Monday, September 30, 2019
Macbeth †Blind Ambition Essay
Q. The drama Macbeth explores the dangers associated with unsighted aspiration. Discuss. William Shakespeare’s drama Macbeth is chiefly concerned with researching the dangers associated with unsighted aspiration. Shakespeare presents the audience with a character faced with clear moral picks and who is led down a way towards devastation because of his tragic character defect. his overarching aspiration. We can see this in how easy Macbeth is ab initio convinced to get down down this route by the witches’ prognostication. Finally we see how Macbeth is driven to of all time greater extremes of inhuman treatment in order to keep the place that his aspiration has allowed him to achieve. The dangers associated with unsighted aspiration are portrayed in the mode in which the offenses they commit take a awful toll on the heads of both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is ab initio presented in the drama as a brave and baronial character but it takes merely a intimation in the way of kingship from the enchantresss to enflame his aspiration. Early in the drama Macbeth is praised by the male monarch for his bravery and trueness. He is a figure of esteem and is rewarded for his attempts with the Thane of Cawdor. Shakespeare gives Macbeth his first gustatory sensation of power and aspiration with the prognostication of the enchantresss and this kindles a sense of wonder in him about what the hereafter may keep. He makes a spring between being a inactive figure in the face of fate to entertaining the thought that he may himself direct the workings of destiny. As Macbeth says. â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland: that is a measure On which I must fall down. or else o’erleap. †It seems to take merely the merest jog in the way of his â€Å"dark desires†to do a deep alteration in his character and to entice him into entertaining some atrocious offenses in order to accomplish those aspirations. We are left with the inquiry. would Macbeth hold of all time strayed from his baronial character if he had non been given the initial push in that way by the enchantresss? The reply seems to be that the enchantresss have simply allowed something that was dark and evil within Macbeth’s character to be pulled out into the visible radiation. If we begin to covet what others have so our aspirations can run amuck and destruct us. Having achieved his end to go the King of Scotland Macbeth is forced togo of all time more barbarous and cruel in order to support his illicit place. Initially we see that Macbeth has a profound battle with his scruples over the chance and so finds many good grounds for non killing him. It is merely the prod of Lady Macbeth over his manhood that keeps him on his bloody way. The slaying causes Macbeth a great trade of mental anguish and we see a character distraught by the injury of traveling against his indispensable character in the minutes straight after the act. â€Å"†¦ Sleep no more: Macbeth does slay sleep†¦Ã¢â‚¬ As the drama progresses he overcomes his remorses and supresses his scruples wholly. The deduction is that in order to keep his place he must go more and more bloodthirsty and that his character must go more and more distorted. Shakespeare is doing the observation that aspiration is like a famished fire that consumes all in its way in order to keep itself. Like autocrats throughout history we can see that. â€Å"Who is all powerful should fear everything. †The fright. intuition and paranoia created by supreme power illicitly gained leads to an inevitable bloodletting as the natural order is destroyed and pandemonium is unleashed. Macbeth’s aspiration is such a force for upset in the drama and causes non merely his ruin but that of many other characters and the whole province of Scotland. The greatest component of calamity in the drama is the spectacle of Macbeth easy losing his head as a consequence of his guilt over the offenses that he has committed in order to carry through his aspiration. The beginning of the drama portrays Macbeth as a baronial warrior of sound head and sound organic structure. This nevertheless changes as the drama progresses to the point where Macbeth becomes insane. This is due to the guilt of his actions. What emphasises the guilt that Macbeth feels even more is the nucleus values that he has. He battles with his head trying to convert himself that it was justifiable yet his nucleus ethical motives and values tell him otherwise. â€Å"It will hold blood ; they say. blood will hold blood†Here Macbeth reflects on his workss after Banquos shade disappears. This is the start of his conflict for his saneness. Because of his righteous nucleus values. he believes that the evil title that he has committed will finally ensue in his decease. As the drama progresses. his mental stableness degrades with each evil title he commits to the point where he has no desire to populate any longer as he realises that all there is to populate for. he has wasted off. â€Å"I have liv’d long plenty: my manner of life Is fall’n into the sear. the xanthous foliage ; And that which should attach to old age. †He remarks that old age has come upon him hurriedly as his manner of life has caused this.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Impact of Literature on my Personal Growth Essay
The select readings that the class has discussed this semester have covered a variety of literature that has made an impact on how I now view life and the world around me. The stories of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Virgil’s The Aeneid, Jonathan Kirsch’s God against the Gods and Elaine Pagels’ Origin of Satan have affected my personal beliefs to the extent that I have started to think more critically about certain moral issues in life. Impact of Literature Personal Growth In Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, I have finally realized several points and issues about fighting for something and protecting it. I also learned how much risks and sacrifices that these characters of Achilles, Hector, and Odysseus can lay down for the sake of keeping what is rightfully theirs. Each character possesses braveness and honor that enable them to become stronger in their pursuits and battles. The role of women is also notable in these epic stories as their status supports the development of the male characters. Rageâ€â€Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses, hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls, reat fighters’ souls, but made their bodies carrion, feasts for the dogs and birds, (Iliad, lines 1-5) Achilles, a skillful warrior is introduced in the opening of Homer’s The Iliad. He represents a stereotypical masculinity which is often known as bold, daring, brave, and egotistical. I realized that men of Homer’s time are likely to become more established based on the battle skills that they possessed. When he defeated Hector in public in a single battle, he earns further respect from his colleagues and enemies. Odysseus, on the other hand, is just like any other real man who has a defining character of what a leader should be; nobility, courage, intellect, thirst for glory and authority. He has a loving wife Penelope who perfectly fulfills domestic roles back home. Though she has not seen Odysseus in twenty years, she never loses faith that her husband will come back and that they will live happy again. Her faithfulness and loyalty illustrates a perfect representation of a wife who is truly in love and a woman who is dutiful to her husband. Aenas in The Aeneid, is one of the heroes of classical literature. At some point his character can be associated with that of Jesus Christ. To fully grasp and understand the context of their characters as heroes, one must understand their societal and cultural background. A hero should not be aloof and removed to their present reality. They should conform and adjust but should make a difference. Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Mark and Aenas in the poem of Virgil are heroic characters that illustrate acceptance of the workings and providence of the Gods as fate. They both represent the virtue of accepting and performing one’s duty. Though Aenas is a son of the goddess Venus and who receives special providence from the gods, Aenas is still considered mortal while Jesus is both God and man. Aenas is sometimes driven by his unhappiness and emotional impulses to accept his destined path but he chooses obey and follow still. Aenas is for the glory of Rome but Jesus Christ is for the glory of God, the Father. Meanwhile, Kirsch’s God against the Gods made me think twice about the nature of monotheism and polytheism in our country. Kirsch points out in this book that monotheism is the one responsible for the world war problems today. monotheism turned out to inspire a ferocity and even a fanaticism that are mostly absent from polytheism†(Kirsch 2). I support his claim that monotheism is really a problem if this world needs peace. People have different beliefs and to tell the other that his or her belief is wrong is very crucial to a relationship. With the examples that he pointed out in his book about Jews, Muslims and Christians, I realized that these religions are actually just worshipping a god that has common features. I came to a conclusion that religion is not as important to a person’s spirituality as one’s personal relationship with God. No matter what a person’s religion is, it does not really matter as long as people believe in something and they respect other people’s beliefs as well. Pagels’ Origin of Satan made me realize that amidst the promises of stories about love in The New Testament, the power of Satan is present amongst its stories especially in the crucifixion story. I came to a realization that biblical stories tell more than what meets the eye. With an in-depth analysis, it got me into thinking that to be able to fully understand and comprehend what the Bible really has to offer, I have to finish the book and consult scholarly sources. Conclusion These stories enable me to think and analyze the world around me and its history in a much critical way. History is written in these books and their still manifesting significance in our society today. Personally, as a Christian I still believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. I eventually conform to the idea of heaven and hell, of the Second Coming, of the body of Sacred Writings but I was restricted to the limits of what my religion teaches me and tells me what to do. However, upon reading these literary works, I realized that as an individual, I must think for myself and conform to the ideas which I think is right as a human being.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Black & Decker (SWOT analysis) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Black & Decker (SWOT analysis) - Research Paper Example The industrial segment is sub divided into tradesmen and industry level. The domestic consumers are a big fan of Black & Decker products and the company enjoys fifty percent market share from this segment. However, the share at industrial level is twenty percent and tradesmen account for nine percent only. Tradesmen are not quite satisfied with the Black & Decker products as they consider the tools less professional and less reliable. Although research and development is an ongoing process at Black & Decker and due to the company’s efforts, hundreds and thousands of products have become a part of the brand. Sub brands of Black & Decker are also popular at global level. Thus, the brand portfolio of Black & Decker is quite satisfactory and appeals the customers. ... other idea could be to remove the Black & Decker label from all products in the mentioned category and market the products under the name of other Black & Decker brands which are absolutely free of any negative associations. Threats Competitors such as Makita and Milwaukee are a major threat for Black & Decker. They have a market share of more than fifty percent and have better brand awareness and reputation in the power tools market. The negative image of Black & Decker can also have negative impact on the consumer segment. If strategies aimed at the growth in the tradesmen segment fail, the company might face decline in revenues and reputation. 4 P’s Analysis Product Black & Decker is one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of power tools and accessories. The products range from the smallest of screwdrivers which are used rarely by domestic consumers to heaviest parts of machinery used at the industrial scale. The products are classified into two categories: home use and industrial use. The industrial segment is sub divided into tradesmen and industry level. The domestic consumers are a big fan of Black & Decker products and the company enjoys fifty percent market share from this segment. However, the share at industrial level is twenty percent and tradesmen account for nine percent only. Tradesmen are not quite satisfied with the Black & Decker products as they consider the tools less professional and less reliable. Although research and development is an ongoing process at Black & Decker and due to the company’s efforts, hundreds and thousands of products have become a part of the brand. Sub brands of Black & Decker are also popular at global level. Thus, the brand portfolio of Black & Decker is quite satisfactory and appeals the customers. Price A deep
