Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Kinship, ritual , gender FINAL ANTHROPHOLOGY ESSAY
Kinship, ritual , gender FINAL ANTHROPHOLOGY - Essay Example seen the extent of shrinking (if any) of the specific, and why not crucial, role that they have played in forming and supporting the stability of those communities, and societies in question, in the context of the global social change. The paper argues that due to the more and more accelerating process of global culture change, driven by the steadily increasing contact between cultures and societies worldwide (whose first timid steps could be sought at some point in the distant Middle Ages), more or less, all existing societies have been heavily influenced in the sense of altering social dynamics and promoting new cultural models. This paper argues as well, that the phenomenon of cultural diffusion, first conceptualized by the influential American anthropologist Alfred L. Kroeber and fueled by the patterns of change for the world in the last several decades, is drifting the contemporary civilization toward creation of a global multicultural society with its own universal cultural form and content, including a new set of appropriate rituals, but also containing the traditional cultural patterns of its constituent communities. Given the aforesaid, the paper advocates the idea that the traditional tribal or religion- born rituals, in particular those with initiation meaning and function, though inevitably affected by the social shifts, will keep on playing an important role not just as an indicator of affiliation to a particular community, but also as a structurally bracing part of any community’s organism. Since the very dawn of the simplest human societies, even before the earliest civilizations to emerge, the rituals had taken up an immense room within the core and foundation of each of those societies. This is especially true for a particular class of rituals, which pervasively attend throughout the whole life cycle of an individual - male or female; named, analyzed and characterized for the first time by Arnold van Gennep as ‘rites of passage’- in his
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Effects of Global Warming Will Be Beneficial Essay Example for Free
The Effects of Global Warming Will Be Beneficial Essay Even if the consensus is the Earth’s temperature is warming, it is not barren of some advantages and benefits. The first benefit is warm weather is always preferred than cold weather as there are numerous proofs to it. The fact that people from the North flock to regions that are warmer whenever they get the opportunity could attest to that. It is not only that more than 50 percent of retirees would prefer to move to warmer regions when they retire. Warmer weather is also good for the health, not to mention it brings down some of cold related deaths in some regions, although excessive heat also had proven to be deadly since many people could die from it. There is enough finding that people remain healthy in the warmer seasons, whereby in the US alone the medical cost could come down by as much as $20 billion every year if the temperature gets warmer. In the US alone there are close to 40,000 deaths related to cold weather, whereas in Britain that number is between 20,000 and 40,000. According to some findings, that number could rise by 8,000 for every 1 degree Celsius the temperature goes down. On the other hand, the number of causalities could only rise by 2000 since humans can better adapt to heat and could rely on cooling systems. When it comes to the economy there is a strongly held belief that global warming could affect it adversely, although Fred Singer in his book ‘The Impact of Climate Change†had shown that a moderate warming could have a positive impact on agriculture and forestry. The obvious reason for that is plants use carbon dioxide to help them capture and store energy, which means more carbon dioxide in the atmospheres is good for plants. It could also serve as a fertilizer as the amount in the atmosphere rises, the reason why those who are running greenhouses pump carbon dioxide in the closed environment and the result had been much higher food production. Another economic boost cited is the coming into existence of trade routes will be possible when the warm temperature melts the ice in regions such as Alaska. The Bering Strait was an example cited and compared it to Suez Canal in transforming the area inhabitants by introducing tax revenue and a boost on tourism. It will also cut down travel time between the major continents by at least one-third. Another area that might get a boost is the population of kalamari that might see a 20 percent increase. Whatever the outcome will be there is evidence that the creatures react positively to warmer weather where not only their quantity but also their size could grow. Other areas that will be benefited if the temperature rises are regions where there is snow in the winter and if the warm temperature brings down the amount of snow that falls down the roads will be much safer to drive as there are many accidents reported on a yearly basis that are related to heavy snow fall. Snow shoveling itself has a serious side effect for those who have heart condition and less snow and warmer weather would mean fewer heart attacks. Heating bills could also come down unless cooling bills replace them, which is unlikely. People spend a lot of money on winter gears and some of that money could find other use. One area that will be benefited from warmer weather is public transportation where air, road, and rail transportation would be benefited from a warmer weather and according to Department of Energy it might possible to save as much as $12 billion each year. Another benefit is if the warmer weather really comes to stay it would automatically mean more land for farming especially at the polar regions since there are large tracks of lands located in the region that are inhospitable for people because of the ice and the harsh weather. It is possible to go further and mention that croplands have a more cooling capacity when compared to the dark green leaves of the forest that absorb more heat and do not evaporate cooling moisture into the atmosphere. This by itself would have a positive effect on global warming since it brings it down. Another benefit is there is enough proof that the Earth has become more greener since the global warming took effect simply because carbon dioxide is good for plants since they can use it as a fertilizer too. It is not only that, when the weather is warmer it will extend the growing season, diminishes frosts, and there will be more precipitation. The benefit could still go much further by availing advantage to the forestry and recreation, as the weather would become more accommodating. There is also a proof that extracting natural resources in a warm weather is much easier. All this would lead to an economic growth of any country, especially for countries such as the US that could realize growth on their GDP. Overall, a considerable amount of benefit is derivable from global warming or from a warmer temperature (7). Global Warming Is not a Threat to the Polar Ice It is possible to surmise that global warming is not a threat to polar ice simply because except for observation made by the so-called prominent scientists whose number could reach 300 and are from various countries, there is no hard evidence that shows that the polar ice is affected by the current temperature change. The current temperature change itself for the most part is the outcome of observation and computer simulation. It is not complete or not yet scientifically proven. However, those who are in a position of decision-making are under pressure from various sources to look into the matter so that any kind of future disaster could be avertable. What the recent finding indicates is there is a possibility that the Polar Regions are warming faster than the other regions on Earth and this has led to the belief that the ice covering the region is thinning. The estimate is if there is no measure taken, it could disappear as 2100 approaches. Nevertheless, there had been recorded proofs that the Polar Regions had been much warmer than today and these hot temperatures occurred between 1937 and 1938 years that were early for the greenhouse gases, whose elevated use started after the Second World War. There are records showing the Polar Regions were warmer as much as twice as they are today between 1917 and 1937 revealing that even in the absence of an elevated use of greenhouse gases these regions were getting warmer than they were in the last 20 years. The records show some kind of cooling took place after the 1940s and it was around the late 1970s there was a sudden warming in the Polar Regions, especially in the Arctic region, but additional warming did not occur ever since. Accordingly, what could be causing the shift in temperature could be factors other than the global warming caused by greenhouse gases. One suspected cause is a shift in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) at around the end of 1970s. PDO is â€Å"a long-lived El Nino-like pattern of Pacific climate variability†. There are other identified oscillations that have similar effect on the weather of the North Pole, one of them is the Arctic Oscillation, and the other one is the North Atlantic Oscillation. These oscillations are spinning ring of air occurring in the Polar Regions believed to be responsible for the warmer air. This assumption leads to the fact that it is such naturally occurring winds that are causing the warm air instead of the greenhouse gas effect; the target to be responsible for causing the warm temperature that is responsible for melting the ice caps of the Polar Regions (8). The other interesting point is the time it takes to melt the polar ice, which would take centuries even if the climate get much warmer than it is now showing that it is not an immediate worry. At the same time since it is difficult to predict what will take place in the climate changing pattern in the future it is not possible to say that the currently reported global warming will cause a considerable damage to the polar caps. Because if the ice cap in Greenland area alone completely melts it is possible that the sea level could rise by seven meters and the resulting flood could claim many regions. Another interesting aspect is the temperature around regions such Greenland had been falling by 2. 2 degrees Celsius since 1987. That significant decline will whittle any worry that the current global warming whose existence not yet fully proven could pose a threat. The global warming still lacks scientific proof except in computer simulation and some observations. By doing so, scientists were able to observe some ice sheets falling into the sea raising the alarm that such incidents could take place in a large scale, but till now that had not been the case. Hence, if there is concern it is that the rate of such calamities could rise unless there is some measure in the meantime, the reason why the Koyto Protocol had come into existence. When it comes to the Antarctic, the findings are not clear even if it is possible to say that the temperature might have risen by 2. 5 degree Celsius in the last 50 years. One good measurement used was the population of Antarctic kramalli where there is a conflicting report where there are sources claiming that the population had declined by up to 90 percent. If that is not the case it would be an indication that the reported temperature rise is not real simply because the karamalli population thrives in a warmer temperature, hence the 2. 5 degree Celsius rise might not be substantiated. The reality might have been that there had been an increase in the winter sea ice starting around 1979. However, since the existing area is not equal to the amount of land covered before the declining years before 1970s, the reality is there was a decline in the ice sea that started much earlier than the current global warming, ascertaining that what is termed as global warming is not affecting the ice in the Polar Regions. What this leads to is the computer simulations the scientists are dependant upon are not correct except that they can draw some kind of pictures relying on the kind of information they are fed, which could be correct or wrong. That has led climatologist from MIT to conclude that from what everyone is getting from the simulation, there is no indication that shows the Polar Regions are warming. Some researchers had indicated in their findings that the Arctic region could be warming at 0. 39 degrees Celsius rate per decade, whereas the Antarctic is getting cold by 0. 12 degree Celsius revealing that the polar caps are not threatened by the declared current global warming, except that those who are doing the observations were alarmed when they saw a few sizeable ice sheets washing into the ocean. Others have explained such incidents as phenomenon that had been around for centuries where the edges on the ice accumulation could get thin in the summer and they will thicken back in the winter months blotting any worry of a polar cap meltdown.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Language, Power and Discourse of Sexuality: The case of Governor McGree
Language, Power and Discourse of Sexuality Foucault asks "What are the links between these discourses, these effects of power, and the pleasures that were invested by them?" (Foucault, 11). In the case of New Jersey governor it seems clear that power, language and pleasure were very much related in his speech on August 13, 2004, in which he announced his resignation, that he had had an affair with a man, and that he was a "gay American." A man in a position of power was both given power and gave power to the general public with his announcement. Consequently he opened up a multiplicity of discourses on the matter ranging from the true reason for his resignation, to the true meaning of the word Gay, to the effects that his coming out would have on the gay community. The case of governor McGreevey showed how language can be powerful, helpful and harming all at the same time, furthering Foucault's suggestion of strong links between discourse, power and pleasure. McGreevey exercises a great deal of power in choosing the things that he says in his speech and even the ways that he says them. He uses his words to benefit him. The majority of the speech sounds like a plea to the people of New Jersey and the American public. He asks for the audience to sympathize by speaking of his struggle and confusion. So, when McGreevey says, "And so my truth is that I am a gay American. And I am blessed to live in the greatest nation with the tradition of civil liberties, the greatest tradition of civil liberties in the world, in a country which provides so much to its people" the audience feels a pathos for him. This statement is a direct call for forgiveness and sympathy, even before they have heard the whole case. It calls for the American ... ...ew Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1996. 119-143. Foucault, Michel. "We 'Other Victorians'" and "The Repressive Hypothesis."The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction.Trans. Robert Hurley. New York: Vintage, 1980. 3-13, 17-49. Gendar, Alison and Standora, Leo. "Gov's groove no secret around town". New York Daily News Saturday, August 14th, 2004. Huffinton, Arianna. "Drama of New Jersey governor teaches us that to be gay is to be normal". Ariana Online August 16, 2004 Lazarus, Edward. "The Issues Governor McGreevey's Resignation Raises: Stigma, Acceptance, and the Difference Between Legal and Social Change". Thursday, Aug. 19, 2004 "McGreevey: I am a gay American" Santos, Fernanda. "Instant hero in gay community". New York Daily News Friday, August 13th, 2004.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ballet & How Are Ballet Dancers Trained?
