Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay on Role Of America in Human Trafficking - 1363 Words
The trafficking of human beings for slave labor and sexual exploitation is one of the fastest growing global problems. It has been called the dark side of globalization because an enormous upsurge of human enslavement has accompanied a border-free world economy (Miller). Trafficking in persons is a transnational crime that touches people in every nation, and even neighborhoods in this country. The vast reach of human trafficking stunned my own community, when we learned that a 12-year-old Egyptian girl was imprisoned as a domestic slave in the garage of a family home in Irvine, California. Like many victims of trafficking, she was sold by impoverished parents and transported illegally across international borders. While in captivity, she†¦show more content†¦This is difficult because many governments are reluctant to admit the existence or extent of trafficking in their countries. Some have no laws that prohibit trafficking and punish traffickers, or programs to identify, re scue and rehabilitate victims. Others do not enforce existing laws or lack the resources to effectively combat trafficking. The most powerful tool the Foreign Service relies on to convince foreign governments to improve their efforts to end human trafficking is the annual Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report). The TIP Report, released by the State Departments Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP Office), details the extent of human trafficking in each country. It also suggests specific steps to combat trafficking. Countries that have not made sufficient efforts are placed on a Special Watch List, and given a period of time within which to commence action or risk the loss of United States aid (2004 Victims). Following release of the TIP Report, many governments are motivated to call upon FSOs for assistance in creating sustainable anti-trafficking strategies. Direct engagement with government officials allows FSOs in the field to share model legislation or suggest ways to strengthen existing laws. They work closely with host governments to develop culturally sensitive anti-trafficking awareness campaigns and victimShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of The United States Congress1558 Words  | 7 Pages Many think slavery ended in 1865, but slavery has been going on forever. Not just 27 million people live in slavery; it is estimated more than 4.5 million are trapped in forced sexual exploitation globally (â€Å"Sex Trafficking in the U.S†¦.†). In 1850, the height of slavery in the Americas for the production of tobacco and cotton, the United States Census showed 3 million slaves included in the population (DeBow 82). Most know about the 3 million slaves that once existed in the United States, but theRead MoreForced Labor And Human Trafficking1474 Words  | 6 Pagesand human trafficking are some of the forms of slavery in the modern day. 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