Friday, September 27, 2019
Nitric Oxide Production in Cytokine Activated Macrophages Lab Report
Nitric Oxide Production in Cytokine Activated Macrophages - Lab Report Example Apoptosis plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis in a number of physiological systems. NO can cause apoptosis to be induced in various cells including immune cells and tumor cells. Excessive and prolonged production of NO can trigger secondary damage of normal tissues. Therefore, the NO-secreting and activate macrophages needs to die or revert back to a resting state in order to prevent damaging of normal tissues (Tsujimoto, & Shimizu, 2005). Activation – induced apoptosis is the mechanism involving the removal of immunologically stimulated cells to help limit injury of normal tissues and to promote immunologic tolerance. IL-2, one of the major cytokine, which is secreted from an activated lymphocyte during inflammatory or immune responses, can trigger various immune cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes to produce a plethora of cytokines including TNF-ÃŽ ², TNF-ÃŽ ±, IL-1ÃŽ ², IL-6, and IL-1ÃŽ ±. (Tsujimoto, & Shimizu, 2005). These cytokines can potentially in duce responding cells for instance macrophages to synthesize and produce high NO nitrite levels from l-arginine through the action of the enzyme called inducible nitric oxide synthase. In this study, the focus was ascertaining the impact of the cytokines on the rate of synthesis and production of NO from macrophages (Hu, & Brindle, 2005). In relating the optical density to the levels of nitrite, volumes of standardized sodium nitrite solution 50Â µg/ml) was added to culture medium. It was observed that increase in the volume of Volume of 50Â µg/ml standard added to 0.5ml culture medium caused a corresponding increase in Optical density (OD) as depicted in table 01 and graph 01. The results of this experiment indicate that cytokines have an impact on the production of NO by macrophages. The higher the number of cytokines used the higher the Optical density values hence the higher production of NO. The value for OD was lowest (OD=0.057)
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Marketing of NBA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing of NBA - Essay Example This will severely impede the ability of the NBA to expand beyond the United States. Most NBA teams are based in the United States, therefore a problem of geography will face any marketing efforts, as has happened in the past. Different languages may describe a slam-dunk with different words, but it is still unlikely, if not impossible, for a Beijinger to cheer the Bulls. To believe otherwise is nave. 2. For the NBA to enter Australia, a country obsessed with sports, may be practical in terms of microeconomic possibility, but it will still fail because NBA is an American sport. Australians have their own Australian Football League, also known as Aussie-rules football, the National Rugby League and the Super 12s, a competition played with teams from New Zealand and South Africa, that are all keen rugby union playing nations with a shared history of belonging in the Commonwealth. If establishing a team in Australia is an adjustment then this is what the NBA must do to become established in Australia. Sport is highly regionalized in Australia, and the NBA must have local support to generate Australian revenue.
Exporting goods via airfreight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Exporting goods via airfreight - Essay Example The higher of the two rates is the class rate, which is the standard rate for all commodities moving from one destination to another. On the other hand is the commodity rate, sometimes referred to as a special rate because shippers receive it from carriers as a reward for either large-quality shipment or regular use. Recently, another rate known as a contract or negotiated rate has emerged. This rate is favorable to small businesses, which do not have the shipping volume required for the above two rates. Under contract rates, a carrier and shipper negotiate a rate for a specific service where the two parties finalize the terms of the service, rate and other variables in a contract. Exporting goods by means of airfreight has a substantial effect on international business. A range of cost components may reduce the high cost of goods associated with airfreight. Cost components refer to groupings of cost elements such as process costs, direct labor, materials among others. Different users define these cost components to match needs in their organizations. In other words, cost components vary from one location to another. People also select cost components as containing variable (proportional) and/or fixed costs (Sedgley & Jackiw, 2007). These cost components include inventory-holding costs, infrastructure costs, theft and damage costs, congestion costs and Speed and time costs. The business dictionary defines inventory cost as the cost that one incurs by holding goods in stock. This cost includes depreciation, warehousing, insurance, capital, taxation, shrinkage and obsolescence cost. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the inventory value, which is the determination of the cost of inventory that has not been sold at the ending of an accounting period. As one holds goods, their value may depreciate leading to losses. He would also be paying for their storage in a warehouse. The goods also need to be insured
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Religion - Religious Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Religion - Religious Violence - Research Paper Example Bush against Muslim extremists (particularly in Afghanistan and Iraq), Islam has received a bashing from many Christian communities. For example in 2010, a Florida pastor attempted to burn copies of Koran as a sign of protest against the establishment of an Islamic center near Ground Zero (Cave and Barnard). Meanwhile, early this year, U.S. service members in Afghanistan burned copies of the Muslim holy books which has led to the attack of at least six U.S. military personnel (Sieff). With the refusal of the United States to recall its forces in Islamic territories and the countless complaints against human rights violation in Saudi Arabia, it is no longer a wonder why Islam is the first thing that comes to mind when one talks about religious violence. But history shows that religious violence is not isolated among Muslims, it can also happen among Christians. In this article, the author attempts to show that religious violence is mainly a Western concept. Instead of religion promoti ng the acts of aggression, violence done because of religion is a manifestation of a bigger issue that involves a power struggle and a misunderstanding among various world traditions. The idea that religion causes violence is prevalent in the West. This view is best explained by Christopher Hitchens’ book God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. In his work, Hitchens criticizes the major world traditions of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Confucianism and Hinduism because of the violence these religions promote. He says totalitarianism is like religion because it aims for perfection, hence even the atheist regimes of Stalin and Kim Jong-Il may be classified as a religious impulse. Of religion he says: [It] is man-made. Even the men who made it cannot agree on what their prophets or redeemers or gurus actually said or did. Still less they can hope to tell us the â€Å"meaning†of later discoveries and developments which were†¦either obstructed by their religion or denounced by them. And yet -- the believers still claim to know! Not just to know, but to know everything. Not just know that god exists, and that he created and supervised the whole enterprise, but also to know what â€Å"he†demands of us. (Hitchens 10) Hitchens’ words are common among individuals rallying against fundamentalism and dogmatism in religion. He says that religion is violent, as proven by the violence found in the Bible (the crucifixion of Christ, the throwing of stones to punish an erring woman, etc.) and the Koran (war among the different tribes, etc.). Using this same logic, Hitchens claims that Martin Luther King Jr. was not a religious personality because he was non-violent. Religion poisons everything because it leads people to become irrational – because it poses an absolute truth despite the reality that imperfect human beings interpreted such absolute truths. Hitchens’ claims were supported by another article from Psychology Today which says that â€Å"disagreement [between religions] have little to do with the existence of God, but everything to do with claims of communication with ‘Him’, of whose holy books contain ‘accurate’ divine revelation†(Niose). For both Christian Hitchens and David Niose, the affairs of man has contributed to the aggression between different cultures. The irrationality that pervades â€Å"religious†debate hinder individuals from seeing the negative effects of their actions. Religious violence may be rooted with man’s constant need to be affirmed, and perhaps also due to the fame and fortune that comes with being correct. Having said that, we may now come to William T. Cavanaugh who says that
Monday, September 23, 2019
Objectives of Reconstruction in the years immediately after the Civil Essay
Objectives of Reconstruction in the years immediately after the Civil War - Essay Example the strongest desire to secure to the freedmen the full enjoyment of their freedom and their property and their interdependence and equality in making contracts for their labor†(Johnston, This is the thinking and suggestion of Andrew Johnson. At the same time, Abraham Lincoln had a similar opinion concerning the freedom of men after the civil rights, â€Å"with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds†(Lincoln, According to my view, these three great individuals had similar views in regard to the slaves and the freedmen, though the kind of approach that they had taken was different. Lincoln agitates for peace, while Andrew Johnson rejected a bill passed by the senate and approved by the house of congress. In his explanation, it is quite clear that the details of the bill were not consistent with the people’s welfare; he therefore had to reject it. Given the effort and steps taken by Andrew Johnson towards the establishment of measures that could oversee that the freedmen and the slave got justice, he has been greatly attacked by Sumner Charles, whereby he describes him with many attributes, â€Å"original partisan of slavery North; habitual compromisers of great principles; maligners of the declaration of independence†(â€Å"Charles Sumner opinion,† This description depicts a negative image of the one known for his understanding and good will for the people. Though all these individuals had the same aim, to deliver the slaves from the bondage of suffering, they had different approaches. Abraham Lincoln has described the origin of the civil war and has greatly included God’s involvement in his issues. He eventually urges the people to come together so as to ensure that all slaves get their rights. Andrew Johnson on the other hand is one person
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Critique of King's theory of the goal of attainment Research Paper