Raise your arms and bring your fingers together over your head. Now lift one foot, point your toes, and strike a pose. You are doing ballet. Ballet is a form of dance with graceful steps and arm movements as well as leaps and spins. We also use the word ballet to describe a story performed to music, using ballet dance techniques. Ballet performances include not only dance and music but also costumes and scenery.Some of the most popular ballets are Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and The Sleeping Beauty. HOW ARE BALLET DANCERS TRAINED? Girls who study ballet generally begin by age eight to ten.Boys often start later. Ballet training is hard work. Ballet students must develop strength, balance, and flexibility as well as grace. They must learn a set of movements and gestures. Girls also learn to dance on their toes. They usually begin pointe (tip-of-the-toes) work after three years of training. All ballet students practice five basic positions of the feet. These five positions form the basi s of almost all ballet steps. All of these positions are performed with the legs turned outward at the hip. The feet should be able form a straight line on the floor.The turned-out position gives a dancer a more pleasing â€Å"line. †Line has to do with the placement of the dancer’s body, in motion and at rest. All parts of the dancer’s body must be placed in the correct position to achieve good line. Training can improve a dancer’s line. Good line gives a dancer the greatest stability and ease of movement. It also makes the dancer’s body seem light in weight. All dancers take daily classes to keep their bodies flexible and strong. Most classes begin with warm-up exercises at the barre, a railing that dancers hold onto for support.The second part of the class consists of slow exercises that develop balance and fluid (flowing, not jerky) motion. After this, dancers practice quick movements, such as small jumps and leg extensions, and then large ste ps, turns, and leaps. WHO CREATES BALLETS? Ballet dancers work with their bodies to perform the movements in a ballet and achieve dramatic effects. The choreographer is the person who decides what movements the dancers will execute. The choreographer chooses a story or theme for the ballet. He or she also decides on the music. Sometimes, the choreographer uses music that is already written.Sometimes, music is composed specifically to accompany a new ballet. Choreographers may create ballets for specific dancers. In that case, they try to show off what these dancers do best. WHY SO MUCH FRENCH? The language of balletâ€â€its rules and stepsâ€â€developed over centuries. The steps were first named in France, and they have kept their French names. For example, when the body spins on one foot, the step or movement is called a pirouette. This French word once meant a spinning top. A pas de deux, meaning â€Å"step for two,†is a dance for two dancers. En pointe, on the tip o f the toes, comes from French words meaning â€Å"on point. â€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Premature Death From Poor Nutrition Health And Social Care Essay
Healthful dietetic wonts incorporate a scope of qualities, including: fiber and fatty acid content ; glycemic burden ; sodium-potassium ratios ; micronutrient denseness ; macronutrient composing and acid-base balance ( Prentice & A ; Jebb, 2003 ) . However, this paper will concentrate on one of the most generic and dramatic deductions of hapless diet: adiposeness. In the UK, gyrating fleshiness rates have been deemed of epidemic proportions, with one analysis proposing 60 % of the grownup population could be obese by 2050 ( Foresight, 2007 ) . In add-on to the degree of human wretchedness such figures represent, the projected fiscal load is significant ; a possible ?10 billion one-year cost for the NHS ( McPherson et al. , 2007 ) and ?49.9 billion for the UK economic system ( McCormack & A ; Stone, 2007 ) . As a ‘system ‘ , the determiners of fleshiness are embedded in biological and societal models of considerable complexness, intending any sustainable response must be c omprehensive and well-considered. This paper considers two challenges presently confronting wellness psychological science in its enterprise to heighten the state ‘s dietetic quality: our ‘obesogenic ‘ society and the grasp of incorporate remedial schemes.â€Å" An Obesogenic Society †In 2007, the psychologist Susan Jebb famously ( and provokingly ) declared that such is the construction of modern life styles, it is less surprising that so many persons are overweight, than that so many manage to stay thin. Fleshiness, she concluded, was an inevitable result of a civilization in which sedentary work, inexpensive energy-dense nutrient, mechanised conveyance and labour-saving devices were omnipresent. The belief that fleshiness is a consequence of private over-indulgence is a prevailing one, and has formed the footing of a scope of enterprises aimed at educating and actuating single behavior alteration ( e.g. , Bathrellou et al. , 2010 ; Murawski et al. , 2009 ; NHS, 2009 ) . However, despite decennaries of dietetic counsel there has been merely minimum betterment in footings of meeting recommended energy and alimentary ingestion ( Krebs-Smith et al. , 2010 ) , whereas healthy eating intercessions derived from psychological rules and behavioral alteration theoretical accounts have non proven peculiarly effectual for bring oning lasting and meaningful alteration ( e.g. , Shepherd et al. , 2006 ; Lytle, 2009 ; Procter et al. , 2008 ) . It would hence look that exhortations for greater single self-denial and duty – so, engaging war on healthy feeding ( and fleshiness ) as â€Å" a moral undertaking †( Thosby, 2009, p.201 ) – does non look to be sufficient for configuring better dietetic wonts. Therefore one important challenge for wellness psychological science appears to lie in advancing healthful nutrient consumption in an environment which, through its conditions and chances, is structured to advance fleshiness ( Lake & A ; Townshend, 2006 ) . Possible campaigners in this case include obesogenic advertisement and selling patterns ( Lobstein & A ; Dibb, 2005 ) ; arrangement and exposure of fast-food mercantile establishments ( Hemphill et al. , 2008 ) ; the prevalence of low-cost, energy-dense nutrient compared to the comparative disbursal of fruit and veggies ( Jones, 2008 ) ; and post- and pre-natal conditions, such as suited maternal nutrition, breast-feeding, healthy ablactation patterns, which are associated with decreased hazard of grownup adiposeness ( Barker, 2007 ; Skidmore et al. , 2009 ; Singhal & A ; Lanigan, 2008 ) . Planned publicity of healthful eating therefore requires both an apprehension of these structural correlatives, and a transportation of attendi ng from stray individual-level enterprises to the environmental determiners of weight-related nutrient pick and eating behavior. For illustration, the ANGELO model ( Analysis Grid for Environments Linked to Obesity ; Swinburn et al. , 1999 ) is a conceptual theoretical account for defining obesogenicity, and prioritizing cardinal elements for research and intercession ( e.g. , sociocultural, physical, political, economic ) at both the population degree ( community-wide ) or the setting degree ( fast-food mercantile establishments ) . Similarly, Lytle ( 2009 ) advocates psychometric appraisal of the ‘food environment ‘ within workplaces, schools and communities in order to place features that are either ‘leptogenic ‘ ( advancing meagerness ) or obesogenic. Such flexible, robust steps of micro-physical and sociocultural influences are a important facet of incorporating the personal and environmental correlatives of obesogenic nutrient ingestion, and explicating suited entree points for intercession ( Brug et al. , 2006 ) . As stated antecedently, individualistic prescriptions to anneal nutrient consumption against energy outgo have non succeeded at the population degree. Policies to reenforce and enable healthy behavior may hence be most efficaciously implemented at multiple degrees. In the instance of breastfeeding, this might include single enterprises ( e.g. , peer-support groups ; Hoddinott et al. , 2009 ) ; local degree schemes ( e.g. , hospital policies for back uping and educating female parents ; Hannula, 2008 ) ; and national intercessions ( e.g. , entitlement to suckle in public ; Cattaneo et al. , 2005 ) . Similarly, psychologists must complement targeted intervention intercessions ( e.g. , initiatives to promote/sustain weight-loss ) with population-level preventive steps ( e.g. , curtailing exposure to obesogenic diets ) . In add-on, intercessions that impact at assorted degrees, but to a cumulative and changing extent, may besides be good ( Foresight, 2007 ) . For illustration, supplying alimentary school repasts ( a focused enterprise ) can be augmented by educative schemes to heighten cognition and consciousness of healthful diet ( an enabler ) , hence supplying coherent, dependable wellness messages ( an amplifier ) . Public wellness runs that are supported and maintained by such environmental alterations may besides assist debar unhealthy dietetic wonts from reoccurring ( Maio et al. , 2007 ) .Integrated SchemesAmending the state ‘s dietetic imposts creates complicated dilemmas associating to economic and societal policies in nutrient production and retail, instruction, health care and even civilization itself ( Foresight, 2007 ; Ogilvie & A ; Hamlet, 2005 ) . As such, a system-wide attack is required which incorporates an inclusive, complementary repertory of intercessions ; something that will be facilitated by greater coaction between psychologists and other stakeholders ( Jebb et al. , 2007 ) . At present, there are deficient schemes for heightening pu blic nutrition that are concerted, integrated and engage multiple bureaus ( Lang & A ; Rayner, 2007 ; Martin-Bautista et al. , 2009 ; Matthews et al. , 2009 ) . Yet such is the complexness of the issue, that implementing and prolonging meaningful betterment will about surely necessitate joint-working between scientists, the nutrient industry, policy shapers, the media and local communities. An of import principle for non marginalising multi-disciplinary attacks is that the multiple determiners of hapless diet do non back up the usage of stray, disconnected redress schemes to bring on widespread alteration. For illustration, ingestion of unsanitary diets has been partially ‘normalised ‘ through factors like cheaper nutrient ( which can increase how much is eaten ) , greater pick, a heightened desire for convenience nutrient, and the usage of energy-dense repasts as short-run comfort/reward ( Wardle, 2007 ) . Furthermore, ambivalency is a cardinal factor in unsanitary feeding ( i.e. , disagreement between the desire for toothsome, high-fat nutrients and the want to be healthy and/or tilt ) , intending that single duty and decision-making in response to wellness messages can be compromised ( Jones, 2008 ) . Taken together, this suggests that a consistent, coordinated response between different stakeholders may assist relocate the accent on behaviour alteration as a corporate concern, by aiming scenes in which single behavior is enacted. An incorporate scheme for bettering diet might include engaged, strategic and multidisciplinary partnerships between psychologists, wellness professionals, authorities representatives and consumer groups in order to ease efficient transportation of evidence-based intercessions to real-world applications ( NICE, 2006 ) . Collaboration can be seen as â€Å" the coming together of diverse involvements and people to accomplish a common intent via interactionsaˆÂ ¦and coordination of activities †( Jassawalla & A ; Sashittal, 1998, p.239 ) , and is an of import necessity for intermixing