as a democratic citizen, fully. It is certainly an infringement on the rights of the smoker, rights which are guaranteed to any and all citizens of a democratic country.But one feels it is unjustified. The smoker cannot and should not force his smoking upon anyone, he should care for the rights of others as well. The rights of so few cannot be given preferenc e over the rights of so many. All in all, the ban on smoking in public is a step in the right direction, towards a better future for us and the generations to come. All steps possible should be taken to discourage tobacco smoking, a potentially hazardous habit which may lead to death. We owe it to ourselves to do so.
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