Critique of King's theory of the goal of attainment - Research Paper Example This extensive work in the nursing field contributed greatly in the theory because of her experience in the nursing field research (King, 2007). The Theory of Goal Attainment describes the relationship between people working together to attain a certain goal. In this case, a patient and a nurse, communicate when working together, to achieve a goal, the patient’s health. The theory looks at interpersonal systems, personal systems and social systems, how human beings use these aspects in their daily life while trying to attain their goals. The theory uses concepts to show how each system works. The concepts are defined in both theoretical and operational terms describing the systems and their application. The concepts for personal system are; growth and development, body image, space, time, self, and perception. The concepts for interpersonal system are; transaction, role, interaction, communication and stress. The social system concepts are; Authority, power, organization and status and decision making (King, 1991). The theory enlists the explicit and implicit assumptions underlying it: the nursing focus, its goal, the goal of nurses, nursing process, plan, implementing and evaluating nursing care. Nurses and patients communicate, set goals mutually, and then work to attain those goals. In life situation, people interact, perceive and enter into situations and in the process, each participant is changed (King, 2007). The theory also describes the four Metaparadigm concepts of nursing, which are: a human being, health, environment and nursing. The theory reflect clarity of thought process in that a human being is rational, perceive, think, feel, choose, set goals, select means to achieve goals and make decisions. The theory explains the logical congruence of the internal structure of the theory by showing how the systems come together and the attainment of goals. The theory does not give an indication that help predict or control
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Law Enforcement Today Essay Example for Free
Law Enforcement Today Essay Law enforcement is something that is needed in our country. As time has passed, crime rates have gone up. New types of crimes are created by just about anything. Let’s take a look at an example of a new crime starting up. People who are driving and texting is now becoming a crime. This may seem like something minor, but it can lead to something horrible, like the cause to a fatal accident. The driver who was busy texting his buddy that he was on the way to the bar could of caused him to get to close to another car and crash into it, causing vehicle damages and even death. With technology advancing, crime has gone up with it as well. Now people commit crime online by stealing credit card numbers and even a person’s identity. Our law enforcement agencies now have to stay on top of things in today’s world, because if they don’t, the bad guys will win. Our law enforcement agencies are made up of local, state, and federal. They interact with the U. S. Department of Homeland Security to ensure success with enforcing the law and keeping communities safe. They might not have the best relationship but there can be ways to improve that. Many people do not really understand the importance of law enforcement until they desperately need them to help in their time of need. Some of the things that we do not understand are that the law enforcement officers face many challenges in today’s society. Our officers have to go through much training to be where they are at today. They have witnessed horrible crimes that could possibly leave them traumatized for life. Aside from that, they face issues of racial profiling, extreme dangers during work hours, and learning how to deal with stress and facing a multicultural society. These officers have to suppress their emotions from what they face every day. They might even have to keep their business private from family members or they could face some type of judgment. People already act different toward any police officer. In some people’s eyes, the police are the bad guys. It is understandable because there have been many corrupt police officers that make it hard for the good guys. Some people feel that if the officer is a certain race, the officer will be for their own race and against theirs. For instance, a black police officer may be judged on his skin color and the citizens might feel that officer is protecting the black criminals. We have many law enforcement agencies with good people who are doing their best to serve and protect the people. The local law enforcement consists of different agencies, like the city police department, county sheriff’s office, transit authority police, school district police, and university police. Those are just a few. The state enforcement agencies consist of the attorney general, highway patrols, and department of criminal justice and there are more. The federal law enforcement agencies consist of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, U. S. Immigration and Customers Enforcement, the FBI, and more. All of these agencies work together to keep our country balanced and in order. The Department of Homeland Security has the local, state, and federal agencies set to handle situations that involve natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other types of disasters created by people. All agencies have a person who supports or recommends causes or policies that have to be enforced. These agencies are also provided with a point of contact for DHS in case of any situation arising that might involve them. With the law enforcement agencies working together, crime can be controlled and even prevented. I think if the police departments could be trained more on what the DHS does, maybe the relationship between them could become better. A way to build a better relationship would be to empower state and local agencies to have more power over things so in case of some type of terrorism or natural disaster, they will know what to do. Communication is a big factor in building the relationship between the agencies and DHS. If the right information is passed along the departments, this could allow for everyone to stay up-to-date with current crime and could possibly be prevented in the future, or help to better handle the situation once it happens. The relationship between law enforcement agencies and the people of our country needs to be improved as well. Many people do not realize what these officers go through. If a relationship bond could be formed with the people and the agencies, then that could also help for crimes to be stopped and prevented. Ensuring the safety of our country is what we need to focus on. There are too many crimes going on where it is basically our people against each other and that needs to stop. References http://www. golawenforcement. com/LawEnforcementAgencies. htm http://www. spiritofthelaw. org/sol1art6. html http://www. golawenforcement. com/StateAgencies/TexasLawEnforcement. htm http://www. dhs. gov/xlibrary/assets/foia/plcy_directive_252-11_office_for_state_and_local_law_enforcement. pdf http://www. heritage. org/research/reports/2011/08/homeland-security-4-0-overcoming-centralization-complacency-and-politics Schmalleger, F. 2011 Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Te4xt for the 21st Century
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Importance Of Sustainability Marketing In Hotel Industry
The Importance Of Sustainability Marketing In Hotel Industry Tourism development depends on the local environment, but the hotel as a pillar industry of tourism, on environmental protection and reasonable use of resources made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹efforts directly related to the development of tourism and affect the sustainable development of society. 2. Review on Sustainability Marketing Since 90s, a wave of green revolution is sweeping the world and the concept of sustainable development has been gradually accepted by the people. Nowadays, sustainability becomes a hot topic and main theme of 21st century marketing for hotel industry, because the future hotel development will be more focus on protecting the balance of ecological environment, saving energy and reducing pollution, but that is only one hand. On the other, it is also being an important role in the marketing strategy for any business. Especial in todays highly competitive hotel industry, how to distinguish self from others and run a long-term successful business becomes a question for all hotels management. Lets discuss from the external and internal factors first which influences hotel sustainability. 2.1 External and Internal Factors Within the hotel industry, there are many ways we can talk about how to do sustainability, for example, recycling paper, changing normal bulbs to energy saving light bulb, using non-polluting materials etc. But those measures only can assist in some small ways, sustainability is a much wider topic we can discuss. It is constituted with external and internal factors. There are six areas are illustrated connecting together in an environment of economic success, social responsibility, and ecological health (Daub Ergenzinger 2005), and that six areas include location, marketing, human resources, empowerment, resource management and yield management. These are not the only elements that management needs to consider but it does give some indication of the importance of each element in a connected environment. (Holmberg, J. 1992). Besides those external factors, environmental management, water management and energy management as important internal components direct influences hotel environ mental sustainability. Throughout the factors, the sustainability development of the global hotel industry is not only direct impact by internal factors, but external factors as a strategy element will assist a hotel business go beyond. 2.2 Definition of Sustainability Marketing The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) defined sustainable development as development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. (Brundlland Commission Report, 1987). This is a general explanation apply to all field. But in a business context, sustainable development means taking a triple bottom line (people, planet and profit) approach so that the business measures its success not just on financial performance, but on its environmental and social performance too ( 1999) . The Langham in Shanghai currently installing LED screen for every hotel room, and it will display each rooms energy consumption index (ECI), assuming hotel set 150 point as the average ECI, and if the index of the guests room below this average value, every point that lower than the average index, it can exchange to the equivalent hotel credit value, guest can consume goods within hotel using this credit value. 2.2.1 Different between Green Marketing and Sustainability Marketing Many people define sustainable marketing as green marketing. But from the definition between these two words, they still have subtle difference. Green marketing has three components, it refers to retailing, social marketing and environment and it will help an organization minimize negative impact on the physical environment (American Marketing Association). However, sustainable marketing is the contribution that the marketing profession can make to sustainable development ( 1999). Hence, green marketing should be an important member under sustainable marketing in order to assist hotel business goes further. Langham made a lot of energy saving effort to achieve the environmental protection, on the other hand, it helped hotel save cost. In addition, it provided a different experience to let their customer be an environmentalist. The manager Mr Li from Langham mention that hotel wont sacrifice their guests stay experience to achieve their own environmental goals, but can added more enthusiasm of environmental protection when they stay at hotel, sustainability marketings aim is not only focus on reduce pollution, more important is promote green awareness in order to build a green corporate image. Therefore, for those advocating environmental protection guest can easily make a choice, select a hotel which their core is sustainable development, so that not only broadcast their fame, but also retain the guest, that is the sustainable development road for a hotel. 2.4 The Importance Elements of Sustainability Marketing for Hotel Industry  ¼Ã…’à ¥Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ®Ãƒ ¥Ã…  ©Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ©Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¤Ãƒ ¥Ã‚  à ¥Ã‚ £Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¦Ã…’ ½Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ºÃ‚ º Sustainable Travel international (SIT) is a global non-profit leader which announced the launch of the Luxury Eco Certification Standard (LECS) to luxury hotels, it h elps them create and implement a measurement and management framework move toward to sustainability.