scientific discipline and policy through enhanced information-sharing, specifying shared visions of jobs and precedences, formulating/disseminating dietetic enterprises utilizing accessible methods and appropriate stuffs for practician demands, and planing meaningful research inquiries. This is peculiarly pertinent given that dietetic sweetening presents a figure of importunate methodological c hallenges, for illustration: accurate appraisal of determiners and correlatives ; the demand for suited definitions ; the relevancy of longitudinal, population-based surveies ; and the function of human behavior, beliefs and values, and how these mechanisms instigate and maintain alteration. These elaboratenesss mean divergency and incompatibility can originate between psychologists seeking to polish and revise theories, and the more immediate, practical demand of practicians seeking information on which to develop intercessions. Bettering assurance and communicating between psychologists and other bureaus may therefore assist prudent planning, execution, and rating. For illustration, psychological analysis has highlighted the deduction for wellness inequalities of statute law to revenue enhancement fat content of nutrient merchandises, in that it may diminish available income and inducements for healthier nutrients amongst lower socioeconomic groups ( e.g. , Caraher & A ; Cowburn, 2005 ; Powell & A ; Chaloupka, 2009 ) , whereas other research workers have assessed the impact, feasibleness, and cost-effectiveness of pecuniary inducements to modify dietetic behavior ( Wall et al. , 2006 ) . As noted by the Foresight Report ( 2007, p.122 ) â€Å" [ A co-ordinated response ] would enable maximal benefit to be realised from this important degree of energy and resources. Working in partnership with multiple stakeholders to advance the wellness of the state is critical to success. †DecisionsIt is improbable that the current prevalence of hapless nutrition ( and its attendant wellness effects ) will come to a natural terminal without sustained, long-run intercessions that invest clip and resources into set uping new patterns and constructions to back up healthful diets. One realistic chance in this enterprise is a conjunct attempt to both devolve focal point from ( I ) single self-denial towards social values and precedences and ( two ) defying patchy, short-r un intercessions that do non run in a multi-level, multi-sector mode. Establishing enhanced dietetic quality at the population-level is a complex challenge, but non an indissoluble 1. With sufficient imaginativeness, committedness, and vision, preparations and schemes to better public wellness may be continuously developed and delivered in a mode that reflects the best available pattern, policy, and wellness scientific discipline.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Urban Studies Research Paper Basic Recommendations on How You Can Cope with One
Urban Studies Research Paper Basic Recommendations on How You Can Cope with One Urban studies is a broad field of study that involves engineering, architecture, planning, social, and political factors. Thus, writing a research paper on urban studies is challenging for students because of the broad topics that fall under the area of study. The process takes not only a significant time to craft a paper but also requires profound research, in-depth understanding of the subject, intricate data analysis, and proficient writing skills. Writing a research paper may not be your strong forte, but your ability to put together a comprehensible scholarly paper will influence the outcome of your final grade. This urban studies research paper writing guide provides you with a step-by-step process that will help you improve your research paper writing skills and enhance the likelihood of your attaining high grades in your urban studies assignment. Each step is important in the writing process. Thus, take note of every guideline. Selecting a Topic for Your Urban Studies Research Paper Writing The first challenge in your writing process is choosing an interesting research topic. Students whose lecturers assign research paper assignments based on a particular topic do not face the topic selection challenge. However, it is common for professors to provide students with the freedom and flexibility to choose topics that interest them within the urban studies field of study. Here are some tips to help you choose a topic for your research paper: The research paper will be more informative and relevant if you care about the topic. Hence, select the topic you are interested in. The interest may be based on the need to explore a certain idea, to provide a solution to an urban development issue or be based on issues affecting your daily experiences such as poverty in the metropolitan cities. Narrow your ideas to come up with a manageable topic: If the topic is too broad, use limiters to narrow it down to ensure it has a specific focus. Limiters may be based on geographical location, periods in the history of urban development, or populations. The topic should not be too narrow or too broad as it will lose focus. Background research of existing literature on urban studies can help you choose and limit the scope of your topic. If your assignment has guidelines regarding the topic selection, review them and choose topics based on the guideline. Better still, ask your instructor for possible suggestions. If brainstorming for topic ideas does not yield any results, refer to your lecture notes and texts on urban studies to refresh your knowledge of the urban studies unit. Talking to peers may help you acquire knowledge of issues that you did not consider. Peer discussion can help focus your topic. Think and analyze the who, what, when, where and why questions that guide in formulating an appropriate topic: Why did I choose this topic? What interests me about it? Do I have an idea and opinion about the issues involved in the topic? Why is the topic relevant? Who are the information providers on this topic? Who does the topic affect? What are the likely major questions for this topic? Is the topic controversial or of interest to the intended population? What are the range of issues and viewpoints to consider under the topic? Where is the topic important: at the local, national, or international level? When is the topic significant? Is it a current occurrence or a historical aspect? Possible topics for your urban studies research paper may include: Urban Marginality and Public Transit Politics: Trains and Automobiles; Exclusionary Housing Measures and Their Influence on Segregation: a Case of Baltimore; Social Justice and Urban Economic Development; Social Determinants of Urbanization and Health Disparities in Manhattan; Recreational Planning in Urban Ecology. Important Pre-Writing Tips for your Urban Studies Research Paper Decide on a topic. As highlighted in the topic selection section, choosing a topic is the first important aspect of the research paper writing process. Ensure the topic you select falls within the urban studies subject and is interesting to you. The topic and the research paper content should add some value to you and the reader by introducing ideas and approaches, persuading adoption of certain practices, or reinforcing claims and opinions. Conduct research. The research step is important as it directly influences your research paper content and equips you with a basis for your arguments, and evidence to support articulated claims. It is appropriate to research both primary and secondary sources to obtain a diversity of ideas. Take notes. While conducting your research, take notes of the important arguments, themes, theories, statistics, and facts documented in your sources. Taking notes ensures you do not forget major issues. Besides, it helps during the paper writing process by providing quotes and accurate reference and citation pages. It would be unprofessional to submit a research paper with inaccurate citations or without proper quotes, whether direct or in parenthesis. However, do not overuse quotes unless the professor requires you to do so. Clustering and outlining. On a piece of paper, write your major points and use links to put together matching or related ideas. Clustering helps you to develop themes that create more focus. Once you have completed clustering, outline why the topic and research are significant, identify relevant background material, the thesis and purpose statements, and the organizational plan for major and supporting ideas. Creating an Appropriate Title and Thesis Statement for Your Urban Studies Research Paper Research Paper Title A research paper title is the first thing that draws the readers’ attention and determines whether the reader will be interested in the paper or not. Therefore, an effective and appropriate research paper title should: Summarize the paper content in a few words; Capture the readers’ attention; Differentiate the research paper from other papers of the urban studies subject area. Here are the basic urban studies research paper writing tips to consider while writing a title for your urban studies research paper: Keep the title attractive, brief, and simple. Keep the title brief and clear since it will serve as a precise summary of the paper content. Avoid unnecessary details and complex noun-based phrases and use active verbs. A good research paper title should have 10 to 12 words. In other words, it should not be too short or too long. A lengthy title takes the readers’ attention away because it is unfocused while a short title may be too broad. Use appropriate descriptive words. Use keywords that define the nature of your research and those used in the manuscript. Use terms people would use to search for your research paper and have them as part of your title. Keep in mind that they should add meaning to the research paper topic and content. Avoid jargon and abbreviations. Unless the abbreviations are well known and common in the urban studies field of study, avoid their use. In this case, leave out lesser known terms or abbreviations not familiar to the intended audience. Thesis Statement The thesis statement should present a summary of your research paper topic in one or a few sentences. It should also provide the readers with your papers argument and direction of what to expect. In other words, craft a thesis statement that informs your readers about the subject of your paper and the position you will take in the discussion. A good thesis statement should: Make a limited, clear, and definite assertion that should be explained and supported by scholarly evidence; Have a specific point that provides the direction of your argument; Not be too big for your paper such that it would be impossible to explore every aspect of your claim; Present an argument that can be proven or argued against. Ensure your intended audience does not instantly accept your thesis statement; Show your perspective and position on the urban studies topic and direction of your argument; Allude to the methods you will use to provide evidence to support your arguments. Writing an Outline for Your Urban Studies Research Paper: Top Picks from Our Writers Writing the Introduction The introduction of your research paper should provide your readers with an overview of the entire paper but should be slightly different from the abstract. It should introduce the topic of the paper and set it in a broader context. When crafting your introduction, narrow down the topics gradually to a research issue, thesis statement, and hypotheses or research questions, depending on the nature of the research paper and topic of discussion. If your urban studies research paper is based on providing solutions to a pressing issue, the introduction should explain how you intend to solve the research question, and should create ‘leads’ that entice the reader to want to delve further into your research paper. You should assume the paper is aimed at people with a good working knowledge and understanding of the urban studies field. However, it is important to provide some working definition for the terms specific to the research paper topic. You will need to ensure your introduction includes the following elements: Contextual material or relevant background of the discussion topic; Definition of concepts and terms where necessary; Explanation of the paper focus and its specific purpose; Your organization plan for the main themes and major points in the paper. Moreover, the introduction may include the background or history section if the chosen urban studies topic requires one. This type of information is not a mandatory part of a paper involving research. However, it is often necessary to explain the development of a particular issue that may help put your topic within the required context. Writing the Body The body forms the largest part of your research paper. This is where you write the information you have gathered and arrange the relevant evidence to support the claims you make. The evidence is aimed at convincing the reader of your argument. Thus, it should be organized logically. The body of the research paper can have partitions depending on its length and the number of issues being discussed. The partitions are in the form of headings and sub-headings. As noted above, the body paragraphs in your research paper focus on research and are broken down into sections that focus on particular aspects of your research. You should have the following goals in mind when writing the body paragraphs: Incorporation of relevant and current (five to seven years) research as it pertains to your chosen urban studies topic; Presentation of evidence in a balanced and objective manner; Appropriate use and acknowledgment of primary and secondary sources. Remember the outline made during the preparation phase of your research writing process? Use the outline as a flexible guide into the ideas that should be written in each body paragraph. Moreover, analyze, summarize, explain, and evaluate the primary and secondary sources you use in your research paper rather than reporting their content. Move from the generalization of concepts to varying levels of presenting relevant information about the topic of the discussion. Unless it is necessary to use direct quotes from the existing literature on urban studies, stick to using parenthetical citations when referencing another authors work in the body of your text. Writing the Conclusion The conclusion of your research paper should summarize the major points and arguments of the paper and restate the thesis statement in different words. You can also highlight the significance of your research findings. If you adopt an inductive approach in your research, add your opinions and explain their impacts and significance to the research. Importantly, transit from details to a generalized consideration of the topic. You can also recommend further research of the topic if you feel it needs further exploration. Post Writing Tips to End It Up The post writing tips focus on revising the final draft of your research paper. When proofreading, check the organization of the paper to ensure coherence, logical flow of information, and in-depth discussion of ideas. You should also revise the sentence structure and ensure there is consistent use of appropriate citations.
Monday, October 21, 2019
An Overview of Costa Rica essays
An Overview of Costa Rica essays A chain of rugged mountains divides Costa Rica, which is an extended part of the Andes-Sierra Madre chain. Costa Rica is in Central America and is surrounded by Nicaragua to the North and Panama to the south. Costa Rica is approximately 19,730 square miles, which is slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia. Bordering the country to the east is the Caribbean Sea, and to the west is the Pacific Ocean. Costa Rica's total coastline distance is 1,290 km. The highest point is Mt. Chirripo, which stands at 3,797 meters high. Costa Rica is included in the Pacific "Ring of Fire" with seven out of forty-two active volcanoes on the chain. The population of Costa Rica is something around 3,534,174, which was taken in July of 1998. The country is marked with a 2.4% population growth rate, which increases annually. 96% of the Costa Rican natives are Caucasian (including mestizos), 2% are African American, 1% are Chinese, and 1% are Indian. Over 90% of the people in Costa Rica believe the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. The official language is Spanish, but English is spoken in parts around Puerto Limon. Costa Rica has a 95% literacy rate, which is from both males and females over the age of fifteen that can read and write. San Jose is not only the capital of Costa Rica; it is also the country's largest city with a population of 300,000. Most of the economic, political, and social events of the country take place in the capital of San Jose. In colonial times, the main industry was tobacco growing and processing. By the mid-1800s, the city (along with the entire country) became a coffee producing area. San Jose was founded around 1738 some two hundred years after Spain's Westward expansion for Cartago. San Jose gained independence from Spain in 1821. It later went on to become the country's political base, and in 1823 it became the country's capital. San Jose is a modern city with parks and fine buildings open to the public. The cap...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Understanding SAT Scores What Do They Mean
Understanding SAT Scores What Do They Mean SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You got your SAT score back, and you're not sure what to think of it. What does your SAT score mean? What does your SAT score measure? Is your SAT score high? Is it low? Will it get you into the college you hope to attend? I'll answer all of these questions below so you can start understanding SAT scores. What Does the SAT Measure? The SAT is supposed to measure your readiness for higher education and be a prediction of future academic success, thoughwhether it does measure so is debatable. There aremany smart, successful people, who don't do very well on the SAT. The SAT began as an Army IQ test, which was slightly altered and given as a college admissions test for the first time in 1926. However, the SAT did not become widespread until 1933, when the Harvard president began using it to judge scholarship applicants because he thought it was an accurate predictor of academic potential. By the 1940s, the SAT was the standard test among college applicants and was given to over 300,000 people in the US. What do SAT scores mean nowadays? Colleges continue to use the SAT because they see it and the ACT as â€Å"equalizers.†While every high school student across the country received a different education, all applicants take the SAT or ACT. Right or wrong, admissions officers see it as a fair way to compare students from across the globe. While what the SAT measures is debatable, the purpose of an SAT score isn’t. The purpose of your SAT score is to get you into college, so you should understand your SAT score in terms of how it can help you do that. How Does Your SAT Score Compare? SAT Score Range To understand your score, you need to know the range of possible SAT scores. If you already took the SAT or are taking the SAT this fall (2015), the composite scores can range from 600 to 2400. If you are taking the new SAT in spring 2016 or later, the composite scores can range from 400 to 1600. The average composite SAT score in the US is typically around 1500 (on the 2400 scale) though it varies slightly from year to year. The worst possible score (old test 600, new test 400) is very rare; only 374 students got this score in 2014, which is fewer than the 583 thatgot perfect scores (old test 2400, new test 1600). What’s a Good SAT Score in That Range? While we would all love a perfect score, it's unnecessary for most applicants. A good score for you depends on what college you hope to attend.To figure out if your score is â€Å"good†in terms of your target schools, search â€Å"[College Name] SAT.†That search should lead you to what's known as the Freshman Admit Profile. The name may vary slightly from school to school, but you should be able to find what's known as the 25th/75th percentile or the average SAT. The 25th percentile SAT score means that 25% of admits scored at or below (in other words, 75% of admitted applicants scored above). The 75th percentile SAT means that 75% of admits scored at or below (or 25% of admits scored above). The average SAT is an average of all of the admits’ SAT scores. A good score for that school is at or above the 75th percentile SAT score. If you reach that score and have a strong transcript and application, you'll have a great chance of getting in. For schools that only give the average SAT, I recommend aiming for a score 100 points higher than the average to ensure you are in the top 25% of students. Why should you aim for a higher score? In writing this, I'm assuming you are a typical applicant with no special qualification (recruited athlete, legacy, child of a significant donor, or a unique talent like a famous painter). Schools often accept students with special qualifications with lower scores. I think you should assume those students may account for as many as 25% of admits. If you're not one of those students, you want a higher SAT score to stand out, so aim for the 75th percentile or above. For further explanation, check out What is a good SAT score? A bad SAT score? An excellent SAT score? Should You Retest? How Many Times? If you did not meet the 75th percentile or above for your school of choice, I recommend retesting.However, you shouldn't take the SAT more than six times. If you haven't achieved your target score after three or four attempts, you're not preparing properly. You need to have a dedicated study plan to reach your goal. Check out one of our guides for sophomores, juniors, and seniors to creating an SAT study plan. Also, consider hiring an SAT tutor, taking an SAT class, or enrolling in an online SAT prep program such as PrepScholar. Created by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program figures out your strengths and weaknesses, then customizes your preparation to your needs, so you get the most effective preparation possible. What’s Next? Need help with preparation? Struggling with the SAT Writing section? SAT Reading? SAT Math? Or just want overall SAT strategies? Remember, that with hard work and dedication you will achieve your desired score! Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Drama Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Drama - Research Paper Example The theatrical form requires that even the audience in the last row catch the emotion expressed by the actor without it being rendered awkward due to the element of exaggeration involved. This is the context where physical acting can save the occasion. Also, physical action involves movement that can be weaved into the movement of the plot of the play itself to bring about a kind of doubled impact. Simon McBurney categorized human behavior into seven levels of tension, namely, coma, relaxed, neutral, alert, suspense, passionate and explosion so that there can be a level of standardisation on how the actor can express emotions in the form of physical actions on stage. Stanislavski on the other hand had much earlier developed the method of physical actions by which an actor supplements his/her emotional acting with corresponding physical actions. Both these approaches to physical acting have been lauded as systems that immensely help methodical acting yet criticized as well as constrictive to the real spirit of the total emotional experience involved. This has been a criticism raised against all kinds of physical theater. Yet, even the critics will agree that relying on facial expressions and internal feelings alone will render theater motionless and boring. While Stanislavski has more or less tried to provide just a physical actions-based loose framework corresponding to emotio nal states, the McBurney method prescribes specific physical actions for different emotions and thereby faces the risk of reductionism. Hence, Stanislavskys method of physical actions can be said to be imparting more freedom to an actor than McBurneys method. Method of physical actions was not merely a directive of physical training for Stanislavsky but the the psychological aspects of any physical action was also accounted for in this method (Chushkin, 1998, p.16). It was acknowledged by this theater maestro that the actor necessarily needed to have an â€Å"inner