(website). It can be seen, for todays hotel industry, being a well know hotel is not only reflect on variety service they can provide, but also give customer a different experience to retain their loyalty is the most important elements for nowadays hotel. 2.5.1 Customer Satisfaction The hotel wont sacrifice customer stay experience to achieve its own environmental goals. The hotel does not sacrifice guests stay to achieve their own environmental goals. Guests spend money hoping to enjoy equivalent services, the hotel environmental protection, is not so that guests can not do this can not do that, but I hope they add more environmental enthusiasm stay. Have a great sale not because of grate product, because of service)7-11 2.4.2 Branding In addition, the implementation of green marketing is also beneficial to build a green corporate image to ensure, so companies gain a unique competitive advantage. 2.3 Development trend of Sustainability Marketing Marketing has a responsibility to achieve profitable growth for the company (KOTLER, P., BOWEN, J. T., MAKENS, J. C. 2006). 2.3.1 Knows Customer Needs, Wants Demand 2.3.2 Differentiate Product from Other Competitors 2.5 Strategy Planning of Sustainability Marketing à ¦Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  ·Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  ¥Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¾Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ ¥Ã‹â€  °Ãƒ ¥Ã‚  ¯Ãƒ ¦Ã…’ à §Ã‚ »Ã‚ à ¥Ã‚ ‘à ¥Ã‚ ±Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ ¼Ã…’à ¥Ã‚ ˆÃ ¦Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ½Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  ·Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¦Ã… ½Ã‚ ªÃƒ ¦- ½: SUSTAINABILITYà ¥Ã‚  ¯Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ §Ã¢â‚¬  ¨ 2.4.1 SWOT Analysis 3. Conclusion
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Symbols and Symbolism - Pearl as Living Symbol in The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
Pearl as Living Symbol in The Scarlet Letter     Pearl. A child born of sin. Conceived by lust. Created by impurity.         As the result of her parents fall from grace, she represents the sinfulness of their act, and is a continual tool for the recollection of their dubious deed. Sent, was she, from the Almighty God as a gift, and a burden of the heart.         "'God gave me the child?' cried she. 'He gave her in requital of all things else, which ye had taken from me. She is my happiness!- she is my torture, none the less! See ye not, she is the scarlet letter, only capable of being loved, and so endowed with a million fold the power of retribution for my sin? Ye shall not take her! I will die first!'"(109)         "'There is truth in what she says,' began the minister, with a voice sweet, tremulous, but powerful, insomuch that the hall reechoed, and the hollow armor rang with it - 'truth in what Hester says, and in the feeling which inspires her!'"(110)...         "'I must be even so,' resumed the minister.'" " 'This child of its father's guilt and its mother's shame hath come from the hand of God, to work in many ways upon her heart, who pleads so earnestly, and with such bitterness of spirit, the right to keep her. It was meant, doubtless, as the mother herself hath told us, for a retribution too; a torture to be felt at many an unthought-of moment; a pang, a sting, an ever-recurring agony, in the midst of a troubled joy! Hath she not expressed this thought with the garb of the poor child, so forcibly reminding us of that red symbol which sears her bosom?'"(110-111).         Pearls gestures, and the essence which her presence pours forth, insinuate to the child's evil roots and the effect there of.         "the child could not be made amenable to rules. In giving her existence, a great law had been broken, and the result was a being whose elements where perhaps beautiful and brilliant, but all in disorder."... "Above all, the warfare of Hester's spirit, at that epoch, was perpetuated in Pearl. She could recognize her wild, desperate, defiant mood, the
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay --
Definitions of yoga in terms of Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism are spiritual and discipline. It has been loved by diverse demographics. Yoga is more than posturing and increasing flexibility of our body, but it also works as a technique of not only controlling our body and mind but also managing our souls. â€Å"The traditional purpose of Yoga, however, has always been to bring about a profound transformation in the person through the transcendence of the ego.†Feuerstein3 (Ettington, 2012) The earliest beginning of yoga is still not clear, but one essay suggests that traditional yoga was originated in the Indus civilization and the early Vedic religious traditions (Jacobsen, 2005). Since then, yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and evolved and changed over time. American history of yoga starts from the time when a quota was imposed on Indian immigrants by the United States Immigrant Services, and this quota allowed Americans can visit and travel the East Asia for teaching purposes. In 1947, Theos Bernard came back to the United States from India and wrote a book called Hatha Yoga: The Report of a Personal Experience. Also, at the similar time, Indra Devi, known as the grandfather of American yoga, opened the first yoga studio in California. Richard Hittleman, however, was the most contributed person who spread yoga to the large population (Hammond, n.d.). Yoga has the eightfold path, which is structural processes for yoga practices. Practicing these eight paths allows all elements of our body balanced and brings completeness to our lives if we are connected to the divine (Doran, n.d.). Among eight paths, Asanas and Pranayama are the types that are most known to the public. Asanas means practicing body postures by foc... ... pranayama, really helps people to focus on their lives more and gives them different perspectives on their lives. I would define yoga as a guide that leads people to reach to their utmost condition and place. Citation Doran, J,D,W. (n.d.) The Eight Limbs , The Core of Yoga. Retrieved from Ettington, M. (2012). Raja Yoga – Through the Ages. M.K. Ettington Books. Retrieved from Farhi, D. (n.d.). What are Yoga Asanas and Why Practice Them. Retrieved from Hammond, H. (n.d.). Yoga’s Trip to America. Yoga Journal. Retrieved from Jacob, A, K. (2005). Theory and Practice of Yoga: Essays in Honour of Gerald James Larson. MA: Brill Leiden-Boston.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
fully just? :: essays research papers
Fully Just? The death penalty debate is an extremely controversial issue affecting the world today. In today’s society, people argue whether the death penalty is an acceptable form of justice. In America, the pros and cons of the death penalty are an ongoing debate. Countless questions arise whenever someone mentions the death penalty. Is Capital Punishment just? The death penalty is just. As a citizen of the United States, I am interested in this issue because I live under the statutes of the American justice system. Someone who disagrees with the death penalty claims that it is wrong to promote murder, yet he or she promotes murder by opposing an equal punishment for those who commit the crime. Not executing criminals who commit horrific crimes is preserving a life that has devalued all life. People have been sentenced to death for various forms of wrongdoing all throughout history. One can trace back execution all the way to the crucifixion of Jesus. Stoning, drowning, burning at the stake, impaling, and beheading are other forms of punishment that people used hundreds of years ago. These previous methods are found cruel and unusual and evolve to what we refer to today as modern capital punishment. Capital Punishment today is the legal infliction of death as a penalty for violating criminal law and is justly so. Since 1976, capital punishment is accomplished through various means; lethal injection (primarily), electrocution, and gas chamber are the most prominent (Death Penalty Information Center). These new methods are more efficient and less inhumane for the party receiving the sentence of death. Thirty-eight states across the country currently take part in capital punishment; thirty-seven of which use lethal injection as the primary means. The law executes both men an d woman for various crimes, but for the most part the severity of the punishment increases with the severity of the crime (Death Penalty Information Center). The crime most punished with the death penalty is murder, and rightfully so. Society is better off without people who commit inhumane crimes. Opponents of the death penalty commonly portray the death penalty as a barbaric "eye for an eye" approach to criminal justice. Although most parts of the world do not take this philosophy literally, our culture still follows the spirit of this law. In America, two out of every three people support the death penalty, about sixty-six percent (Death Penalty Information Center).
The Effectiveness Of Collaborative Learning Education Essay
As EFL teachers we are concerned with two chief issues in linguistic communication acquisition. The first issue addresses the accomplishments pupils should get in EFL categories as a consequence of teaching-learning experiences. Such accomplishments are frequently measured by pupils ‘ accomplishment. The 2nd issue takes history of the schemes EFL instructors use to assist pupils get such accomplishments and in bend increase their accomplishment. Writing is a accomplishment which requires attempts from both the pupil and the instructor. It is one of the four linguistic communication accomplishments which is given accent in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition ( Inggris 2009 ) . Writing is one of the accomplishments which need to be mastered by the scholars. They learn different genres of composing like descriptive, expository, recount and narrative based on the prescribed course of study of their suppliers. Language larning involves larning the linguistic communication codification every bit good as the civilization ( appropriate ways of thought and moving ) associated with the linguistic communication ( Becket & A ; Gonzales 2004 ) . Students ‘ authorship abilities are affected by the type of instructions instructors use within their schoolroom patterns. Writing is one of the productive accomplishments that scholars are expected to accomplish in order to guarantee their communicative competency. While larning composing, pupils are supposed to acquire involved in many activities that enable them to bring forth a piece of composing at the terminal. They can be engaged for illustration in category treatments, act in function playing or acquire involved in equal redaction. While engaged in schoolroom activities pupils build up experience and hold more pattern that may eventually give the opportunity to make a proper merchandise of authorship. In learning authorship, instructors strive difficult to happen schemes to ease increasing pupils ‘ accomplishment. There are many methods adopted by the instructors in learning EFL authorship in the schoolrooms. One of the methods recommended in learning authorship is the incorporation of concerted acquisition ( Kagan 2002 ) . In ability grouping, pupils are grouped in a assortment of more flexible ways so that they spend some part of a school twenty-four hours in heterogenous groups and some part in homogenous groups. ( Grady et al 2007 ) . In most EFL categories, some scholars perform better beyond grade-level, others struggle with mark linguistic communication, while another great portion of the category falls someplace in between. In their attempt to run into the demands of such a diverse pupils, pedagogues tend to delegate brace and group work with pupils of different ability degrees happening ways to affect all pupils in the activities. These ways could include communicative and concerted undertakings to let staging of less advanced pupils. In this schoolroom environment advanced degree scholars act as a span to ease the acquisition procedure and lower degree schoolmates exhibit a willingness to traverse that span ( Sean, 2002.A As a general regulation, it would look sensible to propose that schoolroom harmoniousness might better be achieved in a group of motivated