Examples of e-Procurement applications and tools Case Study
Examples of e-Procurement applications and tools - Case Study Example E-business refers to the application of technologies, especially Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), to undertake or sustain business activities and processes, inclusive of research and development, procurement, design and development, manufacturing, operation, logistics, finance, value chain integration, HRM, design and development (Boone and Kurtz 2011, p.4). Procurement refers to the process by which companies purchase goods and services from a diverse range of suppliers. E-procurement infers the business to business (B2B) or business-to-consumer, business-to-government purchasing of work, goods or services via the internet, besides other information-based and networking applications such as Enterprise Resource Planning and Electronic Data Interchange (Turban, David, Lee, Liang, and Turban 2011, p.5). Procurement can be a critical part of a company’s overall strategy for cutting down costs. E-procurement methods incorporate methods such as electronic data interchange (EDI), online marketplaces/ e-marketplaces, and a combination of the two. E-procurement can be facilitated through the application of either a manual process or employing of automated software such as Enterprise Resource Planning Tools (ERP tools). E-procurement value chain comprises of aspects such as Contract Management, Vendor Management, e-Auctioning, Indent Management, e-Tendering, and Catalogue Management (Harrison and Hoek 2008, p.12). E-procurement ICT incorporate components such as e-procurement software, B2B auctions, B2B market exchanges and purchasing consortia that are directed at automating workflows, consolidating and leveraging organizational spending power and citing fresh sourcing opportunities online. The most cited procurement use of the Internet revolves around consummating the transaction and attainment of technical advice. Top performing organizations mainly conduct more than 20% of their e-procurement transactions online, besides utilizing the internet for e-procurement applications such as communicating with vendors, verifying vendor price quotes, as well as purchasing from the vendor’s catalogues (Boone and Kurtz 2011, p.212). Technological advancement has led to the onset of commercial trans actions such as Electronic Funds Transfer, supply chain management, internet marketing, Electronic Data Interchange, online transaction processing, and inventory management systems (Neef 2001, p.36). Types of e-procurement There are several examples of e-procurement tools, each of which avails benefits to manufacturing enterprises in ensuring that raw materials and other essential manufacturing components are delivered on time to meet production schedules in the most effective manner to maximize profit margins. Web-based ERP Web-based ERP is engaged in creating and endorsing purchasing requests, placing procured orders and receiving goods and services via application of a software system based on internet technology. ERP software packages from vendors such as Oracle, SAP AG, and the SAGE Group are designed to maximize the resource planning of an enterprise. In the manufacturing industry, web-based ERP is designed to generate purchasing schedules so as to achieve a perfect just-in -time (JIT) assembly cycle (Li 2007, p.300). One of the outstanding characteristics of ERP software is its capability to generate purchase orders via and production application of the bill of materials for the finished products as a basis. ERP systems also issue reschedule notices to suppliers (Neef 2001, p.38). Other types of e-procurement software include Vendor Management Systems, e-MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul), SAAS transformation, e-Tendering, e-marketsites, e-Sourcing, and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Visual Literacy in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11
Visual Literacy in Business - Essay Example When putting together a communication piece through the use of visuals, there are important steps to follow. The first step is organizing the data to present. There are two fundamental possibilities in the organization of data, and they are charts and tables. Neither of these possibilities is better than the other though each has its specific purposes and strengths. The most crucial point to consider before commencing the process of designing is the main point of the presentation. The second step is highlighting the data. When designing the charts, it is important to recall that the human brain intuitively recognizes the differences in size, shape, color, orientation, and hue and attach particular meanings to them (Apkon, 2013). The visual properties are known as pre-attentive variables since the process of perceiving them is immediate and automatic and does not need the involvement of conscious thought. The designer should use this knowledge for the purpose of intentionally highligh ting the most important information. The third and last step is showing the data. It is important to display only the content that is meaningful and leave the items that are extraneous. It is not advisable to decorate the data since it may hinder and distract the audience from perceiving what is irrelevant and what is important (Apkon, 2013). Failure to follow these steps will lead to distracting the audience who will not understand the main point of presenting the visual communication
The Impact of the Euro Since its Launch Dissertation
The Impact of the Euro Since its Launch - Dissertation Example The currency had also to revive itself from the initial downturn it suffered and later to sustain the growth achieved by it as an international currency. This paper presents the major advantages and disadvantages of the currency as a single currency and the impact it created on the various economic fronts since its inception. The major purpose of introduction of Euro was to take on the challenges of competition posed by the growing attitude of globalization. The other object envisaged by the European Union through the introduction of Euro was to overcome the barriers imposed by the diversities posed by the different economies. These diversities are caused by the conflicting monetary and fiscal policies of the various governments and the multifarious tariffs and restrictions placed on trade and investment. Before the introduction of Euro the euro-zone currencies were greatly influenced by the rise or fall in the rate of US dollar. The introduction and existence of euro has led to the positive impact of alleviating the financial crisis faced by the euro-zone countries since 1998. Further positive effects of the common European currency in the form of price stability, cheaper and better banking facilities, increase in the competitiveness of the industrial enterprises and welfare of the consumers in general have resulted during the last 8 years of the existence. Most generally the vastness of the European internal market with a single currency made Europe a potential competitor to the market of the US.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Creating Your Dream Job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Creating Your Dream Job - Essay Example It involves a comprehensive evaluation of an investor’s current and future financial condition by using the current variables to predict future cash flows, value of assets and withdrawal plan. In formulating a business plan, the proprietor must hire the services of tax and financial professionals who enables him to estimate with greater degree of accuracy the financial requirements (Abrams, 2005, p. 248). Financial plan objectively requires before executing a Bookstore small business. This is because a lump sum of capital must be invested to facilitate the establishment and operational needs of finance. It requires a huge amount of capital simply because there are many competing needs such as purchasing of storehouse, the furnishing of stall and stocks required. In addition to this, more finance is required to establish a modern Bookstore that will remain competitive in the Bookstore market. General financial planning The business operates using a store within the town. All le gal formalities of purchasing storehouse will be initiated. The store is worth $ 50,000 which will be finances using two available sources of finance, business mortgage and personal savings. The firm will aim at minimizing the overall debt of finance by taking different loan portfolios and diversified financial investments. The loan will be acquired from local bank based on the interest charged and most preferably, the bank shall offer loan at relatively lower price. In addition to this, measures have to be taken to provide financing for any emergency financial needs of the firm. To this end, regular saving will be made on the firm’s saving account. The main goal of this strategy is to ensure continuity in business operations even under unfavorable market conditions. Special circumstances Prior establishment of the business, considerations have to be made on special circumstances that may occur in day-to-day operation of business. Such circumstances include legal conflict, pr obability of loss due to uncertain events, tax noncompliance dispute and so on (Abrams, 2005, p. 250). To this end, the firm intent to establish various departments under administration to cater for this unforeseen circumstance and financial allocation
BUSINESS STRATEGY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
BUSINESS STRATEGY - Assignment Example Introduction In a general sense, business strategy is regarded as the selection of effective and valuable business ideas, which aids in meeting organisational objectives. Formulation of business strategy is typically considered to be an imperative task for every organisation, whether small or large. It begins with the formulation of innovative business ideas by the concerned persons of various organisations. The responsibility of these concerned people does not end with the formulation of the ideas, but also they need to find out the best ways to implement those ideas and also have a frequent look whether those ideas are working well or not. All these significant aspects have been viewed to provide active support to the business managers of an organisation in making effective decisions towards the accomplishment of organisational targets (Kourdi, 2010). This assignment will analyze two of the decisive models that include ‘Porter’s Five Forces Model’ and ‘Por ter’s Diamond Model’ as a new way of understanding competitive advantage. In this regard, Porter’s Diamond Model is used as the most appropriate basis of measuring the competitiveness at the company level and thus, it is also considered as the model which provides the learning of competitive advantage in accordance with different opinions. ... Both of these models that proposed by Michael Porter are considered to be the effective tools for determining the position of the companies in the international competitive business markets (Porter, 1990). Hence, in this assignment, the study of various elements along with the principles of these models will be carried along with their practical implications within business and economic context. In the last section of the assignment, contemporary examples will be analysed wherein the aforesaid models help to analyse along with understand the relevant business and economic context. 2. Principle and Structural Elements of the Porter’s Model 2.1. Porter’s Five Forces Model 2.1.1. Structural Elements Porter’s Five Forces Model is a strategic insight, which avoids keeping the company’s competitive edge at risk and also ensuring the attainment of greater profit margin on a long term basis. The profit margin of the companies depends on a number of factors that ca n also be regarded as the structural elements of the aforesaid model. These elements have been mentioned below. Threat of New Entrants: It is the prime responsibility of the companies to prevent its competitors from entering into the business markets where they operates. This particular structural element depends on numerous factors such as market size, raw materials, cost of entry and also the cultural barriers (Lima, 2006). Competitive Rivalry: The competition between the companies determines the demand for the market. It is the analysis that performs by the companies to identify their competitors and determining their strengths along with weaknesses (Lima, 2006). Bargaining Power of Buyers: This structural element helps to control the profitability in the market. The companies must be conscious in
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Creating Your Dream Job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Creating Your Dream Job - Essay Example It involves a comprehensive evaluation of an investor’s current and future financial condition by using the current variables to predict future cash flows, value of assets and withdrawal plan. In formulating a business plan, the proprietor must hire the services of tax and financial professionals who enables him to estimate with greater degree of accuracy the financial requirements (Abrams, 2005, p. 248). Financial plan objectively requires before executing a Bookstore small business. This is because a lump sum of capital must be invested to facilitate the establishment and operational needs of finance. It requires a huge amount of capital simply because there are many competing needs such as purchasing of storehouse, the furnishing of stall and stocks required. In addition to this, more finance is required to establish a modern Bookstore that will remain competitive in the Bookstore market. General financial planning The business operates using a store within the town. All le gal formalities of purchasing storehouse will be initiated. The store is worth $ 50,000 which will be finances using two available sources of finance, business mortgage and personal savings. The firm will aim at minimizing the overall debt of finance by taking different loan portfolios and diversified financial investments. The loan will be acquired from local bank based on the interest charged and most preferably, the bank shall offer loan at relatively lower price. In addition to this, measures have to be taken to provide financing for any emergency financial needs of the firm. To this end, regular saving will be made on the firm’s saving account. The main goal of this strategy is to ensure continuity in business operations even under unfavorable market conditions. Special circumstances Prior establishment of the business, considerations have to be made on special circumstances that may occur in day-to-day operation of business. Such circumstances include legal conflict, pr obability of loss due to uncertain events, tax noncompliance dispute and so on (Abrams, 2005, p. 250). To this end, the firm intent to establish various departments under administration to cater for this unforeseen circumstance and financial allocation
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
What's a terpene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What's a terpene - Essay Example Terpene is usually built up from an isoprene which is a type of a hydrocarbon that has five carbon atoms which are attached to the eight hydrogen atoms with the formula C5 H8 (Stewart 258). Terpenes usually occur after a biological formation of a combination of two molecules of acetic acid and mevalonic acid (C6 H12 O4) which is converted to isopentenyl pyrophosphate that latter transforms to isopentenyl compound that leads to occurrence of terpenes and terpenoids (which are oxygenated derivatives of the hydrocarbons that make up the terpene). Terpenes that are considered to be the true ones are those that are grouped according to the number of isoprene units in the molecules which usually includes two units of monoterpenes (C10 H16), six units of triterpenes (C30 H48), three units of sesquiterpene (C15 H24), eight units of tetraterpenes (C40 H64) and four units of diterpenes (C20 H32). Terpenes are used to make turpentine (that comes from the name terpene) which has several monoterpenes, resin (consisting of rosin acid and diterpenes), and even steroids (which are made from conversion of triterpene squalene that is usually obtained in the liver oil of sharks). Since terpene (diterpenes, monoterpenes and even sesquterpenes) is a constituent of the essential oils that are in many plants and animals, it is used to make fragrances used in perfumes and even the natural food additives. Other examples of terpene in its different form other than those mentioned above include vitamin A, hops (used to make some brands of beer), contribute to making of insecticides and recent research by biochemists in Norwich, England discovered that terpene through its bioactive cyclic molecule iridoid is a building block to potential anticancer agents (monoterpene indole alkaloids). Since plants that produce terpenes are aromatic, they are used in cooking. Terpenes are also an important ingredient in making of medicine such as marinol, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and
Monday, October 14, 2019
Compare And Contrast ISIS To The KKK Essay Example for Free
Compare And Contrast ISIS To The KKK Essay How many innocent people have to die? â€Å"After the bombings on ISIS from the USA, they have beheaded two American journalists as a direct result of the bombings. They claim they were â€Å"acting as a direct result of your transgression towards us!†ISIS has also vowed: â€Å"WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL WE QUENCH OUR THIRST FOR YOUR BLOOD.†, Says hub pages articles. The Islamic terrorist group and the Mexican Cartel are similar in some ways, even though they might be from different countries or states, they still have several similarities, such as, both of these groups; kill, and want money. When people think about some of the similarities that the Mexican Cartel and ISIS have in common, you probably think; blood, death, terror, and war. It is well known that the drug trade in Mexico represents one of the biggest industries in that country, accounting for as much as $991 million dollars per year. If- as some have estimated (Chabat as cited by à nderson 2007) drug trafficking is one of the ten most important industries of the country, a serious analysis should be undertaken before dismembering it. â€Å"Sinaloa is and has always been a state where the money comes from drug traffic. Where else can it come from? The fishing and agricultural industries are broken. We cannot even get money from the mineral industry because people do not want to work there anymore. Drug smugglers pay miners ten times more just to take care of drugs ().What are we going to do if there is no other place to get money?†says the writer of an article, Viridiana Rios, from Harvard university. Both groups are menacing, but the ISIS group is far more dangerous, because they are way more violent, and have a direct goal to meet. The Islamic terrorist group ISIS has more difference than they do similarities. The Mexican Cartel assassinates people for their money, and drugs. ISIS assassinates people, just because they do not get what they want, as in, they do not get people to believe in what they do, and they do not get the power that they want. These drug armies have spread their dastardly trade throughout Mexico and into many other countries in Latin America (Mexican Cartel). Isis, on the other hand, still keeps on spreading across Iraq and Syria. This terrorist group lead by a former Bin Laden confidant, said to be working with Yemeni bomb-makers to target U.S . aviation. The Mexican Cartel, however, is led by Hector Beltran Leyva, the leader of the Arturo Beltran Leyva drug cartel. ISIS started off back in 2013, out of a garage of a college dropout known as, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The group ISIS wants to restore caliphate. Caliphate is an Islamic state under the rule of a community of religious scholars guided by a supreme leader, the caliph or khalifah, which is generally taken to mean the successor to the Prophet Muhammad. ISIS wants; territory, money, power, followers, and revenge toward the United States, because ISIS came about from the aftermath of the U.S. going over to Iraq and their leader, himself was a U.S. captive and was imprisoned for several years. What may come to mind, when you think of the two groups are; assassinations of innocent people and children, hostages, and the torture that these people might be going through, without them knowing what is really going on. This world really cannot stand having either one of these groups. Fifty-seven countries have already united to stop this terrorist group called ISIS. The states included are; Russia, Iraq, and the United States. CNN reporters say,†the United Stated is doing what it must take to †take the fight to terrorists,â₠¬ †leading a coalition of Arab nations in a series of airstrikes against the so-called Islamic State of terror group in Syria, U.S. President Barak Obama said Tuesday. The United States really does not want to deal with Syria, so instead of calling this Islamic terrorist group ISIS, they call it ISIL. I really do not understand why they do this, if they can see what is really going on in Iraq with ISIS. What makes this group Islamic is not the fact that they so-call themselves Islam, but the fact that they invented another version of the religion Islam, with a lot of violence and murder. There are so many questionable things going on in our world today. One thing there is without question, terror needs to end. Children who are living in Iraq cannot play outside, because of an Islamic group that is terrorizing the people of that country, and it is really hard to comprehend. When, you turn on the television and see the news flash, â€Å"Islamic terrorist group just assassinated five people in Iraq, during the past week, not one survived†, and a few seconds later, â€Å"Mexican Cartel has assassinated about twenty people during the past yea r and a half†, it makes one question, the war on terror. One thing is certain, our future begins, where terror ends.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Flawed King in Shakespeares Henry V Essay -- Henry IV Henry V Ess