pupils who are allowed to take part and collaborate.Statement of the jobTeachers and pedagogues seem to hold struggled for decennaries to happen replies to inquiries about heterogenous and homogenous grouping: Does anyone benefit from each? Is anyone harmed by each? Who benefits ( or is harmed ) the most? Why? Are at that place options to these two types grouping? The replies are non ever clear-cut and frequently depend on whom you ask and what larning results are considered of import. To many pedagogues, grouping is considered a reasonable response to academic diverseness. To others, the pattern has harmful unintended effects and should be abandoned. Indeed, research, logic, and emotion frequently clash when debating the subject of grouping. But what do we truly cognize? Consequently, this survey aims to look into the consequence of homogenous grouping versus heterogenous grouping on EFL pupils accomplishment in composing in the hope that it may settle the statement on which is better for both high and low winners. Homogeneous grouping can be defined as spliting pupils into little groups which include pupils of the same ability or degree for illustration high winners together and low winners together. While heterogenous grouping can be defined as spliting pupils into groups that include assorted or different degrees, high and low winners together.Theoretical ModelCognitive growing springs from the alliance of assorted positions as persons work to achieve common ends. Both Piaget and Vygotsky saw concerted acquisition with more able equals and teachers as ensuing in cognitive development and rational growing ( Johnson, et al. , 1998 ) . The premise of behavioural larning theory is that pupils will work hard on undertakings that provide a wages and tha t pupils will neglect to work on undertakings that provide no wages or penalty. Concerted acquisition is one scheme that rewards persons for engagement in the group ‘s attempt. A reappraisal of the literature on concerted acquisition shows that pupils benefit academically and socially from concerted, small-group acquisition ( Gillies, 2002 ) . Concerted acquisition can bring forth positive effects on pupil accomplishment ( Cohen, 1986 ; Davidson, 1989 ; Devries & A ; Slavin, 1978 ; Johnson & A ; Johnson, 1989 ; Okebukola, 1985 ; Reid, 1992 ; Slavin, 1990 ) . Academic benefits include higher attainments in reading comprehension, composing ( Mathes, Fuchs, & A ; Fuchs, 1997 ) and mathematics ( Ross, 1995 ; Whicker, Nunnery, & A ; Bol, 1997 ) and enhanced conceptual apprehension and accomplishment in scientific discipline ( Lonning, 1993 ; Watson, 1991 ) . Social benefits include more on-task behaviours and assisting interactions with group members ( Burron, James, & A ; Ambrosio, 1993 ; Gillies & A ; Ashman, 1998 ; McManus & A ; Gettinger, 1996 ) , higher self-pride, more friends, more engagement in schoolroom activities, and improved attitudes toward larning ( Lazarowitz, Baird, & A ; Bolden, 1996 ; Lazarowitz, Hertz-Lazarowitz, & A ; Baird, 1994 ) . Harmonizing to Slavin ( 1987 ) , there are two major theoretical positions related to concerted acquisition  motivational and cognitive. The motivational theories of concerted acquisition stress the pupils ‘ inducements to make academic work, while the cognitive theories emphasize the effects of working together. Motivational theories related to cooperative learning focal point on wages and end constructions. One of the elements of concerted acquisition is positive mutuality, where pupils perceive that their success or failure prevarications within their working together as a group ( Johnson, Johnson, & A ; Holubec, 1986 ) . From a motivational position, â€Å" concerted end construction creates a state of affairs in which the lone manner group members can achieve their personal ends is if the group is successful †( Slavin, 1990, ) . Therefore, in order to achieve their personal ends, pupils are likely to promote members within the group to make whatever assist the group to win and to assist one another with a group undertaking. There are two cognitive theories that are straight applied to cooperative acquisition, the developmental and the amplification theories ( Slavin, 1987 ) . The developmental theories assume that interaction among pupils around appropriate undertakings increases their command of critical constructs ( Damon, 1984 ) . When pupils interact with other pupils, they have to explicate and discourse each other ‘s positions, which lead to greater apprehension of the stuff to be learned. The battle to decide possible struggles during collaborative activity consequences in the development of higher degrees of apprehension ( Slavin, 1990 ) . The amplification theory suggests that one of the most effectual agencies of acquisition is to explicate the stuff to person else. Concerted acquisition activities enhance elaborative thought and more frequent giving and receiving of accounts, which has the possible to increase deepness of apprehension, the quality of logical thinking, and the truth of long term keeping ( Johnson, Johnson, & A ; Holubec, 1986 ) . Therefore, the usage of concerted larning methods should take to improved pupil acquisition and keeping from both the developmental and cognitive theoretical bases. Several surveies have examined the effects of concerted larning methods on pupil acquisition. Humphreys, Johnson, and Johnson ( 1982 ) compared concerted, competitory, and individualistic schemes and concluded that pupils who were taught by concerted methods learned and retained significantly more information than pupils taught by the other two methods. Sherman and Thomas ( 1986 ) found similar consequences in a survey affecting high school pupils taught by concerted and individualistic methods. In a reappraisal of 46 surveies related to concerted acquisition, Slavin ( 1983 ) found that concerted acquisition resulted in important positive effects in 63 % of the surveies, and merely two surveies reported higher accomplishment for the comparing group. Johnson, Maruyama, Johnson, Nelson, and Skon ( 1981 ) conducted a meta-analysis of 122 surveies related to cooperative acquisition and concluded that there was strong grounds for the high quality of concerted acquisition in advancing accomplishment over competitory and individualistic schemes. Johnson and Ahlgren ( 1976 ) examined the relationships between pupils ‘ attitudes toward cooperation, competition, and their attitudes toward instruction. The consequences of the survey indicated that pupil amenability, and non competitiveness, was positively related to being motivated to larn. Humphreys, Johnson, and Johnson ( 1982 ) besides found that pupils analyzing in a concerted acquisition intervention group rated their learning experience more positively than did pupils in competitory and individualistic intervention groups. In a survey affecting simple and secondary pupils Wodarski, et al. , ( 1980 ) found that 95 % of the simple pupils enjoyed the concerted acquisition activities and that they had learned a batch about the topic. Cooperative acquisition has its roots in the theories of societal mutuality, cognitive development, and behavioural acquisition. Some research provides exceptionally strong grounds that concerted larning consequences in greater attempt to accomplish, more positive relationships, and greater psychological wellness than competitory or individualistic acquisition attempts ( Johnson, Johnson, & A ; Holubec, 1994 ( Social mutuality theory positions cooperation as ensuing from positive links of persons to carry through a common end. The Gesalt psychologist Kurt Koffka proposed in the early 1900 ‘s that although groups are dynamic wholes the mutuality among members is variable. Kurt Lewin ( 1948 ) stated that mutuality developed from common ends provides the indispensable kernel of a group. This mutuality creates groups that are dynamic wholes. The power of the group is such that a alteration in any member or subgroup straight alterations any other member or subgroup. Within cognitive development theory, cooperation must predate cognitive growing. Harmonizing to Emmer and Gerwels ( 2002 ) some research on concerted acquisition has addressed instructional constituents. In a figure of surveies pupils have been taught interaction accomplishments, such as how to oppugn or to assist each other so that they did non give replies but facilitated each other ‘s thought ( Fuchs, Fuchs, Kazdan, & A ; Allen, 1999 ; Gillies & A ; Ashman, 1996, 1998 ; Nattiv, 1994 ; Webb, Troper, & A ; Fall, 1995 ) . And, when pupils are taught such accomplishments, positive results such as increased intrinsic motive, wishing for school, and self-pride can ensue ( Battistich, Solomon, & A ; Delucchi, 1993 ) . Homogeneous grouping Homogeneous grouping has been proposed and implemented as a possible solution to run into the demands of the assorted ability categories, proposing that pupils of different abilities can be gathered in groups of same ability thereby easing direction ( Slavin, 1987 ) . This sort of grouping is based on the pedagogical rule that the instructor has the advantage of concentrating direction at the degree of all the pupils in the peculiar group ( Ansalone, 2000 ) . It is assumed that instructors of assorted ability categories can increase the gait and raise direction degree for high winners whereas low degree pupils can bask single attending. So, advanced students are taught more hard constructs while low winners deal with simple and fewer things. Advocates of homogenous grouping opine that it is an first-class agencies of individualising direction. Achievement is considered to increase as instructors adjust the gait of direction to pupils ‘ demands. Kulik and Kulik ( 1982 ) and Slavin ( 1987 ) carried out meta-analyses of surveies at the simple school degree, happening benefits of within-class ability grouping. Both low ability pupils and more advanced 1s placed in separate groups, benefited from direction addressed to their degree. More late, Mulkey et Al ( 2005 ) found that same ability grouping has persistent instructional benefits for both high and low degree pupils. Marsh ( 1987 ) supports HG as a manner of get bying with assorted ability categories presuming that grouping kids homogeneously enables those in lower ability groups to gain with regard to self-evaluation by being isolated from advanced equals. Furthermore, Allan ( 1991 ) supports that students model their behavior after the behavior of similar ability kids who are get bying good with their school work. The protagonists of homogenous grouping conclude that research fails to back up that homogenous grouping does n't carry through anything ( Loveless, 1998 ) . Although instructors of assorted ability categories seem to hold positive attitudes towards homogenous grouping ( Scherer, 1993, Mulkey et Al, 2005 ) , the last one-fourth of the twentieth century witnessed terrible unfavorable judgment of ability grouping. It has been declared that this type of grouping stigmatizes lower ability pupils, offering them inferior direction. Several research workers argue that homogenous grouping does non vouch that all advanced or all weak pupils are likewise. Matthews ( 1997 ) conducted a relevant research with pupils in classs 6 through 8 determination that gifted pupils are well more diverse than they are homogenous. They vary in their grades of promotion, their abilities, their acquisition manners and involvements, their test-taking accomplishments, and their social/emotional development. So, garnering advanced kids of the assorted ability classes together in one group may non be the wisest solution to the job. Ability grouping may diminish the self-esteem and aspirations of low ability kids and hence slow their academic advancement. Welner and Mickelson ( 2000 ) carried out rather an extended research reappraisal happening that low ability kids are exposed to lowered outlooks, reduced resources and rote acquisition. Children ‘s self-concept is affected and outlooks are internalized ( Ireson and Hallam, 1999, Gamoran, 1987 ) . This implies that pupils of low ability in assorted ability categories are provided with low outlooks if placed in same ability groups doing them feelings of lower status. This is confirmed by Ansalone ( 2001 ) and Hallinan ( 1994 ) who demonstrated that kids assigned to lower ability groups, are exposed to less and more simplified versions of the course of study whereas high ability groups have broader and more ambitious stuff covered. In this sense, Oakes ( 1992 ) and Wheelock ( 2005 ) support that educational benefits in