The Flawed King in Shakespeare's Henry V To turn Henry V into a play glorifying war or a play condemning war would be to presume Shakespeare's intentions too much. He does both of these and more in his recount of the historical battle of Agincourt. Although Shakespeare devotes the play to the events leading to war, he simultaneously gives us insight into the political and private life of a king. It is this unity of two distinct areas that has turned the play into a critical no man's land, "acrimoniously contested and periodically disfigured by opposing barrages of intellectual artillery" (Taylor 1). One may believe that Henry is the epitome of kingly glory, a disgrace of royalty, or think that Shakespeare himself disliked Henry and attempted to express his moral distaste subtly to his audience. No matter in which camp one rests, Henry V holds relevance for the modern stage. Despite containing contradictions, Henry is also a symbol as he is one person. This unity of person brings about the victory in the battle of Agi ncourt. The theme of unity transcends any ambiguity found in Henry's character or motives. This theme is evident in many areas of Henry V, but for the sake of this article, the importance of this theme is discussed between play and audience, and within Henry himself. This production of Henry V proposes that these two aspects be emphasized to show how Shakespeare's play has a message for modern theatergoers. The setting and age are left the same, as this adds to the validity of the play. Henry and his army are victorious at the battle of Agincourt. England and France are united, and Henry reigns supreme for the time being. An obstacle to overcome when directing Henry V is that it is affirmative l... ... and ambiguity. Shakespeare uses the ironies found in the play so that we will remember his play's limits. It cannot produce an ideal, nor can we as an audience. Works Cited Beauman, Sally, ed. The Royal Shakespeare Company's Centenary Production of Henry V. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1976. Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998. Iser, Wolfgang. Staging Politics: The Lasting Impact of Shakespeare's Histories. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993. Shakespeare, William. "Henry V." The Norton Shakespeare: Histories. Eds. Stephen Greenblatt, Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, and Katherine Eisaman Maus. London: Norton, 1997. 726-795. Taylor, Gary, ed. Henry V: The Oxford Shakespeare. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982. Traversi, D.A. An Approach to Shakespeare. Vol. 1. New York: Anchor Books, 1969.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
criminal factors Essays -- essays research papers
What makes criminals? Have you ever wondered why some social groups are more prone to crime than others are? Should we conclude that some groups are more prone to crime or that they are just put in a situation that makes them more likely to commit crimes? In spite of the research in the past years there is still no conclusive evidence as to why some people in the same situations choose to commit crimes while the others don’t. There are numerous reasons that offenders resort to crime; Families, gender, economic status, age, and race are all valid explanations said by many theorists as to why certain social groups commit crimes, and why certain groups stay away. Married life is the norm of our society but it can also cause strain and anguish. Along with the anointing of a new life, there also comes new problems. Often times the choice of getting married is the first major decision in a young man or woman’s life, and soon there are more relatives, more bills, conflicting plans, annoying habits that one’s spouse may develop, children, being that fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce, these are things that most couples cannot overcome, society is to the point where for every marriage there is a coinciding divorce. When these new hurdles are not overcome then a broken home is the most common result. When this happens, then the likelihood of a person being driven to crime skyrockets. One starts to think that they are worthless and that they are destined to be lonely forever, once this occurs, crime is their next option. A broken family can generate in different ways, divorce, death, or separation. Marriage is a common but no t the most likely reason that some resort to crime. Someone who usually commits a crime at a young age is often identified as a born criminal, these reckless actions for a helpless and innocent child are passed down as a result of hereditary traits that pass from one generation to the next. It is said that these offending children do not know any better because of their traits, and the enviroment that they are brought up in (Erikson 1964). These children specialize in crime and delinquency just as others may specialize in the classroom or sports. They aren’t able to tell the difference between a deviant act or something productive such as an A in the classroom. â€Å"When we define someone or some group as deviant - we strengthen ... ... On average, inmates are younger than the general population. It is apparent that some social groups are in situations more conducive to crime, because of the environment they live in. Boys and men dominate in crime. Arrest, self report and victimization data all reflects that boys and men perpetrate more conventional and serious crimes than girls and women. It appears that boys and men no longer are "normal subjects" of violence and that as equal rights and feminist groups become stronger and more profound so to do women in crime. In terms of race and crime, crime will continue among minorities until an equilibrium in social class and job ranking is met. The question of economics as a cause of crime finds that people are not forced into crime because they are poor, but because they are not capable of getting the luxuries that they have deemed necessities. They have gone from being in a comfortable, employed state to an unemployed and very difficult state and no longer can live beyond their means. In conclusion, law offenders feel that by becoming criminally active they can elaborate themselves of any social or psychological problem they may have. criminal factors Essays -- essays research papers What makes criminals? Have you ever wondered why some social groups are more prone to crime than others are? Should we conclude that some groups are more prone to crime or that they are just put in a situation that makes them more likely to commit crimes? In spite of the research in the past years there is still no conclusive evidence as to why some people in the same situations choose to commit crimes while the others don’t. There are numerous reasons that offenders resort to crime; Families, gender, economic status, age, and race are all valid explanations said by many theorists as to why certain social groups commit crimes, and why certain groups stay away. Married life is the norm of our society but it can also cause strain and anguish. Along with the anointing of a new life, there also comes new problems. Often times the choice of getting married is the first major decision in a young man or woman’s life, and soon there are more relatives, more bills, conflicting plans, annoying habits that one’s spouse may develop, children, being that fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce, these are things that most couples cannot overcome, society is to the point where for every marriage there is a coinciding divorce. When these new hurdles are not overcome then a broken home is the most common result. When this happens, then the likelihood of a person being driven to crime skyrockets. One starts to think that they are worthless and that they are destined to be lonely forever, once this occurs, crime is their next option. A broken family can generate in different ways, divorce, death, or separation. Marriage is a common but no t the most likely reason that some resort to crime. Someone who usually commits a crime at a young age is often identified as a born criminal, these reckless actions for a helpless and innocent child are passed down as a result of hereditary traits that pass from one generation to the next. It is said that these offending children do not know any better because of their traits, and the enviroment that they are brought up in (Erikson 1964). These children specialize in crime and delinquency just as others may specialize in the classroom or sports. They aren’t able to tell the difference between a deviant act or something productive such as an A in the classroom. â€Å"When we define someone or some group as deviant - we strengthen ... ... On average, inmates are younger than the general population. It is apparent that some social groups are in situations more conducive to crime, because of the environment they live in. Boys and men dominate in crime. Arrest, self report and victimization data all reflects that boys and men perpetrate more conventional and serious crimes than girls and women. It appears that boys and men no longer are "normal subjects" of violence and that as equal rights and feminist groups become stronger and more profound so to do women in crime. In terms of race and crime, crime will continue among minorities until an equilibrium in social class and job ranking is met. The question of economics as a cause of crime finds that people are not forced into crime because they are poor, but because they are not capable of getting the luxuries that they have deemed necessities. They have gone from being in a comfortable, employed state to an unemployed and very difficult state and no longer can live beyond their means. In conclusion, law offenders feel that by becoming criminally active they can elaborate themselves of any social or psychological problem they may have.
Friday, October 11, 2019
How to Achieve Success
A very good morning to our English teacher , Miss Joanne and fellow students . I am very honoured to be given the opportunity to give a speech on â€Å"How to Achieve Success†. What is success ? What do success mean to you ? Does it mean getting straight As in your exam ? Does it mean getting many golds medal in the sport activities ? In my opinion , a successful student is able to achieve a balance in all aspects in life . This include intellectual , physical , emotional and spiritual . As a student , you have to put in a lot of effort and work hard in order to score a good result . Listen attentively when your teachers are teaching in the class . If you are given any homework by your teachers , make sure that you complete your homework . In addition , do not just merely memorise . You just have to remember the facts and points . Study smart by not memorise blindly . Look for the keyword when memories the facts . It is not difficult to memorise . Apart from that , you should be active in sports . You need to release your stress . Sports help us to relax and make our mind free from stress . Other than relaxing , you can learn new skill and meet new friends if you take part in sport activities . You can also build team spirit and leadership qualities . In order to achieve success , we need to have a balance diet which contains all the essential food groups . We need to take enough of protein , vitamins , minerals , carbohydrates and all the important fibre . As a saying goes ,†good health is true wealth†. Exercising is good for your body because it helps us to strongthen our muscles . Regular physical activity will release tension , blood circulation , increase oxygen supply to our brain . So we should exercise at least 10 minutes a day . You can do simple exercise like jogging , cycling and walking . Besides that , we should get at least 8 hours of sleep a day . We must have enough sleep so we will be more alert . Therefore , we will not feel tired or weak . As a conclusion , you need to have a healthy mind and healthy body to achieve success . As a saying goes , â€Å"If there is a will , there is a way†. Thank you very much for your attention .