assorted ability scenes are non provid ed by homogenous grouping but instead by a ambitious course of study and high outlooks. Research has accumulated grounds bespeaking that schooling tends to increase single differences ( Van der Veer and Valsiner, 1991 ) . Homogeneous grouping seems to add more chances to advanced scholars who are normally middle-class or upper-middle-class kids, striping students who already suffer from socio-economic segregation, or those who are larning less fast. Kozo seems to hold that homogenous grouping amendss non merely low but besides high-ability pupils as the latter who are normally the flush kids are non given any chances to larn the virtuousnesss of assisting others or larning about unselfishness ( Scherer, 1993 ) . It is inferred that grouping pupils homogeneously for direction on the assorted ability categories is one more advantage conferred on those who already enjoy many. Heterogeneous grouping – Concerted acquisition Heterogeneous grouping, that is garnering kids of changing abilities in same groups has been proposed by many research workers as an effectual scheme to advance academic development of pupils holding diverse background cognition and abilities. Brimfield, Masci and Defiore ( 2002 ) believe that ‘all pupils deserve an academically disputing course of study ‘ ( p.15 ) . So, our end is to happen a manner to prosecute all students of the assorted ability schoolroom in the lesson irrespective of their abilities. The writers point out that by making mixed-ability groups, we send the compelling message that everybody is expected to work at the highest possible degree as high and low ability pupils trade with the same challenges. Disadvantaged students are at decreased hazard of being stigmatized and exposed to a ‘dumped-down ‘ course of study in a mixed-ability scene. Teachers ‘ outlooks for all students are maintained at higher degrees and less able pupils have chances to be assisted by more able equals. It is assumed that heterogenous grouping provides pupils entree to more learning chances. Johnson and Johnson ( 1987 ) recommend delegating kids of high, medium, and low abilities in the same group maximising the heterogenous make up of each group. Such ability diverseness within the same group creates an effectual acquisition environment ( Manlove and Baker, 1995 ) supplying larning chances for low-level pupils every bit good as chances to more advanced kids to supply accounts to others revising, consolidating and utilizing some things they have encountered before. The instructors can utilize concerted undertakings among high and low winners of assorted ability groups or braces in order to advance task battle of all pupils in the assorted ability category as advanced kids can supply accounts and counsel in transporting out a undertaking. Concerted undertakings among high and low winners are valued by the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky ( 1978 ) . Students of assorted ability categories differ at their competency degree and anterior lingual experiences. Vygotsky supports that kids who are exposed to books and other out-of-school factors which contribute to lingual development i.e.prior cognition of English from private institutional direction, are expected to hold already run through a big portion of their ZPD. On the other manus, students with hapless literacy chances i.e. without anterior cognition of English may possess a larger Zone of Proximal Development ( Van der Veer and Valsiner, 1991 ) . So, they may profit greatly from equal interactions which are likely to assist low degree pupils reach higher degrees of public presentation. In this model, Lyle ( 1999 ) showed that both low and high accomplishing pupils value the chance to work together as all students believed that they benefited. It was concluded that equal interactions can ease literacy development particularly of low ability pupils. In this vena, Guralnick ( 1992 ) points out that societal competency acquired in group work affects the amplification of all pupils ‘ cognitive competences, connoting that both low and advanced scholars of assorted ability categories may derive from such scenes. The function of equal acquisition as lending to linguistic communication development has besides been emphasized by Mize, Ladd and Price ( 1985 ) Webb ( 1989 ) , Jacob et Al ( 1996 ) and Slavin ( 1996 ) . Rogoff ( 1993 ) refers to kids ‘s societal sharing of their knowledge through interaction. When pupils participate in corporate activities, they guide each other ‘s attempts. Harmonizing to Tudge and Winterhoff ( 1993 ) advanced kids give changeless feedback through conversation coercing equals to endeavor for making higher degrees of public presentation. Assorted surveies have indicated a positive correlativity between concerted acquisition and accomplishment in assorted ability categories. For illustration, Walters ( 2000 ) asserts that concerted acquisition is suited for instructors covering with progressively diverse schoolrooms as it easy accommodates single differences in accomplishment. Consequently, Fulk and King ( 2001 ) support that ‘class-wide equal tutoring ‘ improves all pupils ‘ larning. They add that functioning in the function of coach seems to be peculiarly good for bettering the self-pride of pupils with low accomplishment while they may, for illustration, rate their spouse ‘s reading. Therefore, it appears that CL may fulfill the demands of a assorted ability category. Surveies conducted by Pica and Doughty ( 1985 ) , Porter ( 1986 ) , and Cotterall ( 1990 ) indicate that scholars of different abilities produce more in assorted ability brace and group work by assisting one another to get the better of cognitive obstructions. This decision is consistent with Urzua ‘s ( 1987 ) happening that the assorted ability kids in the experimental survey conducted, appeared to hold developed a sense of power in linguistic communication through the procedure of working with sure equals i.e. authorship and rewriting. The benefits of concerted acquisition are more touchable when it comes to written work. O'Donnell et Al ( 1985 ) found that engagement in concerted couples can better the quality of pupils ‘ public presentation on a written undertaking. Weak pupils of assorted ability categories can utilize advanced scholars as beginnings of information, noticing on and reviewing each other ‘s bill of exchanges in both unwritten and written formats ( Liu and Hansen, 2002 ) . Rollinson ( 2005:25 ) attributes this phenomenon to the possibility that ‘peer audiences are more sympathetic than the more distant instructor audience ‘ . Peer reappraisal groups are besides favoured by Huot ( 2002 ) and Inoue ( 2005 ) and Cotterall and Cohen ( 2003 ) who showed the positive effects of scaffolding in assorted ability scenes Concerted activities such as group probe are likely to promote diffident and low public presentation pupils since they have the advantage of necessitating the engagement of all group or brace members to transport out a undertaking, leting each member to make something harmonizing to one ‘s abilities.Reappraisal of LiteratureAbility grouping can be carried out between-class or within-class ( Dukmak 2009 ) . Between-class ability grouping refers to a school ‘s pattern of organizing schoolrooms that contains pupils of similar ability. Within-class grouping refers to a teacheraˆYs pattern of organizing groups of pupils of similar ability within an single category ( Gamoran, 1992 ; Hollified, 1987 ) An extended research has been conducted on ability grouping proposing that academically, high-achieving pupils achieve and learn more when they are grouped with other high-achieving pupils ( Gentry & A ; Owens, 2002 ; Grossen, 1996 ; Hollified, 1987 ; Page & A ; Keith, 1996 ) . In mixed-ability grouping it is hard to supply an equal environment for learning to everyone. Since pupils differ in cognition, accomplishments, developmental phase, and larning rate, one lesson might be easier for some pupils and more hard for the others ( Slavin, 1987b ) . In ability grouping, high-achieving pupils view their ain abilities more realistically and experience that they are suitably challenged with their equals ( Fiedler, Lange, and Wine-Brenner, 2002 ) . Mixed-ability grouping is based on concerted acquisition which demonstrates positive success related to pupil ‘s accomplishment. In this type of grouping, pupils work collaboratively to successfully accomplish a coveted educational result and develop a greater apprehension and regard for single differences. All signifiers of diverseness within the acquisition environment are embraced ( Felder & A ; Brent, 2001 ; Freeman, 1993 ; Saleh, Lazonder, & A ; DeJong, 2005 ) . Furthermore, in a mixed-ability, instructors respond to the individualised demands of all scholars ( Kulik & A ; Kulik, 1992 ) . The most compelling statement against ability grouping is the creative activity of academic elites – a pattern which goes against democratic ideals ( Slavin, 1987a ) . Johnson and Johnson ( 1999 ) and Johnson, Johnson and Smith ( 1998 ) say that concerted acquisition has five basic elements. The elements are â€Å" positive mutuality, single answerability, promotive interaction, appropriate usage of societal accomplishments, and periodic processing of how to better the effectivity of the group †( Johnson & A ; Johnson 1999 ) .When these elements are decently implemented, the research has shown that â€Å" group coaction in the schoolroom can increase acquisition and accomplishment, societal accomplishments, self-esteem, and attitudes toward schoolmates and school †( Slavin, 1990 as cited in Webb, Nemer & A ; Zuniga 2002 ) . Puting pupils in squads or concerted acquisition groups has many advantages. It helps to construct a pupil ‘s communicating accomplishments, can assist increase tolerance and the credence of diverseness, promotes higher degree logical thinking, promotes increased coevals of new thoughts, promotes greater tr ansportation of information from one state of affairs to another, increases keeping, builds teamwork accomplishments, reduces emphasis, and â€Å" increased willingness to try disputing undertakings †( Baker & A ; Campbell, 2005 ; Huss, 2006 ; Lin, 2006 ; Payne & A ; Monk-Turner, 2006 ; Patrick, Bangel, & A ; Jeon 2005 ; Kim 2004 ; Vaughn, 2002 ; Johnson & A ; Johnson, 1999 ; Johnson, Johnson & A ; Smith, 1998 ; Slavin, 1996 ) . The concerted acquisition experience besides [ gives ] pupils the chance to reexamine and larn information that they did non understand before the concerted acquisition activity ( Webb, 2002 ) . Harmonizing to Lin ( 2006, ) , research has concluded that concerted acquisition is the top ranked learning theoretical account that â€Å" promotes greater higher-order thought, job resolution, and accomplishment. †Students can retrieve 75-90 % of stuffs when they learn it in concerted acquisition state of affairss ( Lin, 2006 ) . In a study of college pupils after an experiment affecting group work, Payne and Monk-Turner ( 2006 ) found that 90 % of pupils favored group work and that 90 % learned from their group members. Since 1924, 168 surveies have been conducted that comparison concerted acquisition to competitory and single acquisition. These surveies have shown that concerted acquisition outputs higher academic accomplishment than single and competitory acquisition ( Johnson, Johnson & A ; Smith, 1998 ) . Concerted acquisition groups are besides said to be peculiarly good to low academic achieving pupils and pupils of colour ( Huss, 2006 ; Vaughn, 2002 ) . Concerted larning groups appear to be successful for many grounds. Students become an instrumental portion of the group when they feel their attempts will lend to the success of the group ( Baker & A ; Campbell, 2005 ) . Students are successful and learn in concerted acquisition groups because â€Å" [ they ] learn by making instead than listening †( Payne, Monk-Turner, & A ; Smith 2006 ) and because they are actively utilizing the stuff and information ( Zimbardo, Butler, Wolfe, 2003 ) . Concerted acquisition besides strengthens pupils societal interactions, it gives them the desire â€Å" to accomplish, [ to develop ] more positive interpersonal relationships, and [ have ] greater psychological wellness than competitory or individualistic acquisition attempts †( Johnson, Johnson, & A ; Holubec, 1994 as cited in Morgan, 2003, ) . Concerted acquisition can learn pupils that â€Å" ( a ) that cognition can be, or should be, shared with fellow pupils ; ( B ) that diffe rences in sentiment can be rationally negotiated even under