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Plautus, A Haunted House In the play, â€Å"Plautus, A Haunted House†starts off with a young man, Philolaches, whose his father has been away from town, has been partying and has been wasting his family fortune on his mistress. While the son is in no condition to talk to his father due to being intoxicated, his slave, Tranio comes up with a scheme to deceive the old man from catching his son from partying. Tranio, redefined his role as a trickster in the play and along with all his charisma made this into a countless comedy play.In the final scene of The Haunted House, Plautus demonstrate the identity is destiny by representing the character types and personality and having them maintain their identity while everyone else goes back to status quos. Plautus, start of the play by introducing the characters types and their personality to the audience. He demonstrates how identity is destiny and how it relates to the characters in the play. To define identity is destiny it means t hat each character is given a role, and at the end of the play, the character keeps their identity and remains the same.What this mean is Philolaches plays the irresponsible guy and Tranio plays the smart clever slave. Even though this was their identity in the beginning, at the end of the play their identity didn’t change at all. In the scene where Philolaches had his friend Callidamates come up to his father so that he doesn’t have to face him and beg for his forgiveness. Callidamates said, â€Å" You know well that I'm the very closest friend your son has got. Since he's too ashamed to set a single foot in sight of you, knowing that you know all that's been done, he came and asked my help.Now I beg of you, forgive his youth and folly-he's your son. †This scene shows that even though Philolaches is a spoiled wealthy kid, it shows that his identity will remain the same. He’s always going to be the irresponsible young man who asked Tranio and CALLIDAMATE S to talked to his father because he was scared to get punished by his father. At the end of the scene, Plautus had the characters returned to their status quo. To maintain the status quo is to keep the things the way they presently are.After all the tragedy that happened, at the end of the scene everyone went back to normal. In the beginning of the scene it talks about the identity of the characters and that no matter what the situation was, the character would still maintain their own identity. The phase Identity is destiny and status quos demonstrate that no matter what the character did in the play, their personality and their role will remain the same. Plautus did a great job of defining the characters traits and imputed comedian material to his play.
Judging yourself
This is a strong trial that could go well over either way. Even though the state at this point in time does not have a right-to-die statue I believe it should. A doctor that one is seeking help and care from should have no say how he/she (the patient) should die. By definition a doctor is â€Å"a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian (dictionary. com)†. Nowhere in that description does it explain a person licensed to declare rightful legal euthinization.Being the daughter of a terminal cancer patient is hard enough. I can't imagine having the extra stress of monitoring how your mother or father dies in the hospital bed. Having a state law for the right to die statue could save so many more families from extra heartache. After all it plan and simple is your very own life to live and if one wants to die in a certain way; by golly they should be allowed to. Plan and simple the statue involves, shifting the right-to-die laws from g ranting permission for death to defining hat constitutes causing a premature death.Thereby allowing choosing timely death will require new thinking within the right-to-die movement. But this second approach is likely to be supported by more people who formerly were undecided about the right-to-die. We all want to avoid premature death for ourselves. And we can support new laws that prohibit helping or causing anyone to die too soon. But this still becomes an issue because everyone has different opinions and views on life death and even health treatments.Looking on the court side the law against causing premature death specifies safeguards that might be fulfilled in order to prove that the death was timely rather than premature. And because these sateguards are included in the written law, no Judge can exclude such facts and opinions from any subsequent trial. A great example would be the last trial of Jack Kevorkian was lost because the defense could not offer testimony from the pat ient and the family that death at this time was the best possible alternative.The Judge ruled that all such facts and opinions were irrelevant. The only question was whether Jack Kevorkian gave a lethal injection. â€Å"If Dr. Kevorkian had been charged with causing premature death, he would never have been sent to prison because the death of Thomas Youk†who was dying of ALS†was not premature (Park, Permission)†. The fact that he died a timely death would have been proven by presenting safeguards that were fulfilled in choosing the best time for him to die.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Persuasive argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Persuasive argument - Essay Example Rawls therefore tends to believe that enforcing a universal law within this diverse nature of the society is unworkable and hence raises two main fundamental issues: legitimacy and stability. In his view therefore democracy is based on justice in a liberal society since it promotes and provides for basic human rights that determine justice. In the view of Rawls, the use of unified law is not legitimate in a democratic society and hence it is not practical for a liberal society to work or function correctly while they are unified by one law and when they claim democracy. He also argues that in a democratic system, the political power is always based on the people and hence the legitimate use of the coercive political power is misplaced. The people here are viewed as a collective body. In this perspective we can not that Rawls is putting more emphasis on the will of the people and not on the political representatives in delivering justice. In fact, this argument can be interpreted to mean that the political power is not based on the individuals but on the people as a collective body. Rawls argument is that we cannot deliver justice to the people with just imposing on law to the people. This is because it is not legitimate for the democratic system to put all its citizens to follow just one law since the citizens themselves will always inevitably hold different views. In this perspective it would not function well and hence justice would only be delivered to certain few individuals who hold the same views or close views to the ones imposed by the law. The rest with diverse views would always conflict with the law enforcement agencies and it is not desirable. The issue of stability on the other hand puts the issue of democracy and political power from the receiving end. In this way, an individual would not obey the law if it is imposed on him or her by the individuals or a collective body with different values and beliefs to his or her own. He therefore argues that lack of willingness by the citizens of a particular society to obey the law is the main cause of inst ability in that social order. According to the Rawls’s ‘liberal principle of legitimacy†can only be used in such way that all citizens would be expected to endorse the law. In this regard, the use of political power must therefore fulfill the requirements of the citizens or the criterion that is necessary for reciprocity. The set of laws must be accepted reasonably by the citizens in this perspective, it is important to realize that the power of the people prevails in determine the success of particular law. The societal fundamental arrangements with regard to politics must be universally and freely accepted by the people and no just because they are minor or not informed about such laws. In this way of argument, Rawls believe that the people whom the law has coerced have to accept the law freely. This is important since it serve to address the problems of legitimacy. In this context, Rawls is giving light to his argument. It does not mean that justice delivered to the diverse composition o the society have to capture all the views oif the people. However, the coerced people should freely accept the law even though they are against their conception and not because the laws have been imposed on them. In this way, Rawls explains the first section that the power is based on the citizens. This explains why we cannot deliver justice in a non democratic society since the majority rule would prevail against the minor groups in the society or larger groups. But since
Monday, October 7, 2019
ENG 102 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ENG 102 - Assignment Example People are losing opportunities due to actions that they committed on the web years back. Despite the fact that our image might not be tarnished at the moment, future consequences still await every person who uses the web wrongly. The question that every person should therefore ask themselves is: Just how much are we losing via entering private data on the web? Research has shown that these inconveniences can be curbed by implementing the idea of expiry dates. This is whereby the information entered by the user disappears after a stipulated period of time unless the user specifies otherwise (Rosen, 1). This would be an excellent way to ensure that the web does not keep in store any sensitive or unwanted data. However, in my opinion, it is our responsibility to monitor and regulate the information that we share in the websites because; after all who knows when the machine might decide to refute the instructions given? People should therefore, just understand that they cannot control their reputations via the internet. Every adult or young person should just understand that what the society really cares about is our privacy and our actual personalities. Hence, every person should sit back and just ask; which is the right way to use this over-exciting technology? Rosen, Jeffrey. "The Web Means the End of Forgetting." The New York Times [Ney York] 21 July 2010: 1. Web. 30 Aug. 2012.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Strategic Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Strategic Leadership - Essay Example From the above definition or explanation, real strategic leadership therefore means taking responsibility for the future but not forgetting what is happening today. It involves creativity, planning, and intuition to help reach desired and set goals. This form of leadership contains aspects of direct and organization leadership but the difference leis in the fact that strategic leadership affects more people, commits more resources and has wider-ranging consequences in both space and time. Thus making it of prime importance when it comes to the success of businesses or organizations. The very first is that strategic leadership encourages and promotes feedback. He explains strategically led companies depend on free flow of information and opinion and given the fact that a company is a complex, self-organizing and self-correcting system, any breach in feedback loops will be a threat to the company and this will affect growth. In other words communication, free discussions between all levels within and without the organization is a necessity. This will encourage intergrity, identity and focus. Secondly strategic leadership encourages and promotes loyalty and prevents powers struggle. According to Christensen man is a territorial and hierarchical being. He defines his territory, defends it and esteems it above all. When he finds himself in a context where a common strategy is not defined and communicated to him, he will struggle to protect his personal interests at the expense of the company. Common strategy therefore must be defined and communicated to the entire staff so as to motivate them to perform and fight for the interest of the company against competitors. He goes further to say strategic leadership is important for organizations and businesses because it defines processes and patterns. In the absence of this power struggles, bureaucracy, demotivation and wasted time could result. The tasks and
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Organ Donation in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Organ Donation in USA - Essay Example Advanced countries have managed to create a balance between deceased and living organ donation while developing countries are accused of practices such as transplant tourism and organ commercialization leading to ineffective organ transplant practices. As such, the paper proposes tax policy implementation in order to address the issues facing the organ transplant practice in an effective manner globally. As replacement human kidneys was initialized in more than the past six decades, particularly the introduction of deceased-donation systems in the U.S. the Western model associated with organ donation is heavily linked to unpaid giving. This form of donation takes place due to altruistic reasons. This means that the donor of an organ does not do so to realize material gain. Since organ transplantation has spread to different parts of the world, the unpaid donation model has not followed the different social, medical, and legal settings. Nevertheless, in the past 25 years, professional and intergovernmental organizations have come forth to make organ donation a global ethical norm. Since this practice remains tenuous, the gains made to safeguard the interests of susceptible, desperate organ sellers from exploitation may be lost easily (Capron, 2014). Presently, organ transplantation is carried in more than 100 countries globally, although the rate at which it is carried out varies tremendously. In 2011, for instance, approximately 112,631 organ transplants were reported worldwide, an 11.6 percent from 2008, after the adoption of the Istanbul declaration targeting transplant tourism and organ transplant. Deceased organ replacement grew by more than 5.5 percent annually during this period. As such, World Health Organization (WHO) proposed that the organ transplantation practice should be implemented to its utmost therapeutic potential. Here, living donors are essential, particularly if they are legally,
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