conditions of trial force per unit areas ; and ( degree Celsius ) that cooperative larning processs can be gratifying and productive †( Zimbardo et al. , 2003, ) . These types of lessons enable pupils to larn how to work good with others. The mutualist relationships that develop within a group aid to ease the group ‘s success. Everyone feels the end of the group will be met if everyone achieves their single ends ( Vaughn, 2002 ; Morgan, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Morgan ( 2004 ) , group members should besides be cognizant of the fact that a individual group member can impact how and/or if the end is achieved. The concerted acquisition experience is most effectual when the participants work good together and they successfully achieve their end. There are many features to successful squads. Some of these features include unfastened communicating, efficaciously listening, open-mindedness, clear functions, an established leader, clearly defined undertakings, teamwork where everyone works together and contributes, there are good developed come-at-able ends ( Payne, Monk-Turner, 2006 ; Baker & A ; Campbell, 2005 ) , and a timeline ( Payne & A ; Monk-Turner, 2006 ) . In a schoolroom, there are besides many things a instructor can make to assist see the success of a group activity. The instructor should supply strong counsel ( Payne & A ; Monk-Turner, 2006 ; Baker & A ; Campbell, 2005 ) , model the coveted behaviour, supply immediate feedback, and reward desired behaviour ( Lin, 2006 ; Baker & A ; Campbell, 2005 ) . The instructor can besides utilize cheques and balances to supervise productivene ss, employ assorted job work outing schemes ( Friend & A ; Cook, 2007 ) , lengthen the sum of clip the group spends together, supply proper group behaviour preparation, set up â€Å" land regulations †( Mitchell, Reilly, Bramwell, 2004 ) and let group members rate each other ( Lin, 2006 ) . If the instructor proctors, provides wagess and allows the pupils to rate each other, it may cut down the effects of a shirker and maintain pupils from acquiring a class they do non merit ( Payne & A ; Monk-Turner, 2006 ) . Students that slack off can demotivate difficult working pupils and give them a negative feeling about group work ( Ashraf, 2004 ) . Many surveies have been conducted that demonstrate the success of teaming. Robert Slavin has conducted extended research on the execution of concerted acquisition theoretical accounts in schools. He has examined the effects schools going complete concerted acquisition centres on their academic accomplishment. He has found many successful state of affairss where lower acting schools were transformed because they converted to a concerted acquisition format ( Slavin, 1999 22-23 ) . Payne and Monk Turner ( 2006 ) conducted a survey that examined how pupils felt about squads. In this survey, they assigned pupils to groups, gave them an assignment, and so asked them how they felt about the assignment after the group undertaking was completed. They found that 90 % of the pupils had a favourable experience, 90 % of the pupils learned from their group members, and 85 % of the pupils felt they learned teaming accomplishments that could be transcended into concern. Baker and Campbell ( 2005 ) c onducted a survey in which pupils were placed in groups and observed that the pupils who worked in groups, as opposed to working separately, were more successful because they had more entree to knowledge, they felt pressured to win to maintain the group from neglecting, and the assorted personalities helped relieve the emphasis of the jobs. For illustration a member frequently told gags to assist lesson the tenseness. Additionally, members frequently provided positive support and motive. Puting pupils in groups to take trials is another manner to utilize concerted acquisition and group work. Morgan examined the benefits and nonbenefits of college pupils finishing tests utilizing concerted acquisition groups. She concluded that â€Å" The increased deepness of apprehension, the feelings of support, regard for other ‘s parts, and the elucidation of information produced more pupils with a greater consciousness of the stuff and more developed societal accomplishments to be lending members of squads †( Morgan, 2004 ) . The apprehension of successful concerted larning group theoretical accounts non merely affects groups in grade school ; it besides affects groups in occupations and college. Harmonizing to Payne, Monk-Turner, and Smith ( 2006 ) â€Å" employers want college alumnuss that have developed teamwork accomplishments. †Miglietti ( 2002 ) says that group work is normally used in the workplace and employers want to engage people with these acco mplishments. Furthermore, these accomplishments can be learned when pupils are placed in successful squads where the ends have been reached. Socialization and communicating are illustrations of accomplishments that pupils learn in groups that can assist their passage into the concern universe ( Payne et al. , 2006 ) . In a study of college pupils, after a survey affecting group work, Payne and Monk-Turner ( 2006 ) found that 85 % of college pupils admitted that making group work would likely work on squads in future occupations.ParticipantsThe topics of this survey will be 46 11th graders representing two scientific discipline categories in Al Dahmaa Model School. Based on the consequences of a trial prepared by the research worker and correlated to the pupils ‘ last semester consequences of the concluding authorship test they will be grouped harmonizing to their abilities in authorship. Another tool to find the grouping of the pupils the research worker will analyse the infor mation provided to the school of the EMSA test which is a national external appraisal of the pupils in the UAE which step pupils ‘ accomplishment in math, scientific discipline, Arabic and English reading and authorship. The research worker will be concerned with the consequences of the authorship exam merely as all the consequences are provided individually. Few points to reference here, foremost is that the pupils will be divided into groups for the intent of composing direction and activities merely. Since pupils ‘ abilities vary from accomplishment to skill, for the intent of this research, labeling pupils of higher, mean and lower winners will merely be mentioning to their abilities in composing merely. In add-on, a peculiar degree or group is non based on the capable perceptual experience or the other label, but on the consequences of the nonsubjective appraisal tool. In other words pupils will non be grouped harmonizing to other accomplishments than composing, such as their eloquence or their unwritten abilities, chiefly the consequences of a valid arrangement trial in their authorship abilities.ProceduresIn one category, the pupils will be grouped homogeneously, when high winners in composing & gt ; ? will sit together and low winners & lt ; ? will sit together. In the 2nd category pupils will be grouped heterogeneously in a ssorted ability groups when each group will include high and low winners in authorship. A pretest will be held for the participants before grouping them. The intervention will include teaching pupils composing schemes that will be covered within 20 Sessionss each session is 45 proceedingss stand foring a school twenty-four hours period. The posttest will be held shortly after the terminal of the whole Sessionss. During the Sessionss the pupils will be trained on utilizing the composing schemes such equal and ego redaction, outlining and peer rectification. The learning techniques and schemes will be varied harmonizing groups abilities. The instructor will follow the techniques suited for each group individually but the content of the intervention will be the same.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Barriers Of Entering A Foreign Market
Going abroad with our business has been the talk of the globalization age. In this global society, there are growing reasons of why we should expand our business to foreign markets. First, companies are like continuously growing organisms. It cannot exist without the search of growth or of potentials of growth.This is why mangers cannot afford to live in the illusion that their local markets will be sufficient to sustain the need for continuous growth (Khan, 2005). Second, having an established business overseas will strengthen companies’ financial safety significantly by offsetting domestic seasonal fluctuations.Third, expanding to foreign markets is an excellent choice for enhancing companies’ market shares. Fourth, with the extensive promotion of globalization and US’ effort to combat trade protections, there are significantly more enhanced facilities to support foreign investments today compare to a decade ago. In short, entering foreign markets is an importa nt and contemporary discussion subject (Zacharakis, 1996). However, managers have also realized that the decision to internationalize market shares contains considerable amount of risks and barriers.Some of the most recognizable barriers are cultural and language barriers, environmental issues, political issues, etc. In this paper, we are detailing those barriers and providing case examples to strengthen the arguments. II. Barriers of Entering a Foreign Market II. 1. Cultural and Language Barriers In this discussion, we will start with what is probably the strongest factor that influences expansion to foreign markets. Managers have long accepted that in internationalization considerations, differences between home culture and the culture of foreign countries are significant.Culture is a complex term. It consists of various factors like languages, religions, social norms etc. Thus, companies generally spend considerable portion of their time learning about the culture of the foreign target markets. This is also true whether managers decided to establish new firms in foreign markets or collaborating with foreign partners. Studies also indicated that cultural issues influence the manner in which companies perform their international expansion. Firms generally increase their commitment in investing to a particular foreign target market in predictable stages.First, they will use export agents to learn about the country’s culture. This type of foreign investment will change along with time and enhanced knowledge about local culture of the target market. II. 2. Business Environment Barriers The local business environment has also been an influential factor that strongly affects foreign expansion activities. For instance, companies can have the problem of not having the sufficient good image in a society that has local preferences. Reputation is the issue resulted from the local business environment condition of several markets with local preferences.Some consu mers have more confidence or tendency to purchase local products rather than foreign made. Despite the extensive marketing efforts performed by foreign companies to take away local market share, they still lagged behind local products, even ones with less marketing budget. II. 3. Political and Government Regulations Barriers Other barriers are political in nature. Governmental policies can create enormous effect on company’s success or failure in entering foreign markets. China is the most apparent example of this premise.The Chinese markets have been closed from foreign investors for decades before a massive governmental revolution created opportunities for foreign investment. The government opens chances for FDI inflow. Furthermore, supports foreign investment by means of incentives, property rights protections, etc. Afterwards, economic records indicated that the country has been experiencing one of the most rapid growths in the world, with an average annual GDP growth per centage of 10% for the last decade. In short, governmental policies have significant importance in international expansion.III. Several Cases from 2001-2006 In this paper, I will provide several examples of cases involving foreign entry barriers mentioned above. Despite the similar nature of barriers in each cases, each country has their own tendency of foreign trade barriers. III. 1. Entering Indonesian Markets Indonesian is seen as one of the most economically potential markets in Asia today. Its abundant amount of human resources and cheap labor has been considerable attractions for international investors since the country recovered from its economic crisis.Nevertheless, the country is recorded to have several issues that might hamper international investment toward local markets. First, in terms of governmental policies, the country is still enacting several import and export restrictions to protect local consumers and to ensure that local necessities are fulfilled before forei gn investors could take a share of the market. This could mean higher tariffs, longer bureaucracy, etc. Second, the country has a unique set of culture.Cultural analysts and foreign managers operating in local markets described the country as being comfortable in doing things their own way and refuse to have it challenged (Forrest, 2001). The importance of physical presence of superiors, the lack appreciation toward punctuality and the respect for age and seniority is several of many things that must be learned about Indonesian culture before entering local markets. Learning informal business etiquettes are often as important as learning formal ones, or sometimes more important.For example, there is a significant cultural practice in Indonesia when commonly, Indonesian managers tend to hire their relatives and friends regardless their competences. This situation is inappropriate for Australian or American companies since they consider it as nepotism (Dowling & De Cieri, 1989). III. 2. Japanese Firms Entering US Markets In the case of Japan companies’ expansion to US markets, the case lies in condition of US’ business environment. Most US consumers prefer national products rather than foreign ones. This creates significant challenges for Japanese companies targeting US markets.Some Japan companies perform large marketing effort to facilitate their presence in US local markets. However, as mentioned previously, some of these efforts did not work as planned. Locals could still easily take control of the market share. This is identified as the barrier of reputation. The study of Japanese companies who enters US market revealed that some Japan companies chose collaboration with local brands in order to win local preferences rather than performing endless marketing campaigns that could have weak effects (Chen, 2003).Concerning the decision making, for example, Japanese managers tend explore the roots of problem before making a particular decision. In c ontrast, American managers are likely to adopt straightforward approach (judgmental behavior) that is much efficient than Japanese approach but less effective. Following link, inform the practice of Japanese culture in terms of big typhoon etc (http://www. brovision. com/) and http://www. mccombs. utexas. edu/research/ciber/executivevideotapes. asp. sssIn foreign countries, for instances, Japanese companies like Toyota and Honda that realize their HR practices are unacceptable by non-Japanese culture may come up with an unfortunate solution by hiring employees under distinct employment categories that lack of job security (Hersey, 1972). III. 3. United States and China In the recent case of United State’s commerce department and the government of China, another foreign trade issues caused by local business environment appear. US Department of Commerce’s assistant secretary stated that China has been using technical regulations as a barrier of trade barriers.This is don e by imposing certain quality standards that would effectively band certain products from entering the Chinese local markets. US department of commerce are currently fighting to oppose this type of trade barriers using diplomatic means (‘United States’, 2005). Bibliography Chen, Shih-Fen. Zeng Ming. 2003. ‘Japanese Investor’s Choice of Acquisition vs Startup in the US: The Role of Reputation Barriers and Advertising Outlays’. International Journal of Research in Marketing. Retrieved February 14, 2007 from brandeis. edu/ibs/faculty_publications/chen/japanese_acquisitions.pdf Dowling, P. J. , Welch, D. E. & De Cieri, H. 1989, ‘International joint ventures: a new challenge for human management’, Proceedings of the fifteenth conference of the European international business association. Helsinki, December, 1989 Forrest, W. , Bidgood, M. 2001. Cultural Aspects of Business. American Indonesia Chamber of Commerce. www. aiccusa. org Fiedler, Fre d E. 1965. Engineer the Job to Fit the Manager. Harvard Business Review. Vol. 43 Hersey, Paul. Blanchard, Kenneth H. 1972. Management of Organization Behavior. New Jersey: Prentic- Hall Inc. Kenna, Peggy.Sondra, Lacy. 1994. Business Japan: A Practical Guide to Understanding Japanese Business Culture. McGraw-Hill Khan, Asim. 2005. Business Management Inc. Retrieved February 14, 2007 from www. themanager. org/strategy/Deciding_to_Go_International. pdf ‘United States Combating Use of Standards as Trade Barriers’. 2005. US INFO. STATE. GOV. Retrieved February 14, 2007 from http://usinfo. state. gov/xarchives/display. html? p=washfile-english&y=2005&m=May&x=20050513162339ajesroM0. 5901605&t=livefeeds/wf-latest. html Zacharakis, Andrew. 1996. Academy of Management Executive. 10(4): 109-110.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
“A Conversation with My Father†Response Essay
In the short story â€Å"A Conversation with My Father,†there are two narratives intertwined. This story brings to light a generation gap between the past and the present. This generation gap leaves the dying father and his writer daughter with different views not only in life but also in literature. Paley’s use of characters exemplifies her efforts to combine realism with experimentation. This story is a great example of her style of writing: telling stories through the use of characters. Paley blends real life and literature, portraying her characters as practical people with realistic problems. Every character has his/her own unique opinion on life. The two narratives mirror each other in the sense that they are about the relationships between parents and their children. Read more: Essay About My Father Goes to Court The daughter hates the kind of story her father wants, while the father rejects her tale because he sees in it her inability to face tragic realities of fiction and life. Their different attitudes towards the possibility of opportunities and change, fictional or real, stem from their different worldviews and experiences. Not only are the intertwined narratives paralleled, but the overall story might also reflect Paley’s relationship with her father. Did Paley have issues with her father regarding her career choice? In the story the daughter writes for her dying father, the father she would rather have surfaces as the mother who uses drugs as a mean of being closer to her son. This idea might be Paley’s way of expressing her desire to have a father like the mother her protagonist created. In a way, Paley puts herself into her work as the protagonist and uses the hidden message in her work as a way to express her problems.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Factors that Impact Demand for an iPad
Internal: Pricing decisions Unique features (Apple's iPad was one of the first tablet to have the app world where user can download applications such as games or books and use it right away after download has been completed. ) External: Availability of competitors' products Price of substitute products Incomes of potential customers There are several essential factors that impact the demand for iPads, these are: price of the product (internal variable), price of substitute products, and incomes of otential customers (external variables).As the primary principle of the demand function stated, that if price of a certain product or service increases, the quantity of that same product will decrease. Most, if not all, customers make their purchasing decision of a product based on its price (all other things held constant). If there are two similar products but one is more expensive than the other, it is rational to choose for the cheaper product. Now, how can an expensive product such as iPad still reate a lot of demand in the market?The answer that I could think of is product uniqueness and product loyalty. When Apple's iPad first came out in 2010, this product was not cheap. But it was due to its unique features that the competitors did not have that made iPad successful. Today, there are a lot of tablets that have about the same features as the iPad and offer a lower price. I would say that product loyalty is also one of the reasons why there are still demands for ‘Pads.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Marketing planning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing planning - Case Study Example lems related to layering of different materials over each other, and use of undesired objects within prototypes(Amon et al., 1993).Sintering was applied to minimize energy demands, gluing and blazing were used in the start to fill the void spaces (Amon et al., 1993). Moreover, ceramic powder was used for modeling a prototype, however, there were some pores present in the final product therefore, use of submicron particles of ceramics were referred to provide full density (Yoo et al., 1993). In the last thirty years or so, 3D printing has achieved several milestones; among them are prosthetics engineering, building engines, and even complete cars. The current trends in the sales of 3D printers are not as encouraging as they were expected a few years back, the main reason being their prices and system requirements. However, the way 3D printer producing companies have optimized their manufacturing capacities and drop down the cast; it seems that targets that were forecasted may soon be achieved. Some of the issues that have caused the limited of 3D printers’ sales apart from high prices are complex programming and designing, non-user friendly soft wares, and limited range of manufacturing materials, and slow processing. To overcome these obstacles, companies like 3D Systems, Voxeljet, ExOne and Stratasys will have to lead from the front. Investors should consider investing into these companies by buying their shares. Moreover, these companies should work for in dev eloping user friendly product interface. New models should be established and presented into markets at low rates for the promotion of products. More money should be spent in research towards discovering new materials, and designing faster and better printers. The minimum price of a 3D printer is around $ 1350, so by analyzing the cost of these machines, one can understand well that why these machines are not very common among consumers, Moreover, due to the lack of technical understanding about its
Thursday, September 12, 2019
ASSIGNMENT1-THE PROCESS &PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATION - Essay Example rvice provider regarding the issue and express his dissatisfaction without incurring additional costs of conveyance and wastage of time that he would otherwise occur if he were to opt for a face-to-face conversation as well. Ideally, an assertive style of communication should be adopted. However, the customer can use a passive-aggressive communication style as well to express his dissatisfaction in relatively more commanding manner so that the service provider takes a more a serious note of the issue and resolve it as soon as possible. iii. It is best to sympathize with the friend in a face-to-face conversation because it would also require physical contact to express love and affection during the condolence. This communication medium should be complimented with an assertive style to communicate clearly and show interest in strengthening the relationship. However, the personality of the friend who suffered the loss should also be considered. Sometimes, a person would prefer to be left alone after a tragedy such as this. In this case, a telephonic conversation could also suffice. iv. Congratulating someone should be done, preferably, through a face-to-face conversation or telephone if meeting in person is not feasible. Voice and visuals are important for effective communication especially when it involves emotions. This, coupled with an informal, assertive style of communication should be adopted v. Advertising for a job vacancy must be done in the most cost effective manner. Paper medium or electronic medium should be used as these medium would offer the company the more coverage across the biggest audience as compared to, for example, telephone messages. It would be very important to adopt an assertive style of communication following a more formal structure so as to give the applicants a feel of professionalism while offering them a healthy, relationship building, environment vi. It depends a lot on the type of product that is being advertised. For example,
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